- Hey there, this is Lavos1412, or ParasiteGod, depending on how you got here. I'm a semi-frequent poster here on D&D Wiki. I have a few contributions, mostly in the 3.5 Classes and Races sections. I've been adding and using works from this website in many of my campaigns, and finally decided to fill in this annoying "About Me" page and be social.
- I've been playing D&D 3.5 for years, I think I started way back in high school. I played a High Elf then in a friend's campaign, and if I remember right, they sacrificed me for power... It was pretty epic. Mostly now I DM and create new ideas and items and such. Also, I am well known for taking things from White Wolf (D10 dot system) and coverting it over to D20 to use in my games, and if you want an example of this, just look up my Matter Shifter class. Trust me, its not easy, but with some careful work and tweaking, it can be made to work. I had the chance to DM a D&D 4.0 game, and honestly, I hated every minute of it.
Right now, I am working on ideas for a few new classes:
Progeny: This is a special class, where the character discovers he has a god's blood in him/her. It's not a Demigod, but just faint traces, a great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchild type of thing. I am eventually going to make several of these for different gods that I use personally in my campaign and realm.
- Dimorta: Goddess of Death
- St. Athia: Goddess of Healing
- Jargenhir: God of War
- Kronos: God of Time
- Sephira: Godess of Love
- Golgoni: God of Wealth and Greed
Lunarian/Solarian: These are mirror classes. Like a Wizard or Sorcerer they cast arcane spells, but draw their power from the moon or sun. I have to figure out a workable "Spell Point" feature for them so instead of having a set number of spells per day, they can use "Lunar Power" or "Solar Power" to fuel their spells. I am thinking gaining the points at a rate of 3+CHA per level, and spell cost would be equal to the spell level plus one. So a 1st level spell would cost 2, a 2nd level spell would cost 3, etc. Then during the night or day, depending on the type, they can "recharge" this power. Each one would have level-dependent special abilities as well that would relate to their source of power.
Classic Hero: I started this one, its somewhere, but I got distracted by something else and lost focus. I might need help to finish it. Basically, its a project based upon playing FAR too many video games like Castlevania, Zelda, Fable, and others where you have a skilled fighter who can weild both sword and spell effectively. This could very well wind up being on the "April's Fools" page someday whenever it gets finished. They can gain access to special weapons and tools as they level up... such as:
- Hook Shot (Zelda)
- Boomerang (Zelda)
- Silver Throwing Knives (Castlevania)
- Double Jump Boots (Many Games)
- Charged Spell (Fable)
- Bombs (Zelda)
- Legacy Weapon: A special weapon that the character uses throughout his career and becomes one of his or her symbols.
- Heritage: Where the character comes from, and why he or she decided to become a hero will grant special abilities as well.
Want to learn more? Feel free to throw me a message![edit]
Parasite God 23:54, 7 December 2011 (MST)