User Base Classes Strong Psionics

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Members of this group are good choices for characters who want their progress toward higher levels of psionics to be uninterrupted.

Homebrew Strong Spellcasting Base Classes
Name Type1 Description2
Ascendant Strong Psionics Ascendants are those who are at one with the flow of existence and who are capable of seeing it fluctuate and warp in unimaginable ways. One of the trademarks of an ascendant is the fact that they are capable of splitting themselves, creating multiple versions of their physical body, and inhabit them all.
Demonic Seductress Bad Guy, Strong Psionics, Skilled A Demonic Seductress lives a life of corruption and sin, embracing evil fully into their hearts, they make dark pacts with a Demon Lord for power and everlasting beauty. Ultimately over time becoming a powerful Succubus to further corrupt the material plane and serve their dark benefactor's wishes.
Psi Bender Strong manifesting A master of using the mind to bend the physical world.
Soulcrafter Psionic The Soulcrafter class replaces the soulknife class.
  1. A general category the class fits into. e.g. Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused, etc.
  2. A concise description of the class—should advertise the class.