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Yippie here are my characters

Played Characters[edit]

Disgrace Prideson the Disgrace, Rogue Warlock Shadow Fiend
Boju the Outlander, Rogue, Changeling
Terou Taro the Slave Blood Caster, Kitsune Spawn
Heill-Kyn "Deicide" the Outcast, Godslayer, Golric

Backburner Characters[edit]


My Player’s Characters[edit]

<Campaign Name>
<Name>, <Background>, <Class>, <Race>

Silent Memento[edit]

Belknir the Haunted One, Behemoth, Earth Giant
[???] the [???], Warlock, Dragiffborn
[???] the [???], Druid, Plasmoid
[???] the [???], [???], [???]

My Races[edit]

Kitsune Spawn, Variant 2
Altered race to better fit characters backstory (kitsune spawn doesnt have a variant 1, i made it varitant 2 by mistake o.o)
A combination between a Dragonborn and Giff, imagine a Gronkle from the How to Train Your Dragon if it was humanoid and hippo aspects.
A underdark giantkin, majority similar to mindless giant toddlers, shepherds of their lands.

My Classes[edit]

Blood Caster, Variant 2
Altered Blood Caster and Variant 1 to compensate for nerfs during a campaign.

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