User Base Classes Moderate Psionics

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Members of this group do not get top-notch powers quickly, but they have other abilities to make up for their reduced progress.

Homebrew Strong Spellcasting Base Classes
Name Type1 Description2
Battle Meditant Support, Moderate psionics The battle meditant was inspired by Worror, a Jedi in the Star Wars novel "Darth Bane: Rule of Two". The class uses its main ability, the Psychic Aura, to bolster its comrades.
Beast Mage <-What additional roles this class fits (see bottom; e.g. "Good Guy, Combat-Focused")-> <-Paragraph description of the class->
Psychic Soldier Moderate Psionics A Psychic Soldier can easily give orders and manifest powers, using his psychic skills much differently than a Psychic Warrior. The Psychic Soldier is a much more typical fighter than the Psychic Warrior.
Time Bender Moderate Psionic Time benders, beings with the unorthodox power to alter the flow of eternity. Few time benders survive to master their profession without the help of a fetch: a specially crafted homunculus.
Time Lord Moderate Psionics, Skilled Hailing from the planet Gallifrey, the Time Lords are the ageless, regenerative masters of time and space through use their highly advanced technology. Little is known about them, but their power is certain: each can single-handedly save the universe or destroy it.
  1. A general category the class fits into. e.g. Strong Spellcasting, Combat Focused, etc.
  2. A concise description of the class—should advertise the class.