User:JWhitt433/HQ/Hex Cloverbox

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Player: Alex W.

Character Name: Hex Cloverbox

Race: Bariaur (PH, pg. 7)

CL/Class(es): 2 (1 Anti-Paladin, 1 Dread Pirate (CA, pg. 39))

Experience: 1,000

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Deity: Hextor

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 275

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown

Skin: Tan

Size: Medium

Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal


17 11 13 11 14 15
2 0 1 0 2 2

HP: 17

AC: 14 (Base 10 + Armor 4), Touch 10, Flat-footed 14

Speed: 40 (25 when armored)

Initiative Modifier: 0 (DEX Mod. 0)

Base Attack Bonus: 2

Spell Resistance: 13%

Grapple Modifier: 4 (BAB 2 + STR Mod. 2)

Saving Throws[edit]

Saving Throw Total Base Ability Mod. Misc. Mod.
Fortitude 3 2 1 0
Reflex 2 2 0 0
Will 2 0 2 0


Skill Skill Mod. Ability Mod. Ranks Misc. Mod.
Appraise 0 INT 0 0 0
Balance 0 DEX 0 0 0
Bluff 2 CHA 2 0 0
Climb 3 STR 3 0 0
Concentration 1 CON 1 0 0
Craft 0 INT 0 0 0
Decipher Script* 0 INT 0 0 0
Diplomacy 2 CHA 2 0 0
Disable Device* 0 INT 0 0 0
Disguise 2 CHA 2 4 0
Escape Artist 0 DEX 0 0 0
Forgery 0 INT 0 0 0
Gather Information 2 CHA 2 0 0
Handle Animal* 2 CHA 2 0 0
Heal 2 WIS 2 0 0
Hide 0 DEX 0 0 0
Intimidate 2 CHA 2 5 0
Jump 7 STR 3 0 4
Knowledge (Religion)* 0 INT 0 0 0
Listen 4 WIS 2 0 2
Move Silently 0 DEX 0 0 0
Open Lock* 0 DEX 0 0 0
Perform* 2 CHA 2 0 0
Profession (Blacksmith)* 2 WIS 2 5 0
Ride 0 DEX 0 0 0
Search 0 INT 0 0 0
Sense Motive 2 WIS 2 0 0
Sleight of Hand* 0 DEX 0 0 0
Spellcraft* 0 INT 0 0 0
Spot 4 WIS 2 0 2
Survival 2 WIS 2 0 0
Swim 3 STR 3 0 0
Tumble* 0 DEX 0 0 0
Use Magic Device* 2 CHA 2 0 0
Use Rope 0 DEX 0 0 0

Skill Points: 14/14


Power Attack

Special Abilities[edit]


Quadruped: As quadrupeds, bariaurs have a +4 bonus on checks to resist bull rush and trip attacks. They have a carrying capacity 1-1/2 times greater than normal for their Strength. They must wear barding (usually made of studded leather) instead of normal armor and cannot wear boots designed for humanoids.

Powerful Charge: A charging bariaur can make a single ram attack that deals bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + 1-1/2 times the bariaur’s Str modifier.

+2 racial bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons; all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light); and shields (except tower shields).

Aura of Evil (Ex): The power of an anti-paladin's aura of evil (see the Detect Evil spell) is equal to his anti-paladin level, just like the aura of a cleric of an evil deity.

Smite Good (Su): Once per day, an anti-paladin may attempt to smite good with one normal melee attack. He adds his Charisma bonus (if any) to his attack roll and deals 2 extra point of damage per anti-paladin level. If the anti-paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not good, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

Seamanship (Ex): A dread pirate adds his class level as an insight bonus on all Profession (sailor) checks. Allies within sight or hearing of a dread pirate add an insight bonus equal to half this number on their Profession (sailor) checks.

Two-Weapon Fighting: A dread pirate wearing light or no armor is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the prerequisites for the feat.




Spells/Powers Known 0/0

Detect Good: An anti-paladin can use detect good at will, as the spell.


Longsword, Attack Bonus 2, Damage 1d8, Critical 19-20/x2, Type Slashing

Powerful Charge, Attack Bonus 2, Damage 2d6+4 (STR Mod. 3 * 1.5 = 4.5 -> 4), Critical x2, Type Bludgeoning


Scale Mail, Type Medium, AC 4, Max DEX Mod. 3, Check Penalty -4, Spell Failure 25%, Speed 25ft


Carrying Capacity: 52.5/86 Light, 52.5/173 Medium, 52.5/260 Heavy

Backpack, 0

Ration box (Poor), 0

Bedroll, 5

Bedroll (Radicus Lazarus'), 5

Sack, 0.5

Wooden Unholy Symbol, 0

Goblin head, 5

Flint and steel, 0

Short spear, 3

Longsword, 4

Scale mail, 30

Pirate ship, (Currently docked in town with party)

CP: 0

SP: 0

GP: 13

PP: 0


Character Traits[edit]




To qualify to become a dread pirate, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:

Alignment: Any nonlawful

Base Attack Bonus: +4 (Not obtained by level 2, may be ignored)

Skills: Appraise 8 ranks, Profession (sailor) 8 ranks, Swim 4 ranks, Use Rope 4 ranks (Order of importance: Profession (sailor), Swim, Use Rope, Appraise)

Feats: Quick Draw/Weapon Finesse (Only one required)

Special: The character must own a ship worth at least 10,000 gp. The method of acquisition—purchase, force of arms, or skullduggery—makes no difference, as long as he can freely operate it on the high seas.