Hello! I've been playing D&D in some form or another (mostly 3.5 & 4.0) for roughly 7 years now, and as such I like to consider myself a veteran player. As a character, I usually like to play classes that offer a large array of customization options which usually leads me to being a caster of some variety. As a DM, I encourage the players to take initiative and go as off the rails as they want, but I remind them that every action has consequences. In addition, my campaigns tend to have a bit more realism than many other campaigns as NPCs will act as real people with real motivations.
My design philosophy mostly stems from personal experience of playing D&D. Since to me there already seems to be an abundance of simplistic options, my design usually involves complication of some degree to make it interesting. Now, that isn't to say that my designs have to be complicated, just they usually are. On that note, my current creations are...
Classes: Arcane Deck Channeler
Rituals: Combine Consciousnesses
Should you have any questions, comments, or feedback, feel free to contact me at my email, Tracker4502 at Or, if you're looking for players feel free to drop me a line and we can continue from there. I hope you enjoy, and have a pleasant day.