User talk:Felix Infelix/WIP/1
The Mistborn class as-is has clearly had a lot of time and effort put into it, and has achieved a faithful representation of a figure from the the books. There are some major issues with the class, however:
- It's dense and confusing, even to someone who's read all the books, and possibly impenetrable if someone hasn't read them. Personally, I'd prefer to downgrade a perfect representation to a very good one, as long as it fit D&D better, and made the class playable by anyone.
- It creates a lot of custom items and has effects that go against the established conventions of the core classes. I think classes should avoid making new gear whenever possible, and effects should likewise should be re-used if possible (rather than making new feature descriptions, just grant the effect of a given spell if they are already very similar).
- The formatting needs major changes to match the conventions of other classes.
Assumptions of the class/project[edit]
- The class as-is assumes a setting where Mistborn are common or at least known. For example, the reason Mistborn do not wear metal is not a prohibition like the Druid's, but a matter of practicality - another Mistborn can affect the metal on their bodies, to their disadvantage. In a setting where there are far fewer Mistborn, a Mistborn might use or wear metal without a problem. These sorts of restrictions should be scrutinized carefully.
- The class also assumes that the gods Ruin and Preservation are present in the campaign setting. This might not be a big problem - it's a little like a Warlock Patron, just more specific - but it is changing something usually left up to the DM.
- Given the difficulty in converting the entire world of Scadrial (the setting of the books) to D&D, I personally would rather have a Mistborn class that worked well in the existing settings, alongside existing classes.
Changes/Reasoning so far[edit]
- skip intro/description for now
- Note: Quick build-Why is Wisdom highest? No particular reason for it book-wise, Constitution might make more sense, or Intelligence if that's too broken.
- Equipment: remove tools - custom item
- renamed "Burning" to "Allomancy", added subsections - biggest change is removal of small and regular vials (1 oz. and 8 oz.) and replacing them with SRD vial (4 oz.) - will need to playtest more once done to see if balanced, but I suspect it'll be less fiddly.
- Metal Sickness - left as-is, but don't understand - one line (originally on Metallurgy) said any leftover metals will poison you, but chart implies 0-10 oz is safe? Also chart doesn't mention poison condition. May need to rebalance.
- changed "Metallurgy". Books imply a few flakes of metal in solution, should not need super-specialized tools to get it assuming character has ingot of metal, etc. Maybe a file or rasp, hence smith's tools. Gave feature Dwarven Stonecunning, but with metal, for flavor.
- Improved Metallurgy - use flask instead of custom large allomancer's vial - it's the same size (16 oz.) and the weight change is probably inconsequential.
Little Input[edit]
My brother and I have been wanting to develop this class/race as well. I've recently thought to approach the class much like a the UA Mystic. Some questions/comments based on previous things: what other items are there besides a mistborn cloak? Which I don't think the cloak is necessary for a mistborn, I've been using Constitution as the primary ability and it fuels the DCs, still working on metal sickness but we are using exhaustion levels vs poison
Good luck though, this is a super intricate project and the balance between novel and game is delicate. BigShotFancyMan (talk) 13:08, 10 August 2018 (MDT)
- Thanks! I appreciate the support, I've only just started my part of the project. Much of the page was taken from Mistborn_(5e_Class), started by Dread Claw. I just don't have the time to change it all at once - as you said, it's a super intricate project - and I didn't want to leave the class broken, so I copied it onto a WIP page. My plan is to make alterations as I have time, then submit them to the existing class once it's ready for "alpha testing". (That said, if you'd like to make any changes here, please feel free!)
- Items: there were more before I changed it - custom metal vials, as opposed to using existing vials and flasks, and Metallurgist's Tools (and the appropriate proficiency). I may end up completely removing the mistcloak as well, or just including its stats as a possible option, I don't think it should be default equipment though - I agree that it's not necessary.
- Glad to hear you've tried Constitution for DCs, you don't think it's too unbalanced? I'll take another look at the Mystic, but from memory that sounds like a good idea.
Thanks again, great to hear from a Mistborn fan. --Felix Infelix (talk) 13:30, 10 August 2018 (MDT)