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hello this is my sandbox where i will create

Trading Card Conclave (5e Subclass)[edit]

Trading Card Conclave[edit]

Ranger Conclave You really like cards.


Starting at 3rd level, you gain access to the world of trading cards, through your deck of a magical cards. Your deck is represented by a number of d6 card dice, as well as a list of cards that it contains. You start out with a deck of 6 cards and 6 card dice, differing according to your Favored Foe and Favored Terrain (see table below) and you can only own each copy of a card once. When you draw a card, you roll one of your card dice. The result of the roll represents a card in your deck, which is added to your hand. Your maximum hand size, that is, the maximum amount of cards you can hold, is equal to your Proficiency Bonus. Playing a card takes one action, unless specified otherwise. When you play a card, you execute its effect and expend one card die. In combat, when you roll initiative, you draw a full new hand of cards, or less if you don't have enough card dice left. On your turn, you can use an action to shuffle your hand back in the deck and draw a new hand. If at the start of your turn you have no cards in hand and you have card dice remaining, you may use a free action to draw a new hand.

Heart of the cards[edit]

At 7th level, your attunement with the cards has gotten a lot stronger. Your deck size is now 8 and your card dice are d8. You can expend a spell slot as a bonus action on your turn to replenish a card die and draw a card, ignoring maximum hand size.