User:Hooper/Banned Material

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Banned Books[edit]

Any material whatsoever from the following books may not be used in any way by a player character

  • Tome of Battle
  • Libris Mortis
  • Lords of Madness
  • Savage Species

Banned Classes & Prestige Classes[edit]

  • Blighter

Banned Feats[edit]

No feats, other than those found in the banned books, are specifically banned.

Banned Items[edit]

  • Spyglass
  • Mirror of Lifetrapping

Banned Spells[edit]

  • Disjunction
  • Any elemental variant race (as seen in the UA) may not cast spells of their opposite element (i.e. Arctic Dwarves may not cast Fire spells)

Banned Systems[edit]

  • Though common sense, anything utilizing the power/balance ideology of the Same Game Test is barred (this does not exclude normal things that happen to meet the SGT)
  • Anything utilizing the power/balance ideology of the this OGRE-deemed horrendous system is not allowed (not things that happen to meet - but ones that are specifically built as such).
  • All creations based off of the QAGS system and converted to D20 need DM approval to make sure the conversion was done correctly.
  • All creations based off of the WoD D10 system and converted to D20 need DM approval to make sure the conversion was done correctly.

Banned Templates[edit]

Even using the rules put forth by WotC to do so, no player may use a 3rd edition template in a 3.5 edition game.