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Balrogs usually inhabit large and extremely deep caves, and are usually only awakened after somebody goes mining too deep (usually dwarves) and are very old and very powerful.

Physical Description[edit]

The Balrogs generally had the form of menacing beings roughly humanoid in shape, at least twice the height of Men or Elves, and seemed to consist of or be surrounded by smoke and flame.[14] The Balrogs encapsulated or projected power and terror before them, perhaps meant to be a mockery of the majesty that the Valar radiate. Additionally, Tolkien refers to the Balrogs having hearts of fire, tongues like red stabbing blades, yellow eyes that glowed like furnaces, and long arms tipped with steel claws. They had hair described as streaming manes, which could be kindled to cause a blaze behind it.



Balrogs usually live a solitary life

Balrog Names[edit]

Balrog Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 6 and your Constitution score increases by 4. As normal, you can't increase the ability scores above 20 using this feature.
Age. Balrogs have never been able to be dated, but they are usually over 10000 years old and have no foreseeable death due to age
Alignment. Balrogs usually are chaotic evil, but sometimes are neutral evil, or even rarer lawful evil.
Size. Balrogs usually stand between 16 and 32 feet, your size is huge.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 45 feet.
Devil Sight. You have 120 feet of devil sight
Deep Dweller. You naturally have an affinity for deep areas, you always know how far away the surface is.
Fire Nature. Your weapons are made of fire, and thus are unable to be wielded by anyone else, and deal additional fire damage equal to your level. Upon being hit with an attack the target gains the burn status for one turn. Your fire is Hellfire, burning through anything.
Roar and Imposing Presence. You roar with all your might, the enemy makes a DC 20 charisma saving throw, on a failed save they become frightened of you, on a sucessful save they are immune to this roar for 24 hours. Upon seeing you all beings must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be frightened of you.
Demonic Giant Elemental Construct. Your creature types are Fiend, Giant, Elemental, and Construct. As such you are immune to being frightened or charmed, immune to fatigue due to physical activity, and are immune to the effects of extreme climate and weather. You are also immune to fire and poison damage, are immune to being poisoned, and heal from necrotic damage, any excess healing from this feature is turned into temporary hit points. You also double you strength and constitution modifiers on checks and saving throws
Magic Nature and Dark Aura. Your attacks gain the magical property for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities. To those with blindsight you have an ominous dark aura around you. To those without blindsight, they get an excessively ominous feeling when you're around.
Older than the Elves. You gain proficiency with History checks, have advantage on history checks, and add triple your proficiency bonus to history checks. You also add quadruple your constitution modifier when calculating maximum hit points.
Nonliving and Tungsten Skinned. You do not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. You also have and Unarmored AC of 10 + Strength + Dexterity + Constitution
Steel Claws. Your claws are made of steel, and you gain an unarmed strike that deals 3d8 + strength modifier slashing damage.
Great Leaps and Flight. When calculating jumping distance, you triple your strength modifier. You have wings that give you a flight speed equal to your walking speed.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and five other languages of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

14′ 0'' +3d6*12 inches 31000 lb. × (20d20*height mod) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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