User:ZarHakkar/Liban's Gauntlet (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Uncommon. (requires attunement)

This gauntlet is practically normal, except that it was infused with two spells Chromatic Orb and Absorb Elements.

When equipped you can absorb attacks of magical origin as a reaction. Damage is reduced by a quarter, and the magic essence is partially absorbed, charging one charge up to the limit of four charges. The Gauntlet can also be charged using an attack of magical origin on it with the intention of charging it. If done there will be no damage (When in battle you must spend a bonus action to charge).

With charges you can do the following actions:
• You can spend one charge to gain resistance to the type of damage previously absorbed for 1d4 + 1 turns.

• You can spend two charges to create an magical energy ray, with a range of 60fts, the type of damage is: The damage previously absorbed or those allowed by the spell Chromatic Orb, giving 2d6 damage of the chosen type and increasing 1d6 with each additional charge, the target must do a dexterity saving throw, if it succeeds, the target is unaffected.

• You can spend one charge point to enhance an melee attack, giving a extra 1d6 of the damage previously absorbed or those allowed by the spell Chromatic Orb. It can increase the damage by 1d6 with each extra charge point spent.

Gauntlet save DC = 8 + your proficiency + dex mod.

When choose to use the Chromatic Orb, you can trigger the following effects when do a magical energy ray or a melee enhancement

• On a melee enhancement, the gauntlet deals acid damage. When you hit a creature it must do a dexterity saving throw, if fail, its AC get temporarily weakened by 1, this effect last for 1d4 + 1.
• When you fire a acid energy ray and hit you deals acid damage immediately and a 2d6 at the end of your next turn, weakening its AC by 1, until its next turn

• On a melee enhancement, the gauntlet deals cold damage and when hit a creature its speed is reduced by 5fts (to a maximum of half its base movement speed), this effect last for 1 minute.
• When you fire a cold energy ray and hit, you deals cold damage and reduce creature speed in 5fts. (to a maximum of half its base movement speed), this effect last for 1 minute.

• On a melee enhancement, the gauntlet deals fire damage. When you hit a creature it must do a dexterity saving throw, if fail, it catches fire and take 1d4 and must do another save throw on it next turn to extinguish and be succeeds on the saving throw
• When you fire a fire energy ray and hit you deals fire damage and a additional 1d6, the creature hit must do a dexterity saving throw, if fail, it catch fire and take 1d6 per start of its turn, your save DC get a +2

• On a melee enhancement, the gauntlet deals lightning damage. When you hit a creature it must do a constitution save throw, if fail, it get paralyzed and must do another save throw on it next turn to resist the paralysis and be succeeds on the saving throw, it has disadvantage if it is wet
• When you fire a lightning energy ray and hit you deals lighting damage, If an creatures within 9ft it must make a constitution save throw, if fail, it take 1d4 lightning damage, it has disadvantage if it is wet

• On a melee enhancement, the gauntlet deals poison damage. When you hit a creature it must do a constitution save throw, if fail, it take 1d6 poison damage on the start of it turn 1d4 + 1 times.
• When you fire a poison energy ray and hit you deals poison damage, and a poison fog appear, each creature in a 10-foot radius sphere centered on that point must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it get disadvantage on the next attack roll, if it stay inside the fog for more than a turn it take a extra 1d6 poison damage on the start of it turn 2 times, if stay inside continue with disadvantage on attack rolls. The poison fog dissipate after 30 seconds

• On a melee enhancement, the gauntlet deals thunder damage. When hit a creature it must do a strength saving throw. If it fails, you can push him 15fts away from you.
• When you fire a thunder energy ray and hit you deals thunder damage, When hit a creature it must do a dexterity saving throw, if it fails, it will fall to the ground.

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