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This book outlines and describes a myriad of possible uses for living spells. It is penned in a flowing Draconic script, mixed in with comments in Common and Infernal. It is bound in a solid gold binding, inlaid with numerous precious gems. The script on the cover states, "A Treatise on Living Spells - penned J.A."

In order to fully understand this book, the reader must understand (or have access to a translator who can understand) Draconic, Common, and Infernal.

A Treatise on Living Spells[edit]

The following spells are designed to bind a living spell into the form of a ring. In theory, a similar spell could be used to bind a living spell into the form of any object, but our purposes we are simply interested in rings. Lesser, common spells, such as polymorph, are not suitable for binding living spells, as their durations are far too short to make the effort worthwhile. Two methods are discussed below. The first is a transformative method, requiring little of the caster in the way of skills (but carries the potential to change the makeup of the living spell, rendering it less effective for purposes discussed in further chapters). The second method is compelling, utilizing a powerful enchantment to convince the living spell to take on the form of a ring (which is well within its abilities, considering it's mutable traits).

The following spells are suggestions for how to bind a living spell into the form of a ring (or other item). If your characters can discover a better/different method in-game, then they can still apply all of the knowledge contained in the following chapters to their creations.

Transform Method[edit]

Seed:Ring Form (Transform)
Spellcraft DC: 79
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: 300 ft
Area: One living spell (could potentially work on other oozes)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Spell Resistance: Yes

Compel Method[edit]

Seed:Ring Form (Compel)
Spellcraft DC: 145
Components: V, M
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: 75 ft
Area: One living spell (could potentially work on other oozes)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Creating a persistant magic item using a bound living spell is an art. It requires complete servitude on the part of the living spell (by utilizing either of the previous methods, or another method). Once strongly bound in a ring, a living spell can be infused with magic like any other magical item. Often, a living spell ring is infused with an effect similar to the properties of a spell, as a living fireball being infused with the ability to cast the fireball spell - in this way, a living spell can lend it's own power to the power of the spell infused in it.

This translates in-game as a +2 bonus DC and caster level checks to overcome spell resistance when the spell infused in a living spell ring is identical to the living spell's base spell. A +1 bonus to DC and caster level checks to overcome spell resistance is applied when the spell infused in a living spell ring is of the same subtype (fire, cold, sonic, evil, chaotic, etc) as the living spell's base spell. This bonus can be applied to any living spell ring without adjustment to its base price. Living spell rings cannot be used to store a magical effect that is contrary to their nature, ie a "living fireball" ring could not be infused with the ability to cast "cone of cold" once per day.

A living spell ring also enhances the wearer's combat prowess. Striking an opponent with a living spell ring in effect, releases the power of the living spell with each strike. This is especially effective if the living spell used to create the ring was compelled in some form to voluntarily take the form of a ring. If so, the living spell is somewhat free to move, and can more effectively deal damage when striking an opponent.

This translates in-game as follows. A successful touch attack made when wearing a living spell ring causes the spell held within the living spell ring to be released against the target. For example, a successful touch attack made against an opponent, while you are wearing a "living fireball" ring causes a "fireball" to be released against the target. The area of effect of any spell discharged from a living spell ring in this form has it's area and target changed to "touched creature/object". A living spell bound in a ring by transformative magic is weaker at this than a living spell bound in a ring by enchantment magic. A living spell bound by transformative magic has the caster level for the spell discharged in the touch attack equal to the minimum caster level required to cast the spell bound within the living spell. A living spell bound by enchantment magic has the full caster level of the living spell applied to touch attacks. Ranged touch attacks do not confer this ability.

Living spells can be found in any area strongly touched by magic. Magical crypts, long-forgotten arcane colleges, or any other place touched by powerful magic can potentially contain a living spell. However, this may not be effective enough for some. A spell can be changed to a living spell by the right magical combination.

Animate Spell[edit]

Seed:Animate Spell
Spellcraft DC: 82
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 quickened action
Range: 300 ft
Area: One spell
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)