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Coffin Tree & Pods (Forest of Silence Hazard)[edit]

Coffin Pods hang from the Coffin Tree, a beautiful type of tree with magnificent red, orchid-like blossoms. As beautiful as these blossoms look, they should be avoided at all costs. Each Pod has an AC of 5 and an HP of 5. A Coffin tree typically has a dozen or so pods, and the tree itself has an AC of 20 and an HP of 8d12. The tree itself cannot attack, but the pods will eat small snakes, lizards, insects, and human appendages. A creature must pass a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or be bitten. Their bites only deal 1 piercing damage but can remove a finger or ear if it comes in contact with the pod.

Forest of Silence Tree (Forest of Silence Hazard)[edit]

AC: 15 HP: 26 (3d12+9)

Strength: 18 Constitution: 16

The tree automatically fails dexterity and mental saves.

These plants act as typical trees, though if one attempts to injure it, the tree will retaliate. The tree lashes out at its attacker if it is within 20ft of it. The attacker must pass a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be restrained. While restrained in this way, it starts to suffocate. A suffocating creature can survive for a number of rounds equal to 1 + it's Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can't regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again.

Sunrays (Forest of Silence Hazard)[edit]

Sunrays lay flat on the ground in the Forests, waiting for prey to walk into it. They look almost identical to a patch of sunlight, though the edged corners and berries in the center are an indicator that the sunlight is in fact a sunray. Once a creature steps into the Sunray, it snaps shut within a fraction of a second. A creature must pass a DC 16 Strength check or be restrained and take 2d6 acid damage on each of its turns until it breaks out. Sunrays, like most plants, are weak to fire, necrotic, and slashing. In addition, they are resistant to bludgeoning damage. They have an AC of 16 and an HP of 6d10.

Orchard Plum (5e Hazard)[edit]

Orchard Plums are fruits unique to End Wood. One must consume the bitter and rough exterior skin when consuming the fruit. If the skin is removed and only the innard part is eaten, the creature must pass a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or fall asleep. When bitten into, the fruit lets out an incredibly strong but pleasant aroma. It should be noted that this aroma attracts Orchard Keepers, which are a dangerous species of large birds that eat the victims of the Orchard Plum.

Sweet Plum (5e Item)[edit]

Sweet Plums are fruits found throughout the Painted Plains. Each fruit restores 1 HP and is safe to consume.

Traveler's Herb (5e Item)[edit]

Traveler's Herb is a type of herb that helps one in digestion. It can lift one level of exhaustion or cure paralysis, stun, deafness, blindness, or poison.

Fool's Lawn (5e Hazard)[edit]

These water plants are disguised as grass. Target must successfully pass a DC 15 Nature check or be fooled. When a creature fails by 8 or more, they gain disadvantage on the Dexterity saving throw for quicksand.

Quicksand (5e Hazard)[edit]

A creature must pass a DC 16 Dexterity check to make sure they don't fall in quicksand. In the event they do, they sink 1 foot for every 10ft they attempt to struggle. Quicksand is difficult terrain. Once someone is into quicksand, they must pass a DC 16 Strength check to get out. Alternatively, a creature can make a DC 10 + Size (0 for Tiny, 3 for small, 6 for medium) Athletics check to attempt to pull a creature out. Once a creature has sunk into the sand, they have 1 + Con mods to exit or they begin to suffocate.

Blood Lillies and Fleshbanes (Blood Lilly Island Hazard)[edit]

A creature must pass a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or be charmed and drawn towards the blood lilies. Once the creature reaches the lilies, it must pass a DC 12 Constitution save or be stunned for 1 minute. Fleshbanes creep out and attack the host, all while the victim completely unaware. The creature takes 1d6 piercing damage and continues to take this damage every turn until a spell that removes disease is used on the victim.

Gripper (Diamond Hazard)[edit]

The grippers seem like harmless plants and are incredibly difficult to distinguish from weed A DC 20 Nature check reveals that the plants are grippers. If the creature is aware, they can deftly avoid the plants with a DC 15 Acrobatics check. If a creature touches the plant, it opens into a 10ft radius, and all creatures must make a DC 15 Dex Save or fall into the hole. The plant shuts, and the trapped creatures become restrained and blinded. Each creature takes 2d10 acid damage each turn until they break out.