User:ZarHakkar/Assimilitant (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
![]() |
Source One possible variation of the assimilitant, sharing most of their common traits. |
Assimilitants come in many forms, but their most common trend in appearance is of being upright with insectoid and reptilian features, with unique variations being due to the genetic material of creatures that they have assimilated.
Assimilitants were created as biological weapons, grown in vats from the combined genetic material of many species by a secret group of mages and alchemists for a war that never occurred. Whole cadres of them were placed in secret caches, spaced around the land, set to release when a specific signal was sent. However, the signal never arrived, and time and plundering adventurers have taken their toll on the vaults, killing some and allowing others to escape to freedom. Now, most of the freed assimilitants wander the land without a clear purpose, the order that made them long gone. Some of them revert back to a feral state, and are often hunted down by local town adventurers, while others take abroad to new lands filled with a sense of childlike wonder at the world.
An assimilitant is a genetic amalgamation of primarily ooze, insectoid, and reptilian DNA. They lack any internal body structure, save for being filled with a thick green liquid. Their exoskeleton consists of a thin layer of chitinous plating, woven underneath with strands of muscle. The green liquid filling them is a general organ, acting in its base form as a digestive and nervous system, as well as a repository for all genetic information that they have assimilated. This substance is capable of hosting specialized organs and body structures when necessary.
An assimilitant's mind is a strange one, and it is almost entirely unfathomable to any sane observer how assimilitants make their decisions and choices. A select few have some semblance of logical intent, as programming from their creators compels them to prepare for a war that never began by assimilating creatures to become the fittest. Of the remainder, the outliers, most seem capable of interacting with society in a non-destructive way, although they behave bizarrely, choosing to stay silent at most all times and performing actions few can claim to understand.
Social Stucture[edit]
On the rare occasion multiple assimilitants are found grouping together in the wild, they are usually found to have formed hive-like colonies dominated by a primitive military-esque hierarchy. Placed at the top of this hierarchy is the alpha assimilitant, the strongest and fittest in the Hive. Each individual assimilitant in the Hive is assigned a duty based on their capabilities, which they perform diligently.
Although the original assimilitants were created artificially in vats, they do possess natural methods of reproduction.
Assimilitants have two methods of reproduction. The first is an asexual method, similar to the behavior of a starfish, where any seperated part of an assimilitant, if it has sufficient locomotion and sustenance available, can grow into an entire assimilitant.
The second method is a quote-on-quote "sexual" method, but it is really just a natural extension of the first method and how they were originally created. Two or more assimilitants contribute their best genetic material into a literal "pool" on the ground, and give it organic material over time to consume. Eventually, this pool of primordial slime develops into a fully-fledged assimilitant.
Assimilitant Names[edit]
Most assimilitants are intelligent, and thus have named themselves. These names follow no trend, except perhaps that they sound interesting and are often unintuitive to say for other species.
Male: Zygulth, Sik'rete, Kanden, Bohb
Female: Xyit, Kinil, Vahya, In'xi
Assimilitant Traits[edit]
Ability Score Decrease. All of your ability scores decrease by 1. Assimilitants do not possess as strong of a natural capability that most other creatures do, but they make up for it in other ways.
Age. Assimilitants can live theoretically forever, depending on what creatures they consume and how often. They reach maturity at 10 years.
Alignment. Assimilitants tend towards neutrality, but they can be any alignment.
Size. Assimilitants come in many shapes and sizes, but average around 6 feet tall and 180 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base speed is 30 feet.
Chitinous Plating. While you are not wearing armor, you have a natural AC of 11 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Immutable Essence. When you are forced to make a saving throw against a spell or effect that alters your mind or body against your will, such as polymorph, modify memory, or charm person, you may choose for the saving throw to be a Constitution saving throw.
Glycolytic Respiration. While assimilitants breathe air like normal creatures, they have ways to make do in environments devoid of it. While you are holding your breath, you can use a bonus action to expend a hit die, gaining a number of minutes of breath equal to the value of the hit die + your Constitution modifier.
Assimilation. As an action, you can ingest up to 1 pound of organic tissue that belonged to a living creature that died within the previous 24 hours. You then begin the process of assimilating that creature (see the Assimilation & Expression section below). You may do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus before you must finish a long rest to do so again.
Expression. You have 3 Expression Slots which you can fill with Expressed Traits. Once you assimilate a trait, your body mutates and expresses that trait upon finishing a long rest.
Cellular Regeneration. When you expend a use of your Assimilation ability, you can instead choose to gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to a roll of one of your hit dice + your Constitution modifer. If you finish a short or long rest while you possess these temporary hit points, the hit points disappear and you regain hit points equal to their amount.
Languages. You know and can speak one language of your choice.
Subrace. Depending on what genetic material an assimilitant was exposed to during its initial developmental phase, they can take on many different forms.
Hulking Assimilitant[edit]
This subrace is the result of assimilitants that were exposed to the genetic material of a very strong creature, such as a ox, during their initial developmental period.
Ability Score Increase. +2 to Strength, +1 to Constitution or Dexterity.
Advanced Frame. Any Expressed Trait that increases your Strength score past 20 only takes up 1 Expression Slot until it brings it past 24, upon which it takes up only 2 Expression Slots. As long as you are not already under any effect that would reduce your Strength score, any effect that would reduce your Strength score has no effect.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger for the purposes of determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Brawnpower. Your hits land heavily. Whenever you land a melee attack using Strength against a creature, you can use a bonus action to shove that creature, on a success either knocking it prone or pushing it 5 feet away from you.
Stalker Assimilitant[edit]
This subrace is the result of assimilitants that were exposed to the genetic material of a very lean and coordinated creature, such as a snake, during their initial developmental period.
Ability Score Increase. +2 to Dexterity, +1 to Strength or Constitution.
Heightened Receptors. Any Expressed Trait that increases your Dexterity score past 20 only takes up 1 Expression Slot until it brings it past 24, upon which it takes up only 2 Expression Slots. As long as you are not already under any effect that would reduce your Dexterity score, any effect that would reduce your Dexterity score has no effect.
Accelerated Motion. Your base movement speed increases by 5.
Camouflaged Chitin. Choose an environment like arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, Underdark, etc. Your chitin exhibits natural camouflage catering to your choice, giving you advantage on Stealth checks in that environment.
Sturdy Assimilitant[edit]
This subrace is the result of assimilitants that were exposed to the genetic material of a creature renowned for its resilience, such as a cockroach, during their initial developmental period.
Ability Score Increase. +2 to Constitution, +1 to Strength or Dexterity.
Adaptive Biology. Any Expressed Trait that increases your Constitution score past 20 only takes up 1 Expression Slot until it brings it past 24, upon which it takes up only 2 Expression Slots. As long as you are not already under any effect that would reduce your Constitution score, any effect that would reduce your Constitution score has no effect.
Resistant Physiology. You have advantage on saving throws against poison and disease. Additionally, you have resistance to one damage type of your choice.
Uncanny Assimilitant[edit]
Created by the introduction of an very intelligent creature's genetic material, such as an illithid, the already unnerving form and mannerisms of this assimilitant are enhanced to become downright disturbing.
Ability Score Increase. +2 to Intelligence, +1 to Charisma or Wisdom.
Neural Hyper-plasticity. Any Expressed Trait that increases your Intelligence score past 20 only takes up 1 Expression Slot until it brings it past 24, upon which it takes up only 2 Expression Slots. As long as you are not already under any effect that would reduce your Intelligence score, any effect that would reduce your Intelligence score has no effect.
Precognizance. As a bonus action, you can enter a focused state where you concentrate on a specific creature, object, or area you can see. In this focused state, you can predict how the subject of your focus will behave within the next 6 seconds with 95% accuracy. You cannot be surprised by what you are focusing on, and Dexterity saving throws and initiative rolls made against the target have advantage. However, Dexterity saving throws and initiative rolls made in this state against anything other than the target have disadvantage, and all other creatures besides the target have advantage on attack rolls made against you.
Assimilation & Expression[edit]
The ability of an assimilitant to assimilate the traits of other creatures is the most powerful and defining ability of the race.
Idea:PossibleDefinite alternative to current calculations that is more balanced Trait Success DC = 10 + the CR of the creature to be assimilated (rounded down) Trait Failure DC = 10 + the number of Traits you have currently expressed
To begin the process of assimilation, you must introduce the genetic material of an organic creature you want to assimilate into your body, usually through ingestion. The requirements for this are as follows:
- At least one pound of the creature must make it into your body. If the creature itself is under one pound than its entire body will be sufficient.
- The creature must either still be living, be recently deceased, or be preserved in such a way that its genetic material remains intact, such as being frozen.
Note: Harmful effects from ingesting a creature's material only occur if assimilation fails.
After you have introduced the genetic material, you may then go on to the process of constructing a Trait. Some Traits can be directly beneficial, while others are entirely harmful, but most are a mix of both. To begin the process of constructing a Trait, roll a d20, adding you choice of your Constitution or Intelligence modifier to the result. If the resultant number beats a 16, the number known hereafter as your "Trait Success DC", you get to choose a single beneficial property to add to the Trait. Your list of beneficial properties is:
- Pick one physical (Strength, Constitution) or mixed (Dexterity, Charisma) ability score from the creature you've assimilated from. When this Trait is Expressed, you set your corresponding ability score to be that of the creature's. Ability Score Improvements gained from leveling up do not increase this number, only your original ability score. If Expressing this Trait would take one of your ability scores past 20, it instead takes 2 Expression Slots (detailed later). If it takes the ability score past 24, it takes 3 Expression Slots. You may fluff how this property of the Trait reasonably affects your physical appearance.
- Pick one of the creature's unique physical features. When this Trait is Expressed, you now have that feature. If the feature comes with an inherent drawback, you are not required to pick a negative property in the second stage of constructing a Trait. You may fluff how this property of the Trait reasonably affects your physical appearance.
- Pick one of the creature's attacks. Like all assimilated properties, it must be biologically based. When this Trait is Expressed, you gain the biological properties necessary to perform that attack. You may fluff how this property of the Trait reasonably affects your physical appearance.
- Pick one of the creature's physical or mixed skills, such as Athletics or Sleight of Hand. When this Trait is Expressed, you gain that creature's proficiency bonus in that particular skill. If this Trait is Expressed for a long enough time period, perhaps several months, you may add your proficiency bonus instead. Additionally, as usual, you may fluff how this property of the Trait reasonably affects your physical appearance.
- Take note of the creature's maximum hit points. When this Trait is Expressed and if the creature's maximum hit points are higher than your own, you may add up to half of it to your own hit point maximum. You may only have one Trait that performs this effect Expressed at a single time. As usual, you may fluff how this property of the Trait reasonably affects your physical appearance.
- If you desire to assimilate a physical property of the creature that was not covered by any of the above options, then it is recommended you talk with your DM about it.
- If you consumed the brain of the creature, you also get to pick from beneficial mental traits as well:
- Pick one mental (Intelligence, Wisdom) or mixed (Dexterity, Charisma) ability score from the creature you've assimilated from. When this Trait is Expressed, you set your corresponding ability score to be that of the creature's. Ability Score Improvements gained from leveling up do not increase this number, only your original ability score. If Expressing this Trait would take one of your ability scores past 20, it instead takes 2 Expression Slots. If it takes the ability score past 24, it takes 3 Expression Slots. You may fluff how this property of the Trait reasonably affects your mannerisms and personality.
- Pick one of the creature's unique mental features. When this Trait is Expressed, you now have that feature. If the feature comes with an inherent drawback, you are not required to pick a negative property in the second stage of constructing a Trait. You may fluff how this property of the Trait reasonably affects your mannerisms and personality.
- Pick one of the creature's mental or mixed skills, such as History or Intimidation. When this Trait is Expressed, you gain that creature's proficiency bonus in that particular skill. As usual, you may fluff how this property of the Trait reasonably affects your mannerisms and personality.
- If you desire to assimilate a mental property of the creature that was not covered by any of the above options, then it is recommended you talk with your DM about it.
- It is very much possible, at the DM's discretion, that when you assimilate the mental properties of a creature, you may also gain some of their memories.
After you have chosen the positive property of the Trait, it is now time to move on to the second stage of constructing the Trait: the negative property. Begin by rolling a d20, then adding your choice of your Constitution or Intelligence modifier to it. If the result does not beat a DC of 8, hereafter known as your "Trait Failure DC", your currently constructed Trait gains a negative property of the creature. This property may either be decided by the DM, or rolled on a table. There are two tables for rolling the drawback on, Physical and Mental, and which one you use depends on whether the previously decided positive property was physical or mental.
After a negative property is decided upon, the construction of your Trait is rendered complete. It is now subject to immediate Expression.
When a Trait is in effect, it is known as being Expressed. Only a limited number of Traits can be Expressed at once, taking up Expression Slots to do so. Most assimilitants have 3 Expression Slots to fill up with Traits- however, primordial assimilitants have 4. Every Trait, unless stated otherwise, uses up a single Expression Slot.
After a Trait is assimilated, it is subject to immediate Expression. Your body undergoes a massive series of both internal and external changes as it adapts and utilizes the new genetic information. This process is very quick, taking only about a minute to complete. During this period, you are under the effects of a virtual third level of exhaustion as the assimilated Trait fills the empty Expression Slots it requires. If there are no empty slots, then you must replace one of your existing Expressed Traits with the new Trait.
Physical Property Assimilation Failure Table[edit]
d100 | Result |
1-31 | You have assimilated a genetic flaw. Pick a stated detrimental physical or mixed property of the creature, such as the Drow's Sunlight Sensitivity. When this Trait is Expressed, you are affected by that property. Multiple Traits bearing this same negative property cannot be active simultaneously. If there are no stated detrimental properties available, go to 32-65. |
32-65 | You have assimilated an incompatible or inferior gene. Pick the lowest physical or mixed ability score of that creature. When this Trait is Expressed, that ability score replaces your current ability score. If the replacement ability score is higher than your current, you keep your current, but it cannot ever become higher than the replaced ability school while this Trait is Expressed. |
65-70 | Genetic rejection has resulted in atrophy of muscular tissue. You have disadvantage on all Strength checks, saving throws, and attack rolls while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance decreases your Strength score by 1. |
71-76 | Genetic rejection has resulted in a compromised immune system. You have disadvantage on all Constitution checks and saving throws while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance decreases your Constitution score by 1. |
77-82 | Genetic rejection has resulted in structural malformation. You have disadvantage on all Dexterity checks, saving throws and attack rolls while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance decreases your Dexterity score by 1. |
83-88 | Genetic rejection has resulted in a hideous appearance . You have disadvantage on all Charisma checks while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance decreases your Charisma score by 1. |
89-94 | Genetic rejection has resulted in malfunctioning cellular mechanisms. All healing received from nonmagical sources is halved while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance halves healing further. |
95-100 | Genetic rejection has resulted in softening of external plating. While this Trait is Expressed, your AC takes a -1 penalty if you are not wearing armor. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance decreases your AC further by 1. |
Ideas for more: decrease in movement speed whenever you gain exhaustion, you gain one additional level of exhaustion
Mental Property Assimilation Failure Table[edit]
d100 | Result |
1-31 | You have assimilated a mental flaw. Pick a stated detrimental mental or mixed property of the creature, such as a personality flaw, alignment, or mode of thought. When this Trait is Expressed, you are affected by that property. Multiple Traits bearing this same negative property cannot be active simultaneously. If there are no stated detrimental properties available, go to 32-65. |
32-65 | You have assimilated an inferior neural configuration. Pick the lowest mental or mixed ability score of that creature. When this Trait is Expressed, that ability score replaces your current ability score. If the replacement ability score is higher than your current, you keep your current, but it cannot ever become higher than the replaced ability score while this Trait is Expressed. |
65-70 | Failed assimilation has resulted in inefficient synaptic branching. You have disadvantage on all Intelligence checks and saving throws while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance decreases your Intelligence score by 1. |
71-76 | Failed assimilation has resulted in reduced motor skills. You have disadvantage on all Dexterity checks, saving throws, and attack rolls while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance decreases your Dexterity score by 1. |
77-82 | Failed assimilation has resulted in potential psychosis. You have disadvantage on all Wisdom checks and saving throws while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance decreases your Wisdom score by 1. |
83-88 | Failed assimilation has resulted in extremely erratic mannerisms. You have disadvantage on all Charisma checks while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance decreases your Charisma score by 1. |
89-94 | Failed assimilation has resulted in neural degeneration. All EXP gained is halved while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, each instance halves EXP gained further. |
95-100 | Failed assimilation has resulted in the formation of a split personality. Either leave the details of the personality to the DM or roll for it randomly on the tables below. This personality is activated while this Trait is Expressed. If multiple instances of this property are in effect, the separate personalities will compete with each-other for control. |
Example Traits[edit]
Drow's Sight[edit]
- 1 slot
- Benefit: You have darkvision and it has a radius of 120 feet.
- Drawback: You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Perception checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive, is in direct sunlight.
Wrist Scythes[edit]
- 1 slot
- Benefit: A set of bony blades are embedded in your forearms that can be extended or retracted at-will as a bonus action. While extended, these are natural weapons with the finesse property that you can perform unarmed strikes with, dealing slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. While retracted, they are considered to have the hidden property.
- Drawback: Your armor class is reduced by 1 if you are not wearing armor.
- 1 slot
- Benefit: You gain telepathy out to 120 feet.
- Drawback: If your natural Strength score is higher than 11, it is reduced to 11.
Bird Wings[edit]
- 1 slot
- Benefit: You gain a flight speed of 50 feet.
- Drawback: You have disadvantage on all Dexterity checks, saving throws, and attack rolls.
Hill Giant's Strength[edit]
- 2 slots
- Benefit: Your Strength score is set to 21.
- Drawback: If your natural Intelligence score is higher than 5, it is reduced to 5.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5'′ 0"'' | +2d12 | 110 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a assimilitant character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I often do not reply to direct questions, and tend to stare at others. |
2 | The creatures I am surrounded by are as alien to me as I am to them. |
3 | I constantly wonder if it would be possible to consume particular things. |
4 | My silence means agreement. |
5 | I show a minor obsession over the logistics of food. |
6 | I tend to hoard souvenirs from things I've killed, places I've been, and events I've been a part of. |
7 | In my own way, I show clear appreciation for the strength of others. |
8 | I am always ready to learn more about the world. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Selection. The unfit should be pruned from the gene pool of this world, so that the fit may strive. (Evil) |
2 | Guidance. All life needs a guiding limb. (Good) |
3 | Refinement. Through assimilation, I strive to become the fittest. (Any) |
4 | Unity. I exist to become one with all. (Neutral) |
5 | Adversity. From turmoil comes greatness. (Chaotic) |
6 | Order. All creatures have their place in the world. (Lawful) |
d8 | Bond |
1 | I have a duty I must perform for my Hive. |
2 | I have the genetic code of a unique creature present in my lifeblood that must be preserved. |
3 | I am indebted to the one who freed me from my vault. |
4 | I am searching for any trace of the ones who created me. |
5 | I desire to become accepted in society. |
6 | I am searching for a purpose to my existence. |
7 | I want to catch a glimpse of immortality. |
8 | Above all else, there is a specific creature I desire to assimilate. |
d10 | Flaw |
1 | I am bound by my old conditioning, which compels me to fight. |
2 | My mind often gets lost observing the world around me. |
3 | I will accomplish my mission at any cost. |
4 | If I see a creature perform superior to me, I am driven to consume it. |
5 | I refuse to communicate in any way but in orders to those I deem weak. |
6 | I will always attempt to assimilate a trait from a creature, even if it is detrimental to me. |
7 | Tools are for the weak. I use what I am. |
8 | I do not question orders from a being stronger than me. |
9 | I do not comprehend the value of currency. You cannot eat metal. |
10 | I tend to step into danger before others, if only to become stronger. |
Expanded Options[edit]
Variant Subrace: Primordial Assimilitant[edit]
You were not introduced to distinct genetic material during your developmental infancy, and thus have not changed much from the vat of primordial stew you were born in. You resemble an amorphous mass of green jelly studded with dull chitinous spikes.
Ability Score Decrease. All of your ability scores decrease by 1.
Speed. Your base movement speed is 20 feet.
Creature Type. Your type is no longer Humanoid, but Monstrosity and Ooze.
Sensory Differentiation. Your body has no eyes or ears, but your outermost layer functions as a general sensory organ, feeding you basic information about your surroundings. You have blindsight out to 30 feet. However, past that point, you are considered blind and deaf.
Semi-solid Form. Due to the nature of your body, you become unable to wear armor or wield weapons, and you cannot speak. However, you are immune to the prone condition and can fit through a space no smaller than 8 inches without squeezing. This trait replaces the base assimilitant's Chitinous Plating trait.
Dissolve. As you have no mouth, your body has other ways of ingesting material. You can spend a bonus action to secrete a specialized acidic mucus from the semi-solid parts of your body. If a creature ends its turn in physical contact with those parts of your body it takes 1d8 + your Constitution modifier acid damage. Alternatively, you can eject the mucus from your body at a nearby creature as a special attack, dealing 1d6 + your Constitution modifier acid damage. You are proficient with this attack, and it uses your Dexterity modifier and has a range of 15/30 feet.
Improved Assimilation. Your Trait Success DC is lowered to 12, and your Trait Failure DC is lowered to 4. Whenever you roll for Trait Success and Trait Failure, you may choose to gain advantage on those rolls. You regain use of this feature after finishing a long rest.
Improved Expression. You now have 4 Expression Slots which you can use to Express Traits.
Genetic Boon. As an action, you can concentrate and dispel one of your Expressed Traits permanently from your body and DNA, transferring it into a small white pearl. This pearl, when ingested by another creature, grants that creature that Trait for a period of 24 hours. You regain use of this ability after you finish a long rest.
Musings: Issues between this subrace and Human-Centrism and Racial Anatomy brought up in the 5e Race Design Guide. Considering the concept of offering a racial class to address that issue. However, an alternative viewpoint exists that part of this fun of the subrace is obtaining your own anatomical arrangement.
Feat: Alpha Assimilitant[edit]
Prerequisites: 15 or higher Constitution, and you must be an assimilitant
You've fought, clawed, and adapted your way to the top of every chain you've come across. As a result of this, you've evolved into something... superior. When you take this feat, you gain an additional Expression Slot. This feat can be taken multiple times.
Feat: Genetic Librarian[edit]
Prerequisites: 13 or higher Constitution, 15 or higher Intelligence, and you must be an assimilitant
As an extraordinarily-intelligent assimilitant, you have turned your mind's focus inward towards the complex system that is your lifeblood. In doing so, you have figured out how to browse, manipulate, and utilize the many different genetic codes that lie dormant within you. You gain the following benefits:
- During a short rest, you may fill any empty Expression Slots or replace an Expressed Trait with a Trait retrieved from your Genetic Library.
- Upon the completion of the Assimilation of a Trait, instead of being forced to Express it immediately, you can instead place it directly into your Genetic Library.
- If you are able to perform Genetic Boon, instead of the dispelled Trait having to be Expressed, you can draw the Trait directly from your Genetic Library. The Trait is still permanently expunged from your genetic code, however.