User:Sledged/4e Stat Blocks

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[Class/Racial/Feat] [Attack or Utility] #
[Class/Racial/Feat] [Attack or Utility] #
[Class/Racial/Feat] [Attack or Utility] #
At-Will/Encounter/Daily ✦ [Keywords]
[Action Type] Action [Range] [Range modifier]
Prerequisite: @Effect
Requirement: @Effect
Special: @Effect
Target: @Target
Attack: [Ability Score] vs. [Defense]
Hit: @Damage expression and/or effect
Miss: @Damage expression and/or effect
Effect: @Effect
Sustain [Action]: @Effect
[Class/Racial/Feat] [Attack or Utility] #
[Class/Racial/Feat] [Attack or Utility] #
[Class/Racial/Feat] [Attack or Utility] #
At-Will/Encounter/Daily ✦ [Keywords]
[Action Type] Action [Range] [Range modifier]
Prerequisite: @Effect
Requirement: @Effect
Special: @Effect
Target: @Target
Attack: [Ability Score] vs. [Defense]
Hit: @Damage expression and/or effect
Miss: @Damage expression and/or effect
Effect: @Effect
Sustain [Action]: @Effect
Level # @Elite/Solo @Role (Leader)
@Size @origin @type (@keywords)
XP #
Initiative +# Senses Perception +#; @other senses
@Aura (@Keyword) aura #; @effect.
HP #; Bloodied #; see also @power reference
AC #; Fortitude #, Reflex #, Will #
Immune @immunity; Resist @resistance; Vulnerable @vulnerability
Saving Throws +#
Speed #, climb (spider climb), fly # (altitude limit #, clumsy flying, clumsy grounded, hover), overland flight #, swim #
Action Points #
m @Melee Basic (standard; at-will) ✦ @Keywords
Reach #; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # damage, and @other.
r @Ranged Basic (standard; at-will) ✦ @Keywords
Ranged #/#; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # damage, and @other.
M @Melee (@action; @usability) ✦ @Keywords
Reach #; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
M @Melee Recharge (@action; recharge 4 5 6 ) ✦ @Keywords
Reach #; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
R @Ranged (@action; @usability) ✦ @Keywords
Ranged #/#; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
R @Ranged Recharge (@action; recharge 4 5 6 ) ✦ @Keywords
Ranged #/#; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
C @Close (@action; @usability) ✦ @Keywords
Close @blast/burst #size; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
C @Close Recharge (@action; recharge 4 5 6 ) ✦ @Keywords
Close @blast/burst #size; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
A @Area (@action; @usability) ✦ @Keywords
Area @burst/wall #size within #range; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
A @Area Recharge (@action; recharge 4 5 6 ) ✦ @Keywords
Area @burst/wall #size within #range; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
@Continuous Effect
@Non-Attack Power (@action, usable only @; @usability)
@No Action, Triggered Effect (when @trigger)
Alignment @Alignment Languages @Languages
Skills @Skillname +#
Str +# (#) Dex +# (#) Wis +# (#)
Con +# (#) Int +# (#) Cha +# (#)
Equipment @equipment
Level # @Elite/Solo @Role (Leader)
@Size @origin @type (@keywords)
XP #
Initiative +# Senses Perception +#; @other senses
@Aura (@Keyword) aura #; @effect.
HP #; Bloodied #; see also @power reference
AC #; Fortitude #, Reflex #, Will #
Immune @immunity; Resist @resistance; Vulnerable @vulnerability
Saving Throws +#
Speed #, climb (spider climb), fly # (altitude limit #, clumsy flying, clumsy grounded, hover), overland flight #, swim #
Action Points #
m @Melee Basic (standard; at-will) ✦ @Keywords
Reach #; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # damage, and @other.
r @Ranged Basic (standard; at-will) ✦ @Keywords
Ranged #/#; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # damage, and @other.
M @Melee (@action; @usability) ✦ @Keywords
Reach #; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
M @Melee Recharge (@action; recharge 4 5 6 ) ✦ @Keywords
Reach #; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
R @Ranged (@action; @usability) ✦ @Keywords
Ranged #/#; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
R @Ranged Recharge (@action; recharge 4 5 6 ) ✦ @Keywords
Ranged #/#; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
C @Close (@action; @usability) ✦ @Keywords
Close @blast/burst #size; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
C @Close Recharge (@action; recharge 4 5 6 ) ✦ @Keywords
Close @blast/burst #size; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
A @Area (@action; @usability) ✦ @Keywords
Area @burst/wall #size within #range; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
A @Area Recharge (@action; recharge 4 5 6 ) ✦ @Keywords
Area @burst/wall #size within #range; +# vs. @Def; #d# + # @type damage, and @other.
@Continuous Effect
@Non-Attack Power (@action, usable only @; @usability)
@No Action, Triggered Effect (when @trigger)
Alignment @Alignment Languages @Languages
Skills @Skillname +#
Str +# (#) Dex +# (#) Wis +# (#)
Con +# (#) Int +# (#) Cha +# (#)
Equipment @equipment