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I am a long time player of many different systems. My first intro to roleplaying was the Rifts system but my first D&D exposure was 2nd Ed AD&D. I was introduced to the Monk (1st Ed) by a very old school friend of mine and was overjoyed to see it in 3 and 3.5.

I love to Homebrew and love this site for the forum it gives my ideas.

I am currently running my own Eberron campaign at home where a lot of the ideas come from or are playtested.



- Psynergist

- Disciple of the Bow


- Inertial Field

- Intuitive Blow

- Mind Armor

- Craft Faerie Dust


- The Bow of Dragon's Sorrow

- Crystal Gauntlets

- Basket-hilt Broadsword (Note: I didn't create this, but as a fencing instructor in the Scottish Broadsword tradition, I wanted to share it.)


- Fae: A more PC friendly version of the SRD Pixie.

To Do[edit]

- Non-Exalted Vow of poverty. For those of us who don't always want to be LG.

- New powers developed in game

- New Prestige Race (from Dungeon Magazine 304)

- Competent Martial Arts system based on the Stances/Maneuvers for BoNS

- work on DnD_Racial_Feats

- Null-metal

-feat: enlightened sunder