Weight: 15 lbs
Aura: Strong; (DC 18)
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Max Dex Bonus: +8
Arcane Spell Failure: 5%
Base AC: 8
Enchantments: Grants an enhancement bonus to AC of +2, +4 to Char, +5 to necromancy spell DCs, +2 to saves, spell resistance 30, and immunity to all death effects. These bonuses are in addition to any other. None of these effects may be dispelled. Any lawful character that dons this armor gains a negative level, which cannot be overcome while wearing it, though removing the item restores the level. The ability spikes, the spikes become evil-aligned, deal 2d6 damage to good. Any good character that dons this armor gains a negative level, which cannot be overcome while wearing it, though removing the item restores the level.
Description: This armor is cursed.
[[Category:DnD]] [[Category:3.5e]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:Equipment]] [[Category:Armor]]