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I'm a Homebrew enthusiast for Dungeons and Dragons games because they add a whole bunch of customization options with limitless bounds in comparison to the standard stuff.

Now, I'm personally disappointed by people enforcing "Balance" and such to Homebrew Content because not everyone is going to be the same, nor are they going to have the same traits, strengths, or weaknesses. Forcing good content to be deleted is redundantly stupid and egotistical beyond comprehension because D&D is suppose to be a role playing game with creative liberty and encourage imagination. Nothing should be overly balanced to fit a cookie cutter mold! If you think that being like everyone else is a good thing, then you shouldn't be playing D&D because you wont encounter that except by other closed minded followers such as yourself... I'm tired of seeing great and amazingly creative content claimed to be "Unfinished", "Broken", or "Unbalanced" just because it's different. And you should be too!