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Bit of Backstory: Me and my friends have been playing D&D for years, but have always looked for more options. This place, the D&D Homebrew, has been a haven and a resource for our group since 4th edition. Since the introduction of 5e, we have been thinking up our own material and been discussing and balancing with each other only. However, I feel like it would be nice to branch out: I have enough time and few good ideas, and I would love to share them and improve them, and would love to help others do the same.

About Me: I'm a nerdy, power-gaming boy who is completely out of his depth when trying to grasp balance. I like Magic: the Gathering, Starcraft, League of Legends, Defense of the Ancients 2, and fiction novels.

Sum Up: I'm the only person who is going to read this crap, so... Yeah. That's it. --IzzetCThulu (talk) 19:07, 22 January 2017 (MST)