Physical Description[edit]
Drakoniants are large anthropomorphic dragon/giant hybrids with a maximum height of 8ft. They are giants compared to most other races commonly found in civilization and stand out not only with their height but with their thick draconic skin and body. Their coloration is usually metallic in appearance (this means it does not have to be metallic dragon coloring it just has to be metallic in appearance). Their heads and faces are dragon-like in appearance though they have a very short muzzle so it extends only a couple inches past the point where a human face would, the nose of a drakoniant is usually rather flat giving the mouth/muzzle a very angular appearance they have sleek black/ivory horns above their ears which are humanoid in shape, and hair usually a darker shade than the colouration of their scales going down just past the nape of their necks similar to a mane. Around the shoulder blades, a pair of wings can be seen just behind them reaching the same height as their heads down to 4-6 inches from the ground. The males bodies are usually wide set in most cases making them seem like mountains to the much smaller races(i.e pixies, gnomes, and whatnot) while the females have a more slender and graceful shape, though this does not make them weaker than their male counterparts
Long ago the Norse god Loki was wandering about when he came upon a battle between two great hosts, the first which were dragons and the others giants. Loki, bearing a long-standing animosity with the giants, thought that he should aid the dragons and give them a gift whilst being able to cause some mischief, so he enchanted several broods of eggs which matured a great deal within seconds after hatching in order to help the battle. Rushing to the battle, these warriors were able to turn the tide of the battle! After the battle, the dragons confronted Loki about his gift and asked what he wanted from them in return. He told them that he wanted nothing more than to mess with the giants by creating a new enemy for them. "The hatchlings I enchanted shall be a new race and enemies of the giants if you all shall but look after them for a time," Loki said while trying to hide his grin. The dragons wondered what made them so different from themselves. Seeing this in their minds, he replied before they could ask: "They are half giant and half dragon now; they shall gain a lifespan, wisdom, and swiftness of a dragon while maintaining the strength and endurance of a giant. They also shall have more draconic features than Giant, their draconic skin being the most obvious among them. It shall be an insult to giant kind while helping the draconic species! " exclaimed Loki. The dragons, still so stuck in their old ways, were outraged at their hatchlings because of their half-giant lineage and abandoned them to die not long after Loki left. However, the infamous trickster knew that the dragons would do this, which is why he failed to mention one important thing. Since the hatchlings had lineage from the Giants as well, they would eventually grow to hate both the Giants and dragons and would seek to destroy them both. With an inbuilt hatred for giants and being abandoned by the dragons, their hatred of giants seeped over into dragons as Loki intended. They thrived in a faraway land created by Loki to make sure his creation prospered without the interference of humans and other civilizations. Soon after they made their city, they abandoned the foolish name of hatchling for they were not a childish race, and instead, the council decided on the name drakoniants.
The drakoniants have a unified multi-clan structure that acts as a country which will happily defend any of its race regardless of the challenge. They're an advanced civilization, keeping up with many of the other human countries, who they constantly feud with. Their government is a democracy forming of each of the original 7 clans who were the eldest of the broods and worked hard to protect and build/lift up the new race as Loki had wished them too. Drakoniants believe in and worship the Norse gods, Loki above all others but also acknowledge that there is a great multitude of gods and pantheons that overlook the many worlds, dimensions, and planes, but they are not fond of religions that challenge Loki or the Norse pantheon and will openly show this through their piercing wit or a piercing arrow. Some drakoniants have entered the land of humans and elves and have formed villages and cities to continue expanding the drakoniant nation. Through this, they have made a great ally with the dwarves, who rival them greatly in both battle and drinking. Due to how they as a race came to be they are very militaristic and start training to fight as young as 10 years of age.
Drakoniant Names[edit]
Male: Omrath, Irdan, Jakoad
Female: Emlian, Ahntia, Geviana
Drakoniant Traits[edit]
Giant/Dragon hybrids who are stout protectors of family and nation, born into war and abandoned by those who they were made to help.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores each increase by 1.
Age. Drakoniants age extremely quickly for the first 10 years of their lives due to remnant magic from the creation of the race, afterward they nearly stop aging. The newly matured children are then put through martial, and survival training until the age of 25, at which point they are considered adults.The oldest known drakoniant was just over 1000 years old before he succumbed to old age.
Alignment. Generally drakoniants are Chaotic good or chaotic neutral though they can be corrupted and turned to a darker path, they can never start out on one, however.
Size. You are a Medium sized creature bordering on Large, You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet. Due to your digitigrade leg structure and height, you can move faster than the average creature and have a longer stride.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Unique Skin. Due to the magic involved in your creation, your dragon scales and muscles have been hardened. Your hit point maximum increases by 2, and it increases by 2 every time you gain a level.
Weaponized Tail. As drakoniants developed through the ages, their tails grew a serrated blade-like tip. You may use your bonus action to make an attack with your tail, and it deals 1d4 piercing damage.
Draconic Wings. upon reaching level 5 you have a flying speed equal to your base movement speed. This is increased to double your base movement at level 20 due to your improved physical strength and your inherent draconic magic
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and your choice of Draconic or Giant.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
7′ 0'' | +2d6 | 250 lb. | × (2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |