On Okreya[edit]
Met in Tavern:[edit]
Blue Dragon, Green Dragon, and TogoGrandeSmials
About Me[edit]
I've been playing D&D for almost two years now. I'm into RPG's in general. I generally dislike MMORPG's (don't ask why).
I like writing short stories and reading. I am however, very lazy and more often than not, leave stories unfinished.
I'm in high school learning Computer Networking and aspire to become a "Legendary Video Game Designer/Programmer". I currently don't plan on working in the IT field, but see it as a valuable skill anyways.
I wear glasses and live in the US.
I have been known to wear bright yellow shirts. I also like Converse shoes.
I speak English and Spanish. I'm also part Dominican and part Puerto Rican.
I like sushi, white rice, tacos, chicken, porkchops, steak and potatoes.
I like the following classes: Druid, Fighter, Rogue and Wizard.
I am fond of the Changeling race. I also like Elves.
I dislike internet memes simply because they exist. I will still laugh at an occasional one though.
I sometimes doubt my ability to spell.
I am also a slow typist.
I like video games that put emphasis in gameplay, length, replay value and story (if any) rather than graphics. On a side note: I am a fan of nearly every game released by Konami and Bioware.
I'm a crappy artist.
I am NOT a fan of anime in general. I like CERTAIN anime (Mobile Suit Gundam, Big O, Hellsing and Outlaw Star, to name a few).
I am a heavy fan of kaiju (Mothra ftw). I see it as my replacement for anime.
I like Transformers.
I'm known to be very random, kinda loud, very funny (or so I'm told), and a ladies man (in my dreams of course).
If this wasn't apparent already, I am a guy.
I'm prone to add more to this list when I feel like it.