User:Green Dragon/MainTable

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The following options are available to customize this template:

  • Content Options
    • title - The title of the section.
    • content - The content of the section.
  • Formatting Options
    • Sizes
      • width - The width of the section as a whole. Use an empty value (| width= ) to auto-size. Don't include this option at all to use the default value of 190.
      • font1 - The size (in pixels) of the title font. Defaults to 12.
      • font2 - The size (in pixels) of the content font. Defaults to 11.
      • padding - The amount of space between the border and the text in the content area. Defaults to 5px.
    • Colors (added by Sendoshin)
      • titlebgcolor - The background color of the title area. Defaults to #006600.
      • titletextcolor - The color of the title text. Defaults to #FFFFCC.
      • bordercolor - The color of the border used around the section. Defaults to #445566.
      • contentbgcolor - The background color of the content area. Defaults to #E8E8E8.

Content designed by Green Dragon and modified slightly (to add colors and usage info) by Sendoshin. However, Sendoshin declares no rights over the content or functionality of this template - it belongs entirely to Green Dragon, its originator.

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