User:Quincy/Deleted Feats General

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These aren't really deserving of their own individual pages IMO.

Advanced Unarmored Defense

Prerequisites: Mechanoid Race
If you already have the trait unarmored defense or are not holding any shields, your AC is equal to 5 plus your Constitution modifier plus (Your level x 2) (up to the 5th Level). You cannot wear any armor. This trait does not stack with any other class features that increase AC.

Aimless Shooter

For every range you make, including spells and thrown weapon, you can choose one of the following options before the attack was taken effect.

1. -2 on attack rolls, +2 on damage rolls

2. -5 on attack rolls, +6 on damage rolls

3. -10 on attack rolls, +12 on damage rolls

4. -15 on attack rolls, +19 on damage rolls

5. -20 on attack rolls, +27 on damage rolls

All and Nothing

you have learned how to do something effectively at the cost of neglecting some other skill to the point of incompetence. you get double your proficiency bonus in one skill, tool, or instrument but you have to pick another skill, tool, or instrument and whenever you have to use the chosen skill, tool, or instrument you automatically fail

Arcane Materialization

Prerequisites: Charisma, Wisdom, or Intelligence 13 or higher
You have attained the ability to create materials out of thin air, even if for only a brief period of time.

Choose a single material spell component to master, and upon casting any spell which uses that material, you create a brief magical analog which appears as the mastered material to cast your spell. You may ignore this single spell component in spell material descriptions.

The material lasts only for a few seconds before it vanishes in sparks of light and may not be used in crafting. You may not master more than one spell material, and cannot change which material you master after taking this feat.


Prerequisites: Dexterity 16 or Higher
You Mastered the arts of assassins. You know how to kill and remain hidden.

  • Your Dexterity increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you are hidden and behind an enemy, as an action, you can prepare a strike. You make a Stealth Check, if you fail you do not get the benefits. If you succeed, on your next, you get advantage on the attack and the damage roll(Meaning you roll all damage die twice and take the higher roll), you also get +2 extra damage.
  • If you kill the target on the attack, you can make another Stealth check with disadvantage, if you succeed you can make an additional attack this attack has advantage.


Prerequisites: Intelligence or Wisdom score of 16 or higher and a score of 13 or higher in the other
Your intellect and experience has allowed you to attune to more objects without being mentally encumbered.

Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1. (max 20)

You may now attune to an additional magic item. You must still meet the item's requirements.

Automaton Crafter

Prerequisites: Proficiency in Smith's Tools or Mechanist's tools
You have learned how to craft mechanical versions of living creatures.

  • You may craft an Automaton of a creature with a CR equal to or less than your character level.
  • These creatures cost 100gp x the creatures CR plus an extra 100gp for each size category above small.
  • The crafted Automaton has all the ability scores, senses, actions, and hit points of the copied creature.
  • You may complete this work in 100gp increments of 8 hours a day.
  • In addition you may hire non-magical workers for 10gp per day to assist you in building an Automaton. These workers complete 50 gp of work a day. For example if you and 2 workers are building a 600gp Automaton, it would take 2 days instead of 6 if you worked alone.
  • These automatons understand your spoken commands. You may take a bonus action to command it to take one of its actions, or your reaction for it to take a ledgendary action, if applicable. It follows you and will protect you without command.

Barbaric Critical

Prerequisites: Barbarian at least level 10
When attacking with a melee weapon while raging, you get a critical hit at a score of 18,19 and 20

Bardic Harem

Prerequisites: Bard
Your Charisma increases by 1 to a max of 20.

While in town's and city's your charismatic nature never leaves you short of company.

You can have a number of followers who idolize you of up to half of your charisma modifier rounded down (min 1).

Note:These followers will not spend their money on you or give you any of their belongings.

Basic Training

You have gone through basic combat training and gained the following benefits:

  • Your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.
  • You gain proficiency in either the Athletics or Acrobatics skills.
  • You gain proficiency in four simple or martial weapons of your choice.
  • You learn one fighting style from the list of styles available to fighters.

This feat can only be taken once.


Prerequisites: Constitution of 13 or higher
This feat makes you just that much more tanky.

  • Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • As an action, you can add your Constitution modifier to one of three things: gain temporary hit points, the damage of your next attack, or the attack roll of your next attack. You must finish a long rest to use this feat again.


Prerequisites: Level 4 Character
You have become blessed by an ambiguous god or goddess, you gain the following benefit.

  • You gain 1 Epic Boon of your choice.

This feat can only be chosen by a character once.


You have trained with master bakers for weeks on end to master the art of baking bread. You have advantage on ability checks that involve preparing bread based food, and you add your proficiency bonus to ability checks that involve baking or identifying bread. In addition you have advantage on all attack rolls against ducks

Combat Mastery

Prerequisites: Str 16 Dex 14 lv 10
You trained hard and fought many battles and then you got the following benefits:

  • You increase the damage level of your weapon, example: your long sword deal 1d10 with one hand instead of 1d8.
  • Your melee weapons have the heavy proprety
  • You gain one more damage dice while using a heavy weapon with both hands, a longsword with two hands deal 2d12 instead of 1d12.

Conservative Combatant

Prerequisites: Dexterity of 13 or more
You can conserve your movement to do something more constructive. You gain the following benefits:

  • Instead of moving normally, you may instead use that action to make an attack for every 30ft of movement you have.
  • You gain additional 10ft movement.


Prerequisites: Con, Wis and Int of 15
This feat allows the copying of 1 feat or spell the user has seen in action per long rest, class feats included. Prerequisites are not required (unless said feat requires Ki, the ability to cast one spell or a certain ability score minimum). This feat can be taken again, a maximum of 3 time, to increase the amount of times the feat can be used. If the character chooses to use a spell, expend necessary spell slot. If character doesn't have the correct spell slot, they take 1d4 damage per level of spell.

Ultimate Crippling Striker

Prerequisites: 15 in Strength or Dexterity.
Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Target Arm

Creature makes a strength saving throw (DC 8+your Strength modifier or dexterity modifier+your proficiency), on a failed save they drop a held item. If both arms are disabled, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and it cannot add its Strength modifier to attack or damage rolls.

Target Leg

It makes a dexterity saving throw (DC 8+your Strength modifier or dexterity modifier+your proficiency), on a fail their speed is reduced by half. If both legs are disabled it falls Prone.

Target Head

It makes a constitution saving throw (DC 8+your Strength modifier or dexterity modifier+your proficiency), if it fails it is Stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Target Torso

It makes a constitution saving throw (DC 8+your Strength modifier or dexterity modifier+your proficiency), on a fail it has disadvantage on Strength and Constitution checks, saving throws.

Critical Denied

Prerequisites: Constitution 17 or higher, Charisma 15 or higher
Whenever a creature make an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw against you, you ignore the natural 20 of the roll. As a result, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

Additionally, when a creature you can see rolls a natural 20 on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can make that d20 roll as 1. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

Critical Impact

Prerequisites: Fighter 11+, Improved Critical, Strength 17+, At least one Martial Handheld weapon you have proficiency with
Your critical hits are more powerful. All Martial Handheld weapons you have proficiency with using deal three times as much damage on a critical hit. Also When you land a critical hit with the weapon the target from the attack must succeed in a Disadvantaged Strength saving throw with DC equal to the attack bonus of the weapon + Your Proficiency Bonus. When they fail they take twice an additional d8 damage from the weapon, and are bleeding from the place you hit them. While they blead they must succeed in a Constitution Saving throw at the start of their turn DC is 15. If they succeed the bleeding stops, but if they fail they take 3d8 Poison damage from an infection. If they critically failed the infection persists after the bleeding is stopped and they continue to make saving throws and take poison damage. Certain Kinds of Characters ignore this part of the feat. The DM determines if this is the case and which species ignore this.

Critical Mastery

Prerequisites: 10th level
When you score a critical hit with any melee or ranged attack by either a weapon or spell that requires you to roll a d20, you roll twice the amount of dice the damage roll would normally have you roll, then double it. Your attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. At 15th level, or if they already score a critical hit on a 19-20 before taking this feat, this increase to 18-20 and, at level 20, or if your attacks already score a critical hit on an 18-20 before taking this feat, this increases to 17-20.

Crusader's Might

Prerequisites: Strength 14
Your immense strength and might in combat has allowed you to gain the following benefits:

- You may use shields while wielding a heavy weapon in one hand.

- Your STR increases by 1.

- Your DEX decreases by 1 while wielding a heavy weapon in one hand.

Destruction Master

You have mastered the art of causing the most damage with everything you do. When you choose this feat pick either melee, range, or spell.

An amount of times equal to that attacks ability modifier per long rest you may choose to cause max damage instead of rolling. You may only use this feature once per turn.

You may choose this feat multiple times but you must choose a different option each time.

Draconic Strike

Prerequisites: Fighter and/or Paladin 10+, Strength 18+, Magical Weapon you have proficiency with, Choose any Damage type from Fire, Lightning, Cold, Poison, or Acid, You cannot gain this Feat more than once
Your attacks are so powerful, they have the force of a dragon. When you attack with any Magical Weapon you have proficiency with, you can add 2d8 of the damage type you chose. If you do not and you hit you can double the other damage you deal.


Prerequisites: Have been reduced to 0 hp by a Drider. Creatures with this feat do not count as a Drider for this.
Whenever you acquire this feat you gain a corruption score of 0. You gain various abilities based off of your current corruption.

You may preform any of the following to increase corruption by 1 up to a maximum of 5;

Finish off a dying humanoid creature by Biting into it.

Reduce a humanoid to 0 hp.

Preform a Long Rest in a nest.

Preform a Long Rest where 1 or more goblins are tending to you.

When you preform any of the following, reduce corruption by 1 down to a minimum of 0;

Not preform any action that would gain you corruptions for 1 week.

End your turn within 5 feet of a dying humanoid that you have not attacked this turn. This effect does not occur if you have meet a requirement to gain a corruption point this turn.

Take any movement away from a dying humanoid within 5 feet.

Preform a Long Rest 12 miles away from your nest

The following abilities are gained as you gain corruption. If you have more corruption points than a listed ability, you gain that ability;

0 Points

Your teeth are slightly sharper than most.

Bite: Preform a melee bite attack that deals 1d4+Str or Dex+ Corruption points of piercing damage. This may use either Dex or Str to hit. When bite kills a humanoid, you may roll HD up to your corruption, if you do gain half that as health.

Nest: By arranging 1,000 gp worth of various metallic objects, you may create a nest. Creating the nest takes 1 hour and it’s space is four squares. As long as you have more than 0 hp, below maximum hp and stand in your nest for 1 minute, you gain 1 hp.

1 Point

Your skin is noticeably paler.

Telepathy: You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 10 feet of you per point of corruption. You don’t need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.

2 Points

Small hairs form over your hands and feet.

Spider Climb: You may climb along walls with a speed of 5 feet per point of corruption.

3 Points

Four long legs protrude from your back.

Kick: Preform a melee kick attack that deals 1d4+Str or Dex+ Corruption points of bludgeoning damage. This may use either Dex or Str to hit. When taking the attack action, you may use both Bite and Kick.

Leap: As a bonus action you may make a DC 15 – Corruption, Athletics check, if you succeed you jump to a space within 15 feet that has no obstacles between you and the target.

4 Points

Skin covers your nose and eyes.

Blind Sight: You are unable to see or smell, your hearing and sense of touch heighten however. You gain Blind Sight 30 feet. Increase this range to 60 feet if you have 5 points of corruption. You are Blind past this range.

5 Points

You now have a total of 8 legs and may briefly enlarge your body to fully resemble that of a Drider. Your transformation is complete, for now.

Quick: If you take no actions other than move actions this turn, increase your land and Climb speed by 15 feet.

Legs: When falling from 30 feet or less, you take no fall damage and are not knocked prone. You may leap up to 20 feet high without a check.

Enlarge: You may cast Enlarge/Reduce on yourself once per short rest. You must use enlarge.

Enhanced Focus

Prerequisites: Wisdom 13+
When you make an advantaged saving throw, skill check, or attack roll, roll 2d20 instead and use the total as your roll rather than choosing the highest. The roll is considered a critical success if either roll is considered a critical success, but considered a critical failure only if both rolls are considred a critical failure. Once between long rests you may use this effect: The next time a character would attack you, make a Dexterity saving throw DC is 15. If you succeed the attack missess you otherwise the attack hits as normal. If the attack is a critical hit, you make the Dexterity saving throw as normal but the attack does not miss even if you succeed. You can also use a free action to ready something, rather than using your turns action but can only gain this effect of the feat once per round.

Essence Poisoner

Prerequisites: Poison Crafter
Your mastery over poisons has enable to you create ones that strike at the existance of a creature. During a long rest you can craft a poison that deals damage to one ability score of your choice. You craft a number of doses equal to your Intelligence modifier that deal xd6 points of damage where x is your proficiency modifier -1 with Consititution Save DC of 8 + your proficiency with Poisoner's Kit + your Intelligence modifier for half.

Face Kicker

Prerequisites: Unarmed damage die of 1d6 or more
The hours of practicing your martial art form has lead you to to be more effective at using your legs as precise instruments of war. You gain the following benefits:

  • Before you make an unarmed attack, you can declare that you will be using your leg. While you are using your leg, your damage die is reduced by one size (e.g. a d8 becomes d6, a d6 becomes a d4)
  • When you inflict damage from an unarmed attack while you are using your leg, you can choose what type of damage it becomes from either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.
  • If you roll a critical hit against a creature with an unarmed attack while you are using your leg, you can choose to force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your attack modifier (Strength or Dexterity) + your proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the creature is stunned until the end of its next turn. Constructs and undeads automatically succeed against the saving throw, as well creatures that does not have a head.

Fighting War Magic

Prerequisites: Fighter, Intelegence 13+, At least 5 weeks of training with a Wizard, Eldritch Knight, or other Spell Casting Class of at least your level for at least 4 Hours a day
Training with a Character Capable of using magic has given you the ability to mimic some of there basic spells. You can cast 2 Cantrips that the character you have been training with can cast, as well as 3/4's of your total level in spells slots but no spell levels equal to or hgiehr than half your level. Then you can learn in any level you have spells for, any spells that the character you trained with knows. If you can attack multiple times in a round, you can use any spell as an attack without using all your attacks. However your spells are not as powerful as normal. Being a fighter mainly your spells will be cast with disadvantage.


Prerequisites: Have been reduced to 0 hp by magic fire native to a plane that is not the material plane.
Whenever you acquire this feat you gain a corruption score of 0. You gain various abilities based off of your current corruption.

You may preform any of the following to increase corruption by 1 up to a maximum of 5;

Destroy an item of medium size or larger using fire damage.

Kill a creature with fire damage.

Preform a long rest within a non-magical fire

Burn consume a flammable liquid such as oil.

When you preform any of the following, reduce corruption by 1 down to a minimum of 0;

End your turn while water at least half your size occupies your space.

Not gain a corruption point for 24 hours.

Spend 1 minute in rain.

Becoming completely submerged in water reduces corruption by 2, and another 2 for each round you end your turn submerged. This does not stack with the above loss condition.

The following abilities are gained as you gain corruption. If you have more corruption points than a listed ability, you gain that ability;

0 Points

Your eyes shift to red.

Ignore non-magical fire damage. Reduce magical fire damage by your corruption.

You may cause an unattended flammable object within 10 feet per corruption point of you to catch fire as a standard action. This fire is considered non-magical and original area covers no more than 1 square foot. The fire acts and spreads as normal.

1 Point

Your hair becomes red

You may cast control flames at will.

The range of control flames are increased by 5 feet per corruption. You may ignore the components for it at 3 corruption.

2 Points

Your eyes constantly show the image of whatever you are looking at burning.

Through the Flames: When touching a fire, you may use a bonus action to teleport up to 50 feet per corruption to another point the flames touch. At 5 corruption flames may be 20 feet apart and be considered touching.

3 Points

Your hair whips around like that of flames. When you take a deep breath a small flame emits from your mouth of nostrils.

Fire Breath: By taking 10 necrotic damage - 1 per corruption, you may breath out a 10 foot line of flame per corruption point. Creatures within this line take 1d4 fire damage per corruption point, they may make a Dexterity save for half damage.

4 Points

Your eyes are constantly engulfed in flame. You skin is tinted red.

Flame Sight: You may use an action to find the location of all sources of fire within 100 feet per corruption point. You may then become blind and deaf, but see all things touched by the light of a fire you choose. This lasts until you choose to end this as a bonus action, or the fire is extinguished.

Smoke and Ashes: You may use the spell Pyrotechnics at will. Each time after the first you use this before completing a short or long rest you take 10 necrotic damage -corruption.

5 Points

Your form constantly flickers and you slightly crackle.

One With Fire: When casting a spell that deals fire damage that is not a cantrip, you may teleport to within 5 feet of the target. If the spell is an area of effect you may teleport to any location within that area. You then take 5 necrotic damage. This may not teleport you more than 100 feet.

Burn baby Burn: Fire damage you deal counts as if it had the siege effect.

Fire Striker

Prerequisites: The ability to cast a spell that deals fire damage.
*As a bonus action, you can cause your hands to ignite, lighting them on fire. This fire does not cause damage to you or any of your clothing. While your hands are on fire, your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d4 fire damage. You can deactivate this as a bonus action or when your hands are submerged in water.

  • On a critical hit the creature you hit catches on fire. While it's on fire it takes 1d4 fire damage at the end of it's turn, the creature can put the fire out by using a bonus action to pour water on itself(if it can touch water) or by using an action to attempt to pat it out by making a (DC 15) Strength saving throw.


Prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher, or Wisdom or Charisma 16 of higher
Whether you were born with the ability to fly or were granted it later in life, you are able to take to the skies while most people must keep their feet on the ground. With your DM’s approval, work to come up with a suitable backstory and choose whether your character has been gifted with bat or bird wings, pixie or dragonfly wings, or the ability to magically fly without wings.

Bat or Bird Wings:

  • If you weigh 200 pounds or less, including any clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment you’re carrying, your wings are big enough that you must be occupying a space at least 10 by 10 feet in order to use any of these abilities. If you weigh more than 200 pounds, including any clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment you’re carrying, your wings are big enough that you must be occupying a space at least 15 by 15 feet in order to use any of these abilities. If an enemy scores a critical hit against you, your wings are damaged and you cannot use any of your flying abilities until you are fully healed.
  • Glide: You must have a Dexterity of at least 13.
  • Feather Fall: You must have a Strength or Dexterity of at least 13.
  • Jump: You must have a Strength and Dexterity of at least 13.
  • Hover: You must have a Strength of at least 16.
  • Fly: You must have a Dexterity of at least 13 and a Strength of at least 16.

Pixie or Dragonfly Wings:

  • You must weigh less than 150 pounds, including any clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment you’re carrying, in order to use any of these abilities. If an enemy scores a critical hit against you, your wings are damaged and you cannot use any of your flying abilities until you are fully healed.
  • Feather Fall: You must have a Strength of at least 13.
  • Jump: You must have a Strength and Dexterity of at least 13.
  • Hover: You must have a Strength of at least 16.
  • Fly: You must have a Dexterity of at least 13 and a strength of at least 16.

No Wings:

  • À la Peter Pan, you are able to magically fly through sheer force of will. Any magic-negating effects such as dispel magic or an antimagic field cause your flying abilities to fail.
  • Feather Fall and Jump: You must have a Wisdom or Charisma of at least 16.
  • Hover and Fly: You must have a combined Wisdom and Charisma of at least 28.

Ability Descriptions:

  • Glide: You may glide for 30 feet when you jump up or start your move at 10 feet in the air, and can glide an extra 10 feet for every additional 10 feet you are off the ground.
  • Feather Fall: You can slow your descent to a rate of 60 feet per round, taking no falling damage and landing on your feet if you wish.
  • Jump: Your jump distance is tripled.
  • Long Jump: When you make a long jump, you cover a number of feet up to triple your Strength score if you move at least ten feet on foot immediately before the jump. When you make a standing jump, you can leap only half that distance. At the DM’s discretion, you may have to succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to clear a low obstacle no taller than a quarter of the jump’s distance, or you hit it. If you have feather fall, you may land on your feet, otherwise you must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to land on your feet when you land in difficult terrain.
  • High Jump: When you make a high jump, you leap into the air a number of feet equal to 9 + three times your strength modifier if you move at least 10 feet on foot immediately before the jump. When you make a standing high jump, you can jump only half that distance. At your DM’s discretion, you may be allowed to make a Strength (Athletics) check to jump higher than you normally would.
  • Hover: When flying, you can halt your motion and hover in place as a move action. If you begin your turn hovering, you can hover in place for the turn and take a full-round action.
  • Flying: Your flying speed is equal to your walking speed. Creatures without the ability to hover must keep moving while flying or fall.


Prerequisites: Must be level 10+, have 13+ in wisdom and in your class's stat (Fighter is Strength, Rouge is Dexterity ect.) If Your class's stat is Wisdom you must have 15+ in Wisdom
Immune to Fear, Cannot be disadvantaged in Skill checks in which you are proficient, if you have advantage in any d20 roll for attacking, saving throws, or skill checks and roll 11 or greater on first roll you automaticly succeed. Effects or Charisma Based Skill checks cannot deter you from any task, Spellcasting classes do not lose focus on a spell because of damage. You can also focus on 2 or more things at once, and keep concentration on all, though a disadvantaged Wisdom saving throw must be made each of your turns you start focusing on 3 or more spells (DC is 15 and increases by 5 beyond the thrid spell for each). Yiou cannot focus on 6 spells at once for more than a round and 7 or more for more than a turn. If you end your turn focused on 7 or more things they all break. If you start your turn focused on 6 or more spells or fail your saving throw they all break. You can also spend an action to carefuly release a spell harmlessly if you have 4+ or use a free bonus action to release one if you have 3 or less. Your Conecntration cannot break even if you are distracted (this helps rouges attempting to disarm traps while others are fighting off rather deadly enemies) Some spells still fade if you are attacked as a part of that spel however.

Forceful Guard

Prerequisites: Improved Guard, Dexterity 17+. Warior, Champion, Defensive style, Level 10+, At least one Martial Handheld weapon.
Your guards are now more powerful than ever. After you succeed with Guarding you can take an additional part of the guard reaction to make an attack with the same weapon that you guarded with against the attacking character. If the attack hits the target they get disadvantage in the next attack they make against you.


Prerequisites: Strength of 18 or higher
*Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 30.

  • You are now of the Large size, if you already were you a now one size larger. You gain all positive and negative effects that come with that size. Size table
  • You learn how to speak, understand, and write Giant.

Geat Weapon Master Varient

Prerequisites: Str 18
You have surpassed all others by strength and skill. You can now dual wield two handed or versatile weapons.

The die value needed to land a critical hit decreases by 1 (i.e. you land a critical hit on a 19-20 without other bonuses). This stacks with other bonuses that affect the die value needed to land a critical hit. 
While Dual Wielding you had a plus 2 to your AC. This loses effect if you drop or stow one of these weapons.

Hand-To-Hand Master

Prerequisites: Strength 17 or Dexterity 17 or higher
You are so good at fighting that you can punch through 5 feet of solid steel with your bare fists.

  • You gain proficiency in unarmed strikes, if you are already proficient with unarmed strikes you gain double proficiency.
  • You can roll 2d6 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strikes.
  • Your unarmed strikes deal double damage against objects and structures.

Icy Touch

Prerequisites: The ability to cast a spell and a charisma above 18
You cover a creature in a coating of ice. You make a melee attack against a creature within 5ft. and they make a constitution saving throw. On a fail they are covered in ice and are considered incapacitated. On a success they take 2d6 cold damage. The effect lasts for 5 minutes.

Imposible Tallent

Prerequisites: Uncanny Tallent, Wisdom, Intelegence and Dexterity 15+, Rouge 12+
Your tallent has surpassed Uncanny and is impossible for normal characters. Now when you make any Skill check you have training in you automaticly succeed. In addition Any skill check you have advantage in also succeeds automaticly. You can never be disadvantaged in anything and also get advantage in attacks. You can also learn and memorize any skill you have seen in seconds. Your character will never be surpassed in anything anymore.

Improved Guard

Prerequisites: Guard, Fighter, Champion, Defensive Style, Dexterity 15+, At least one Martial Handheld weapon.
You have improved reflexes when gaurding. You can guard even when suprised but the DC is + 5 and you have disadvantage. You can guard your week spots with your weapon and will usually have advantge for gaurding, also your armor class is +1 even without guarding. In addition when any ajacent character is attacked you can use a reaction to guard. When you do the DC to succed in the saving throw is 15 + Targets Dexterity - your proficiency bonus if you have proficiency with your weapon. When you succed in guarding annother character, add your weapons attack bonus to the character you are guarding for's armor class, rather than your own. Also weaponed dulled by critically failing are still viable and not as dulled. Rather than only doing 1+Strength Blugeoning the, It does 1dX damage where X is one die class lower than normal. If the weapon is normally uses 1d4 then the weapon is treated as an improvised weapon.

Improved Improvisasion

Prerequisites: Improvisasion, Intelegence and Wisdom 15+
You are better at improvising. When you make skill checks or saving throws for the weapon, you have advantage. You also add your proficiency bonus again to improvised weapons and have proficiency with improvised weapons you do not already (do not add the proficiency bonus twice for these weapons). For the weapons you prevously had proficiency with add your bonus to both atk bonus, and damage. You can also improvise magical items if you have proficiency with magic. You also like to experiment with new spells and combos. When you experiment this way, make a disadvantaged constitution saving throw with Difficulty class equal to 10 + Level of the experimental spell, If you succeed make the spell the way you want it at the level you chose but if you fail the spell explodes and deals 4d10 Force damage to you and any character in 30'.


Prerequisites: Intelegence 14+, Wisdom 13+
Your character is intelegent and wise enough to utilize certain items in ways. When making items you can improvise materials you don't have. When attacking you can also use improvised weapons in a different way. Rather than using improvised weapons and having them deal 1+ Strength for improvised handheld and throw attacks and 1+ Dexterity for improvised missiles, you can apply the correct effects, DC for checks and Saving throws are 15 unless specified

  • If the item is a light item, treat it as a finesse weapon.
  • If the item is medium, or heavy treat it as a Handheld Weapon.
  • Allways treat throwen items and improvised missiles normally.
  • If the item is Herbal in nature you can use a Nature check to detirme the effects (for example some plants can poison)
  • If the item is ancient use History checks. The DC reduces by 1 for each decade younger than 1 centuary the item is, and increases by 1 for each centuary(or part of a centuary) the item is older. Maximum DC is 30 and Minimum is 5. Without proficiency in History you automaticly fail this check against items more than 5 Centuaries old.
  • If the item is magical it will have bonuses. An Arcana Check determines what it will do.
  • Liquid items and certain other items can have certain effects. Use Medicine check to determine the effects and if they exist.
  • Sharp Items can be used to stab or slash, if held or thrown and will automaticly Stab if shot as a missile. The size and sharpness determines the kind of die to roll. If unsure ask your DM which die to use. Allways roll 1 and add your Strength (for Held or Thrown) or your Dexterity (Missile or Finesse). The kind of damage is slashing if you are slashing or piercing if you are stabing or using it as a missile. Using it to beat treats it as a Improvised weapon unless it is heavy using Blunt damage calculation for the item.
  • Blunt items are used to beat. They do 1d4 if light (1d6 if strength is 15 or higher), 1d6 if medium (1d8 if strength is 15 or higher), or 1d8 if heavy (1d10 if strength is 15 or higher). If the item is heavy and wieghs more than 100 lbs then it does 1d12 damage. When beating with small weapons add your Dexterity Modfier and Proficiency if applicable for missile or finesse weapons. When Beating with medium items add your strength modfier and your proficiency bonus if applicable for handheld/ throwen weapons. For Heavy items less than 100 lbs add your Strength bonus + Proficiency if applicable for handheld/throwen weapons. For heavy items 100 lbs or more Use 1/8 Weapon Wieght (rounded up) + Strength + Proficiency bonus if applicable(ultra heavy). All items except ultra heavy items can be used as missiles (though heavier items result in some degree of damage to most missile weapons) and use Bonuses for Missile weapons. Also all weapons can be thrown with higher difficulty the heavier the item is using the bonus for Throwen Weapons, and adding 1/8 Item Weight for ultra heavy items.
  • Using Magical staffs, the damage is 1d6 for quarterstaff based magical staffs and 1d8 for longer weapons. Some Magical staffs will apply certain effects. (For example Staff of Cold with deal 1d8 cold) Again an Arcana check can determine its effects and the DM Determines what they will do.
  • Some Religious, Holy, or Demonic items have some effects that would not be detected by normal arcana checks. A Cleric must make a Religion Check to determine the effects if they exist.
  • Unless you have a strength of 15+ throwing heavy items will be tough and ultra heavy items impossible. If your Strength is less than 18 throwing ultra heavy items will be hard. If your strength is 12 or less than you cannot throw any heavy item. If your strength is 18+ ignore this effect . If your strength is 15+ to throw any ultra heavy items you must make a Strength Saving throw. When you fail you cannot throw the item. When you succeed you can but do so with disadvantage. You also ignore the saving throw for Heavy items. If your Strength is 13+ to throw a heavy item you must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure you cannot throw the item. On a success you can but do so with disadvantage, you cannot throw ultra heavy items with this strength. You cannot throw heavy items with a strength of 13 or less.

Insane Stealth

Prerequisites: Rouge 15+, Dexterity 20+, Naturally Stealthy
You are the king of stealth. You automaticly move with Active stealth and do not have speed halved. You allways have advantage and can never be disadvantaged. Characters without special traits to be able to find you, automaticly fail in stealth vs perception contest when you use stealth against them. All attacks are automaticly sneak attacks. In addition you are not hindered by slip ups and a critical failure is not treated as such if you roll it (immune to critical failure for stealth), and characters that can find you cannot get critical success against you for perception. You can blend in perfectly with your surroundings and only characters standing directly in front of you could tell tell the difference. When you talk only characters you want to hear you can hear you.


Prerequisites: Varied see cohorts bellow
Gain the assistance of a cohort and followers (similar to 3.5 feat of the same name[1], just modified for 5e)

Leadership Score

A character’s reputation (from the point of view of the cohort or follower he is trying to attract) raises or lowers his Leadership score

Leader’s Reputation Modifier
Great renown +2
Fairness and generosity +2
Special power +4
Failure –1
Cruelty –4

Other modifiers may apply when the character tries to attract a cohort and followers:

Player . . . Modifier
Has a familiar, or some type of non-cohort companion +2
Recruits a cohort of an alignment over one step different –1
Has a stronghold or some sort of large base +2
Caused the death of other followers –1
Caused the death of a cohort or follower –21
  1. Cumulative per cohort and follower killed.

Number of Followers by Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1 or lower
2 1st
3 1st
4 2nd
5 3rd
6 4th 1
7 5th 1
8 5th 1
9 6th 1
10 7th 2 1
11 7th 2 1
12 8th 2 1
13 9th 2 1
14 9th 2 1
15 10th 2 1 -
16 11th 3 2 1
17 11th 3 2 1 -
18 12th 3 2 1 1
19 13th 4 3 2 1 -
20 14th 4 3 2 1 1
21 14th 4 3 2 1 1 -
22 15th 4 4 3 2 1 1
23 15th 5 4 3 2 2 1
24 16th 5 4 3 2 2 1
25 or higher 17th 5 4 3 2 2 1

A character’s base Leadership score equals player level + charisma modifier + applicable modifiers. In order to take into account negative Charisma modifiers, this table allows for very low Leadership scores. Outside factors can affect a character’s Leadership score, as detailed above.

The character can attract a cohort of up to this level. Regardless of a character’s Leadership score, he can only recruit a cohort who is four or more levels higher than himself to a minimum of one. The cohort should be equipped with gear appropriate for its level. A character can try to attract a cohort of a particular race, Class, and alignment. The cohort’s alignment may not be more than three steps different than the leader.

The character can lead up to the indicated number of characters. Followers are similar to cohorts, except they’re generally NPCs. Because they’re generally one or more levels ahead the character they follow, they’re very effective in combat.

Cohort Limitations

Cohorts gain ability score improvements at level 4, 6, 8, 10 and 16. Variant human cohorts do gain their extra feat. Cohorts can not gain the leadership feat. Cohorts should be made by both the player and DM in order to avoid breaking the game while also being what the player wants in a cohort.

Cohort prerequisites

Classes of cohorts are not limited to archetypes of classes of the leader.

Outside of allowed player races in your campaign at DM's discretion races listed here are also allowed if you meet the prerequisites.

Race Prerequisite
Is innately magical Player has 2 levels in a class granting spells or spell like abilities
Has functioning Wings Player has some way to fly on there own (mounts do not count)
Is plant based Player is a plant race or 2 levels in a class granting control of plants
Is Celestial Player has 2 levels in a divine castor class or is a celestial race
Is a Fiend Player has 2 levels in a class that is related to fiends (example anti-paladin)
Is a Construct Player has some way to animate objects
Is a Monstrosity Player has 2 levels in a class granting an animal companion or familiar
follower limitations

Followers are limited to npc classes and generally can fight along side you . They can however act as servants in a stronghold, or pack mule on adventures. Followers can be of any race and species as they can act in combat.

Lethal Attacker

Prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity 13 or higher
You are trained to hit where it hurts, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
  • You weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. If they already do, then your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. If they already do, then your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 17-20. And so on.

Meaty Fist

Prerequisites: 14 Strength
Your fists are bigger than the average bears', and they pack quite the wallop. You gain the following: Double the damage dice of your unarmed strikes. Double the ability modifier for damage.

MLG 360 No-Scope

When you make a ranged attack, you can make a DEX check (DC= Your level + 10) to attempt to shoot while spinning 360 degrees midair, gaining advantage on a successful save and disadvantage on a failed save.

Mortality Strike

Prerequisites: Warrior 12+, Strength 15+ Proficiency with a Slashing or Piercing Weapon, Improved Critical, Must have at landed at least 5 Critical hits with a Slashing or Piercing Weapon that you have Proficiency in.
Your Blade has landed Critical hit so many times that you know how to land attacks that defeat them quickly. Whenever you land a critical hit ignoring Improved or Enchanced Critical using a Handheld Slashing or Piercing Weapon you have proficiency with, the attack is an instant kill. Also When you land any other hit the damage is Rolled from X of the attack's damage die where X is your Strength Modfier.

Naturaly Stealthy

Prerequisites: Rouge, Dexterity 14+, Both Training and Experence in Stealth
You are so good at stealth that your movements are naturally quiet and nimble. Unless you directly announce your presence your character automaticly uses stealth when moving, and does not have halved speed when doing so unless using Normal Stealth. Simply move and use a new trait of Your character Passivie Stealth which is 10 + Your Stealth Skill Bonus. When doing so characters not actively looking for you contest this with their passive perception or active perception if they are as normal. Rather than rolling apply the following traits with Advantage +5, and Disadvantage -5. When using Normal stealth you are exceptionally well hidden and automaticly get advantage. If you are Carrying heavy equipment or are moving quickly you get disavantage to your passive stealth. When attempting to move stealthfully with a group you can choose to use passive stealth or active stealth for the calculation.

Power Strike

Prerequisites: Fighter 11+, Strength 17+
Your Strikes are powerful. When you attack with full health you get advantage in both attack rolls and damage. Also you deal twice as much damage when you attack with full health stacking with Critical.

Quick Feet

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13 or Greater
Your adventuring over time has increased your agility.

  • Increase your Dexterity by 1
  • Your speed increases by 10
  • You may now disengage as a bonus action (can be used twice per short or long rest)

Sorcerous Regeneration

Prerequisites: Sorcerer of at least 2nd level
Your Sorcery points now recharge on short rests. In addition you gain 5 sorcery points.

Swift Dual Wielder

Prerequisites: 15 Dexterity
You learned to combine your swiftness and dual wielding into an effective way of combat

Your Dexterity increases by 1 to a maximum of 20.

When wielding a light weapon in both hands, you gain a +2 bonus to AC

Once per turn, if you hit a creature with a light weapon, you can move up to 15 feet as a free action.

When wielding a light weapon in both hands, you can spend a bonus action to attack with the same weapon twice.

  • I advise against this. This is a very cheap homebrew feat that is rule and class breaking in it's entirety. It goes against the original source material of the Dual Wield feat. (Editor's Note: I swear this comment was just left in the description of the feat like this in the original text.


This feat applies to shortswords, longswords, scimitars, rapiers & greatswords.

You gain expertise in the use of swords. Add your proficiency bonus to hit.

You are also a master of fine movements and finishing enemies off with a sword. You can use your reaction to counter attack an enemy. This does not stop the enemies attack.

Tornado mode.

Prerequisite: Way of the elements monk level 10

"As I watched, the monk turned into a spinning blue electric tornado, and then sliced my zombies into bits"

-Lich, Vecna"

Your tornado mode has 3 charges. You regain one after a short rest, 2 after a long rest. You may spend an action to enter tornado mode, where you spin into a column of color about your size, with a respectful color based on your known elemental disciplines. While in tornado mode you have a doubled walking speed, no swimming or climbing speed, and halved flying speed. Also you only have the following attack: range: 5ft, 1+con mod+ to hit, damage: 2D10 of respectful damage (based on your tornado color)+con mod (the target may make a constitution save (DC 20) for half damage). While in tornado mode you have resistance to all damage except physic. You may dismiss your tornado as a bonus action, although anytime your hit by any type of damage except physic, you must make a constitution save (DC 10)-half of the damage taken. On a failure the tornado loses a point. It has 3 points and if all of them are expended the tornado deactivates, nocking you to the ground prone. You may expend another charge to regain all expended points.

Twin Caster

Prerequisites: The ability to cast at less one spell
You learned the ability to entwine two spell into one. You again the following:

  • Whenever you cast a spell with a spel-slot of level equal or bellow you spellcasting modifier, you may cast a copy of that spell as a bonus action.
  • You can concentrate on two spell at once at long as you casted them with a spel-slot of level equal or bellow you spellcasting modifier and that they are the same spell.

Unarmed Attacker

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13 or Strength 13
With lots of practice you have perfected killing with your hands and feet.

  • When you make an unarmed strike, you may make another unarmed strike as a part of the same action.
  • The damage die of your unarmed strikes increaces by 1 size. d4 becomes d6. d6 becomes d8 and so on.

Unbreakable Strength

Prerequisites: Warrior, 16+ Strength, 15+ Constitution
You are strong and cannot lose strength. You can hold twice as much and cannot be encombered normally, and are normally Encombered if you would be Heaviely Encombered (not ignored by this feat). You can attack with your fist and rather then dealing 1+Strength you instead deal Xd8 where X is your Strenght Modifier. You're HP is increased by twice your constitution bonus rather than only your constitution bonus when you level up and as though your character allways had this feat (increase by character's level * Constitution Modfier). Also Increase Constitution and Strength in any way by 2 points total (you can increase Constitution and Strenght by 1 each or Increase either one with 2) to a maximum of 20 on either. You cannot lose Athletics contests against characters without Unbreakable Strength.

Uncanny Tallent

Prerequisites: Rouge, Wisdom and Intelegence of 13+, Reliable Tallent
Your Reliable Tallents have surpassed Reliable and became uncanny. You can have Be trained in 2 more skills, and have Extra Expereance in any one skill additional skill you are trained in. All skills regardless of training will have a minimum roll of 10, and assuming you any number except a critical failiure, and skill check or saving throw you make that you roll less than 10 becomes 10. Also weapons you are proficient in benifit from this bonus to. In addition you canot be disadvantaged in skill checks you are trained in, and as long as you have advantage in a skill you are proficient you automaticly succeed and to not roll for it.

War Corruption

Prerequisites: Have fought in 3 wars.
Whenever you acquire this feat you gain a corruption score of 0. You gain various abilities based off of your current corruption.

You may preform any of the following to increase corruption by 1 up to a maximum of 5;

Begin a turn commanding a troop in massive combat.

Reduce a troop to 0 BR.

Reduce a humanoid to 0 hp.

If you have had a battle resulting in the bloodshed of 100 or more creatures. This also negates any corruption point loss for 1 week.

When you preform any of the following, reduce corruption by 1 down to a minimum of 0;

Not preform any action that would gain you corruptions for 1 week.

Make peace with an opponent.

Not kill a creature for 1 day.

Be reduced to 0 hp.

The following abilities are gained as you gain corruption. If you have more corruption points than a listed ability, you gain that ability;

0 Points

Your eyes become darker, your face is often hidden in shadows when it should not be possible

Leader: Use your highest ability score rather than Charisma when determining bonuses you give for commanding in massive combat. If charisma is your highest score, add it twice.

1 Point

Your voice deepens, you have a distant look.

Tactician: Your commander bonus applies to adjacent troops as well, even if they already have a commander.

2 Points

Your veins become off colored and bulging.

Brutal: When you roll a critical hit, add 1d6 damage. If you kill a creature with a critical hit, gain your level + corruption in temp hp.

3 Points

Your eyes shift to red. Those who look into them almost hear the screams of those you have killed

Warrior's Glare: As an action you may stare at a creature within 100 feet. That creature must make a Wis save DC 15 or become frightened for 1 minute. Once used this feature may not be used again until you have completed a short or long rest. This DC increases by 1 if you have 4 points of corruption, or 2 if you have 5 points of corruption.

4 Points

Your muscles are noticeably larger

One Man Army: BR for you entering a troop is increased by 4. This is increased to 5 if you have 5 points of corruption

5 Points

Any who glance upon you can feel your blood lust. This frightens most commoners.

War Lord: Once per round in massive combat, you may reduce an adjacent troop's BR by 2. This does not use any actions.

Weapon Block

Prerequisites: Fighter, Defensive Style, Dexterity 13+, At least one Martial Handheld Weapon. (No Missile, Finesse, or SImple Weapons)
You defensive Style traces back to your weapons. As long as you hold a Martial Handheld Weapon such as a longsword or battleaxe you can block with it. Whenever an attack is made against you and you are not suprised, after the attack rolll you can use this reaction: Make a Dexterity Saving throw with DC equal to the 12 + the Dexterity Modfier of the attacking character - your proficiency bonus, if proficient in using your weapon with a minimum DC of 10. If you are successful add your attack bonus with the held weapon to your armor class against the attack. On a critical success you automaticly deflect it. You cannot Guard if the attack is a critical hit. Upon a critical failure your weapon blunts and if used to attack can only do 1+Strength Blugeoning damage until sharpened. Ignore this if the weapon is magical.

Weapon Bonder

You learn a ritual that creates a magical a bond between yourself and one weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual, at the conclusion of which you touch the weapon and forge the bond. Once you have bonded a weapon to yourself, you can’t be disarmed of that weapon unless you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence, you can summon that weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand. You can have up to three bonded weapons, but can summon only one at a time with your bonus action. If you attempt to bond with a fourth weapon, you must break the bond with one of the others.

Weapon expert

Prerequisites: proficiency with at least one weapon
You have mastered a specific weapon to a degree that most could only imagine. You choose one weaponwith which you are proficient. While wielding that weapon you gain the following benefits:

-when you make an attack roll you double your proficiency -add an additional damage due to your weapon -when you make an attack roll you score a critical hit on 19-20. If you already to this becomes 18-20 etc.


Prerequisites: You must have a Wisdom score of 15 and be level 12. If you want to use the more realistic version of the prerequisites use the following: You must have a Wisdom score of 15, you must be able to use at least 1 first level spell, must have at least 5 ki points and your character level must be at least 12 (not counting multiclass)
Xianghua is also known as the Perfect Technique, the Xianghua is a technique that fuses both the user's magic and ki, giving you a tremendous power up.You gain these certain benefits when activating the Xianghua with a bonus action.

  • Every attack you make has the following bonuses: +1 to hit; 2d6 of damage; it counts as a magical weapon attack if it wasn't one before.
  • You have immunity to poison and any type of environmental harm, like extreme cold or heat.
  • You have a resistance to non magical piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage.

The Xianghua lasts for 1 minute. and it can be used a number of times equal to half your character level per day, with uses resetting after every long rest. After using half of your Xianghua uses you gain a level of exhaustion. After using the rest you gain another level of exhaustion.