User:Dr. Zooks Gadd
(Marioverse Project Storage Space... my apologies if this as bad method, will remove if required)
“ | " It seems a paradox that the dead would cling so dearly to the passions and amusements of the living. Perhaps it is only after one has come so close to losing those basic pleasures that they can fully appreciate them " | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
In order to distinguish themselves despite their uniform appearance, Boos with the means will often done a bright, flashy accessory that contrasts with their pale skin
Illustration Credit to Takeshre at Deviantart |
Due to the need to focus deeply and close themselves off from sensation of the outside world in order fade into intangibility when faced with a threat, it’s a common misconception among those who’ve never dealt with one peacefully that Boos are a shy species. Nothing could be further from the truth. Being in the presence of large groups and emotions are actually highly invigorating to them, producing a similar comforting and stimulating effect as exposure to warmth for a Koopa or Yoshi. The development of a Ghost House (As predominantly Boo settlements are called) comes from this phenomena leading ghosts to be drawn to areas of strong feeling: usually because it experienced a recent intense or long series of dramatic events. If not driven out while they’re still few in number, this concentration of lingering spirits will create a self-feeding attraction all its own as others seeking company are drawn in from the surrounding land. The inevitable result is the region’s Boos ending up heavily concentrated in a handful of small areas, usually in already ruined or abandoned communities or structures where there’s no one to resist the accumulation, like water flowing downward results in lakes and seas and taking over or establishing local governments to organize affairs and keep the ideological conflict and mischief making to a minimum. For those who prefer a place in predominantly living communities, the larger and more cosmopolitan the population the better as such places provide both a multitude of options for socialization and social norms that tolerate their unusual nature and idiosyncrasies of their composite personalities. The entertainment sectors that usually thrive in those hubs are also a natural niche for employment for the nocturnal, extroverted individuals making bars, casinos, hotels, and similar facilities the ideal locations to scout out Boos
Considering the common desire to be in the limelight and strong, conflicting codes of ethics, societies of Boos can be highly unstable if not properly managed and have difficulty enforcing laws based on respect for principal. Instead, for a Ghost House to avoid collapsing into infighting they are placed under the control of a Lord or Lady, who has full aristocratic privilege to run the House however they see fit and commands respect out of admiration and/or fear from the factional leaders to their person. This figure is selected personally by King Boo, who during his traditional state visit to a newly-established Ghost House will enoble whomever managed to amuse, flatter, pamper, or impress (depending on his mood) the most during that visit, and will only remove them if he’s made aware of actions that really displease him or his sporadic demands aren’t answered promptly enough. Politics are rather Boo-zintine, as laughter and wide smiles cover trickery, whispered gossip, “pranks” gone wrong, and other subtle and plausibly deniable ways to undermine their rivals in the eyes of the Lord/Lady and build up their own reputation so they can get more privileges and pleasurable attention. Sycophants are a coin a dozen, and truly trustworthy servants highly valued and rewarded with humble but influential positions such as Butler/Waitress Nowhere is this truer than the paranoid palace of King Boo, who’s peerless artistic talent has allowed him to craft a perfect domain out of illusions where every detail is subject to his whims and nothing real can be hidden. Though he often has flashes of inspiration that allow him to conduct truly impressive moves on the political chessboard, they are scatterbrained and based on the needs of the moment, preventing him from forming a long-term policy or following through on his immediate gains. Social relations between Boos are commonly just as casual: burning hot and fast when one party finds something interesting or useful about the other, only to fade out just as quickly when that purpose passes.
These purposes can be anything that a living creature might also want, as the uniquely powerful desires of a Boo’s mortal shreds to maintain their semblance of life makes them one of the few Undead to retain the need for food, water, and the other requirements for survival. These are usually met via exchange with outsiders, with Boos exchanging non-food crops (such as medicinal herbs, hemp, exotic woods, ect) that can be grown in dark environments and luxury crafts for cash with which to purchase basic materials. Their workmanship is generally more astatically pleasing as they pay attention to the finer details and find looking upon them soothing, but this comes at the expense of general durability.
Boo Names[edit]
Due to lacking proper guardians or creators Boos choose their own names rather than having one assigned to them: a decision that generally takes one of two forms. In the first and far more common case, they will find an object/name/concept that produces a strong emotional reaction from their soul echos and integrate “Boo” into it as way to lay ownership over the term as part of their personality. In other cases, usually among the case of Boos with strong central personalities, they’ll already subconsciously identify with a name that was common in the region they emerge in several centuries ago.
Male: Roboort, Booruce, Boomiare, Ikabood
Female: Tabootha, Boolivia, Booatrice, Elizabooth
Boo Traits[edit]
Marioverse: Composite Ghosts, knit together from the strongest convictions of the passed
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1. As only the most powerful parts of a personality will linger on after Game Overing, the boos constructed from them can’t help but display a prominent and overawing presence. Their indistinct and flexible shape also helps them maneuver around restrictions those more tied to the physical world can find troubling.
Age. While its possible for the individual echos of souls of a Boo to persist in the material realm more or less indefinitely, the bonds holding its powerful collective identity and unique physical form are subject to gradual breakdown as those parts conflict with one another. Just how long an individual Boo can hold together before collapsing into its component parts is highly dependent on the force of its collective consciousness’s charisma, with accelerated dissolutive experiments showing each “point” of personality have to hold back the collapse for roughly the equivalent of half a century, giving your average Boo a “Lifespan” of 600 years.
Alignment. Just as one can find adherents to every point on the moral compass, so too can one find a Boo constituted of the echos of any of those strong convictions. There are no shortage of heros and villains or thieves and lawmen who’ve been Game Overed in their eternal struggle who can merge together into a being just as dedicated to their principals as they were, if not more so for the lack of divergent influences. If there is philosophy among Boos that would be considered ususual, it is pure neutrality: passivity is not the sort of emotion that can linger, and since soul shreds of a similar makeup tend to flock together it is rare indeed to find a Boo with a measured opinion on moral matters.
Size. The vast majority of monoform Boo have been of a virtually identical size: 4’ 10” with deviations universally under half an inch, regardless of this apparent sex. According the prevailing theories in spectral physics, this is the result of a Boo only being stable when made up of a certain spectrial mass, and that mass kept a uniform distance from one another by unique bonds. Larger Boos, while they do exists, are inheirently unstable and require focus and/or the assistance of greater powers to keep themselves together (The emblematic crown of the King of the Boos, for example, magically converts the dispersive forces into great arcane power). This is a Medium size.
Speed. Your “walking” speed is 25 feet
Lighter than Air. So long as the terrain you occupy is solid you float a foot above the ground, treating your walking speed as a hovering speed. Difficult terrain based on low-lying features (such as undergrowth) does not limit you movement, nor do you take damage from ground-based hazards such as caltrops and are immune to falling damage if you’d land on solid terrain. You still produce pressure on the ground which can trigger weight-based traps and produce trackable trails, and must swim through liquid normally.
Outta Sight. You gain proficiency with Stealth . When using this skill to hide, so long as you don’t take any move or standard actions, your bonus is doubled.
Spook. You can use a version of the toll the dead (See XGTE) cantrip as an extraordinary ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it. If the target fails its Wisdom saving throw, you can choose to make the target frightened of you. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once you have used this extra effect until you have completed a short rest
Living Dead. Boos have enough of a semblance of life to possess a Constitution score and the normal requirements for food, sleep, and air. You are treated as both Humanoid and Undead for the purposes of any effect based on type, and have advantage on saving throws you have to make against such effects, and have resistance to necrotic damage, but are vulnerable to radiant damage
Languages. You speak and are literate in Kingdom Common and Booish; an archaic but sophisticated pidgin of several long-dead languages.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 9'' | +1d4-2 | 10 lb. | × (1d6-3) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Fung Guy[edit]
“ | " The humble Mushroom people wouldn’t strike me as a likely candidate for most successful species if you showed me one on its own. But then you consider their ability to co-operate so perfectly, and I wonder if there was any other possible result '' | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
Though Toad Caps are almost universally white, the speckles come in a wide variety of colors and shapes which can be used to pick them out from the crowd. | |
A Goomba’s manipulation limbs consist of knotted tendrils which are mostly recessed within their gilled undersides. Their movements are virtually invisible from the outside, giving the appearance of holding objects in mid-air.
Illustration Credit to Louivi at Deviantart |
The Fungal folk culture defies a simple summary, as their customs are just as diverse as the many lands their villages have sprouted in and tend to acclimate towards the surrounding conditions rather than spreading some core Mushroom culture. One of the few features they share is the dominance of centralized communities over defused settlements, with Toad towns consisting of one or two story residences and businesses packed closer together with clear, straight thoroughfares connecting clearly defined plots and spread fairly uniformly across the landscape. While individually less densely populated than similar sized settlements of another race, Fung Guys will establish a greater number of them over the same area and thus stake out a larger share of the physical acreage of a region: a practice which has allowed them to gain population advantage in many areas in which they settle if given the time and allowed to settle as they please. Localities will attempt to provide as wide an array of services of possible even if their size wouldn’t normally allow it: a fully functioning inn, general items shop, medical expert, and eatery being the absolute minimum, shying away from specialization even if it would produce more wealth. Toads instead prioritize minimizing the amount of grunt labor they must do to maintain a simple, comfortable life while pursuing their hobbies, while Goombas desire self-sufficiency out of a hesitance to trust outsider’s continued cooperation for their basic needs. That’s not to say they’re xenophobic: provided they share the local’s basic respect for civil harmony folks of any race will be welcomed to join the community. Rather, Fung Guys are natural homebodies who’s visual and proximity-based method of thought meaning they have a distrust of things they can’t personally experience or conveyed by close friend of their own kind. The world too far outside their well-trodden homes is abstract and something they can’t truly understand, which naturally frightens them, and only the bravest individuals tend to willingly leave the comfort of their hometowns to get a wider mental image of the world. Civic involvement being a deeply ingrained part of their society and those without the desire to settle down tending not to stay in town long, permanent governments aren’t something Fungoids often feel a need to establish. Whenever an issue arises that requires community action, such as allotting land for a new house or assigning shifts for maintenance of the roads, a public forum will be held and a solution reached by discussion and consensus. For more weighty matters, such as criminal judgements and negotiations with communities of other races, they instead depend on wishing for a wandering Minister of the Star Cult (who always show up sooner or later) to give their wise opinion on the matter. These individuals will be given the honorary title of “Mayor” and treated like royalty for a lunar cycle, after which they will be sent on their way with warm regards and a sack of coins the richer. The main exceptions to this tendency is the seat of the Monarchy, where subjects obey the writ of the celebrity worshiped King or Queen. Since the death of the Mushroom Monarch, however, there has been a schism among the Fung Guys as to the rightful heir to the title and the power that comes with it. This means there’s no enforcable racial law governing their behavior, resulting in them turning to the Faith or moral leaders of other races for guidance on how to live if they don’t outright revel in their own unfiltered desires. Currently, the Chancellor Toadsworth Minister of Government keep the Royal Household and Toad Town’s basic departments going to maintain some semblance of a functioning state, but their authority barely extends beyond the city gates and the rest of the Kingdom having largely slipped into anarchy (The inflation Despite a lack of structures other societies depend on to function, Fung Guy societies retain cohesion easily thanks to their instinct to alter their behavior to match those around them that appear similar: an artifact of a way of thinking that ties identity to the way something looks. Villages of Toads will be filled with neighbors wearing identical clothing and speaking in a similar cadence, while Goomba gangs are almost always of the same hew of skin and pattern of footwear. Non-Fung Guys often find this uniformity frustrating, as they can it next to impossible to tell individuals from one another, which the more independently minded (particularly common among the Goomba) have solved by adopting the Booish custom of wearing a particular piece of trademark clothing. The strength of their social groups is based primarily on proximity and duration though, with “familiarity breeds attraction” being the general rule. Spend enough time around a particular Fung Guy, and they’ll inevitably develop warm feelings towards you and become agitated in your absence: most often expressed as helpfulness and frightfulness in Toads and a fierce protectiveness and vengefulness in Goombas. Friendships and romances among them, while slow to form, are incredibly sturdy and long-lasting as a result: divorce and betrayal are almost unheard of.
Fung Guy Names[edit]
Names are a novel and not universally embraced concept among the Mushroom People: their spore-based racial communication meaning they’ve never had the need for abstract labels among themselves. While most will use some kind of designation when using Kingdom Common, this is usually a literal description of some prominent physical feature or their social role, with the addition of Toad/.T or Goom/Goomba as a way to try to verbalize the complex portrait that is their “identity” in Shoombols. Within the last few years, it has become something of a custom among more cosmopolitan communities to integrate the names of famous figures in hopes of emulating their success: a phenomena that has produced a rather large number of young Toads named “Peach T” and “Mar.T.O
Male Goomba Names: Gloom, Scar Goomba, Goomgery, Goominister
Female Goomba Names: Goomette, Goomagenta, Glamba, Isagoom
Male Toad Names: Fuchsia Toad, Spore T, Luig T, Engineer Toad
Female Toad Names: Lavender Toadette, T Iara, Dais T, Accounting Toad
Fung Guy Traits[edit]
Marioverse: Sentient Fungi, which mimic humanoid characterizes
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2. Regardless of the subspecies, Fung Guy’s nerves systems is constructed out of a dense network of mycelium, which is far more fine-tuned to processing external sensations than conventional that their animal counterparts.
Age. Fung Guy spores have a very similar lifecycle very similar to humans, albeit their infants are immobile for roughly the first 5 years of life. They reach physical maturity just before the beginning of their 2nd decade, though in the case of Goombas reality often requires them to take on the social burdens of adulthood a few years earlier than their Toad counterparts, with the oldest managing to break a century.
Alignment. Thriving in and usually found among large groups of their own kind, and due to their racial empathy causing them feel discomfort when others of their kind are agitated they tend to lean towards lawful alignments to maintain harmony. On the good-evil axis, they tend to have moderate views with Goombas tending towards slightly darker shades of grey.
Size. Toads stand at roughly 3 feet tall, with that height split roughly in half between their Head-Cap and elongated stalk torsos. Goombas are on average a few inches shorter, but possess much larger Head-Caps which make up over 80% of their total mass. Both specimens are Small in size
Speed. Fungis have a walking speed is 25 feet
Mycho-Mind. You have advantage when making Nature or Medicine checks related to Mushrooms or creatures with a related subtype. You also have proficiency with herblism kit.
Strength in Numbers. You have advantage on saving throws if at least two of your allies are within 30 feet and aren’t incapacitated. When using the Help action or directly assisting an ally’s skill check, add your Wisdom modifier to the normal bonus.
Spore-Speak. You can use a version of the message cantrip as an extraordinary ability that does not use material or verbal components, takes a bonus action, and does not allow the subject to respond. Unless the target is fluent in Shrombols, this ability can only be used to convey basic concepts in the form of emotional sensations (Danger, hunger, ect.).
Languages. You speak and are literate in Kingdom Common and are literate in Shrombols: a pictographic version of Spore-Speak ability.
Subrace. Pick one of the subraces below: the predominantly fungal Goomba or the predominantly humanoid Toad. Gain all traits associated with that race.
A racial offshot that sticks closer to its ancestral hyphae, Goombas are considered somewhat “degenerate” by their Toad counterparts. The have a tendency to live in the shadows and on the fringes of Fung Guy society, but as a result have a much deeper familiarity with the darker aspects of the world
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Diet of Decay. You have advantage on saving throws against poisoned, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Tattle. You gain proficiency in the Nature skill. You may use this skill to recall lore about any creature, even if it isn’t of a type normally covered, though checks against such creatures are taken at disadvantage
Resented as soft cowards by many of their Goomba cousins, it is true Toads are a timid species that thrives best in large communities of their own. They more than make up for this with their knack for making comfortable civilizations wherever they go, which has allowed them establish a presence in virtually every corner of the world.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1
Exper.T-s. You gain proficiency with the artisan's tools of your choice: cook’s utensils, painter's supplies, or calligrapher's supplies. Select a artisan's tools in which you are proficient. You may double your proficiency bonus when using those tools.
Prolific Presence. You can speak and are literate in an extra language of your choice
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 0'' | +3d6 | 40 lb. | × (x2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
1′ 9'' | +2d6-1 | 35 lb. | × (x2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 6'' | +2d6 | 30 lb. | × (x2d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 3'' | +2d6-1 | 25 lb. | × (x2d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
“ | " With the constant competition, its baffling how Kong villages can manage to hold together as well as they do. Perhaps their laziness is some kind of evolutionary adaption to keep the fighting for dominance down to a reasonable level? " | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
The Kongo Bongo Islands have one of the highest ratios of intrapopulation biodiversity in the known world, and the simian species are no exception. |
Kong populations are most heavily concentrated in the deep rain-forests and cliff-sides that are the primary terrain of the Don Keys, living in individual tree houses or bungalows built out of fitted planks or woven foliage rope handmade from the wilds around them. Reflecting the ethos of self-reliance demanded by their native land, these structures are built by their inhabitants and diverge greatly in quality depending on the craftsmonkeyship of and resources available to that individual or mated pair. Far more important to the homestead is the surrounding turf: a stretch of the jungle on which the resident Kong has the exclusive right to gather, grow, or construct other buildings they might want, ensuring there’s around as much space between neighbors as that between farmhouses in rural regions. Particularly verdant areas may lead to smaller turfs, while rocky canyons may necessitate more, but the primary determinant of a family’s territory is the prowess of its Patriarch who’s claim is only considered valid by others if he can keep it clear of predators and intruders. Under the strictest interpretation of their ancient Law of the Jungle any proof that they faltered in that duty (for example, a neighbor being able pilfer his bananas without getting caught) is grounds for challenging them to a duel for ownership, with the challenged forfeiting the land and honor if he fails to accept. The obvious shortcomings of this near-anarchy are numerous: the productive time lost to constant policing of internal borders, a lack of trustworthiness between neighbors, and near universal ability of the physically strong to ignore restrictions while the cunning couldn't rise above their size, which hindered the development of the species beyond the simplest stages until the rise of the Tiki Tak Empire and later regional overlords and their need to organize effective systems for collecting taxes and raises levees among their simian subjects.
Modernized versions of this system are now the dominant mode of governing both across the Keys and smaller enclaves of Kong civilization on the mainland, most commonly referred to by its Tropi-cant name of "Crews". A Crew collectivizes the responsibility of territorial security between all members by placing all of its members homesteads under the ownership of the the finest warrior among them, who becomes the namesake of the group. Because the territory is his, this Kong leader is the only one who can be challenged by outsiders, which drastically cuts down on the number of challenges and territorial instability of the old system. While also technically the owner of all the area's output, this concentration of wealth actually promotes social harmony as it gives the Crew both the means and incentive to create establishments and horde surplus for mutual use on a scale they couldn't achieve as isolated individuals. Commerce within a Crew is non-existent: expectations are the Don will provide generous "gifts" to his followers and that they in turn will provide their specialized services to other members with communal memory keeping track of a loose "social credit", and structures such a centralized tree top "town" that connects various shops and storage huts with bridges open for use by all. For relationships between a Crew and the outside world, a type of barter is most often used based on the traditional gifts of submission and collected tributes: food and service, distributing token stamped with produce or the profile/initials of a member that can be exchanged for one bushel or task of what is depicted respectively. Interactions with a Crew resemble. something similar to dealing with a local sect of an organized crime ring: the leadership is friendly but very focused on your strength and what threat/benefits you can provide to his people without much of a concern for broader impacts, and will always be sensitive to anything that might harm their projection of a tough image.
Kong Names[edit]
Names serve a duel purpose in Kong Culture: not only differentiating individual from individual but as a mark of prestige in their own right. Under their system of honor, no two Kongs can bare the same name and if made aware of one another these Kongs might have a contest related to the trait embodied by that name, after which the loser taking on a different one more suitable to their nature. In this way, names act as titles for which Kong is its paragon, with the names of individual Islands being the most coveted (Since it declares the bearer and the land are one in the same: IE they’re in charge). The sole exception to this is “Manky”; a sort of anti-name used to refer to Kongs without a defining trait to call their own.
Male: Kiddy, Hefty, Dinky, Spotty
Female: Sweety, Wrinkly, Pretty, Slippery
Kong Traits[edit]
Marioverse: A race of relaxed, musical, herbivorous primates
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. While there is a great degree of physical dimorphism among the sub-species of Kong, they share highly developed fine motor functions and quick reaction times facilitated by lean, quick-twitch muscular structures
Age. While granting them many physical advantages in day to day life, the combination of a rigorous naturalistic lifestyle and overactive metabolism has the drawback of quickly wearing down on the Kong body. While living in more civilized conditions (such as that of most adventurers) can add around a decade to life, even they rarely live to see their 50th birthday with any Kong over 40 considered an Elder and being allowed to retire with honor.
Alignment. Kongs in their native habitat generally operate under the “Law of the Jungle”, with what laws they have fairly loose and enforced mainly by an individual or his family via an honor system. This focus on individual ability causes them to balk away from lawful alignments, though usually balanced by a simple good nature.
Size. Bulk is one of the biggest differences between the subspecies of Kong, from male Apes towering at over 6 ½ feet down to Ukiki who barely top 3 feet, with females on average a foot shorter and significantly less hefty than the males. While in general they act as Medium sized creatures, Apes function as Large creature in many circumstances
Speed. All Kongs have a land speed of 30 feet.
Jungle Climber. You have a climb speed of 10 feet. Whenever you make a successful Athletics check to propel yourself from a vertical surface you a climbing (Such as swinging from a vine or pushing off a wall), double the maximum distance you can travel
Jungle Beat. You gain proficiency with an Tools of your choice and the Performance skill.
Animal Buddies. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts. You can use a version of the animal friendship spell (See XGTE) as an extraordinary ability. So long as a beast is under the effect of this ability, you can communicate with it even if they are Medium size are larger. Once you use this ability, you can not use it again until you’ve taken a long rest.
Languages. You speak Kingdom Common and Tropi-cant: the modern derivative of the Tiki-Talk of the Tiki Tribe spoken throughout the islands of their old Empire
Subrace. Pick one of the subraces below: the mighty Apes, the stretchy Utans, or the nimble Ukiki. Gain all traits associated with that race.
The largest of the Kong subspecies, Apes are defined by their lack of tail and exaggerated musculature/curvature on males/females, and short brown. As the strongest in a society based on physical power they tend to monopolize wealth and influence in Kong communities as well as being the most common sights in the Kongo Bongo Islands themselves
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2
Chunky Kong. You count as a Large creature for all purposes other than reach and the number of spaces you occupy. This includes the amount of food and water you require, carrying capacity, equipment sizes/costs, and the amount of weight your can push, drag, and lift. You have disadvantage on all saving throws against area of effect attacks.
Utans are the redheaded (or rather orange furred) stepchildren of the Kong family, outclassed on the ground by the heftier Apes and in the trees by the more maneuverable Ukiki and generally occupying the bottom of Kong hierarchy. They possess elongated limbs, larger incisors, and a posture perfectly suited for throwing; attributes that would make them perfect hunters if they could digest meat
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Intelligence score increases by 1
Lanky Kong. You may treat any melee weapon you’re holding, as well as your unarmed and touched attacks, as having the Reach property. Any spells you cast with a range greater than Self have an additional 5 feet to their range, included Touch attacks.
Alone among the Kongs in retaining a prominent and prehensile tail, Ukiki are adapted for a life in the jungle canopies, where their small stature and flexible joints allow them to be supported by and maneuver over the foliage. Considered relatively harmless by others of their species, they commonly co-operate with Ape relations as assistants who can be trusted not to challenge their position
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2
Tiny Kong. You can move through spaces occupied by a creature at least one size larger than you. You may treat yourself as being either Small or Medium size in any circumstance, whichever is more advantageous to you.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 0'' | +3d6 | 40 lb. | × (2d10) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
1′ 9'' | +2d6-1 | 35 lb. | × (2d10-1) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 6'' | +2d6 | 30 lb. | × (2d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 3'' | +2d6-1 | 25 lb. | × (2d8-1) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 6'' | +2d6 | 30 lb. | × (2d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 3'' | +2d6-1 | 25 lb. | × (2d8-1) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
“ | " Despite their strong association with the aggressive Koopa Kingdom, their determination and desire for acceptance are hardly evil. Its when these admirable qualities are hijacked for a selfish cause that they can be turned into an unstoppable engine of destruction " | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
Koopa often form more tightly knit social circles than other races, adopting particular styles or colors as a “uniform” of sorts to show group pride.
Illustration Credit to Louivi at Deviantart |
Koopa Names[edit]
Names are considered a sign of familial and cultural continuity among the Koopa; given to hatchlings as a way to honor their ancestors and the heros of their community or ruling clan. “Hero” of course is a relative term, as pointed out in the section on Koopa Society, and may include anything from the First King Rodyson (“Roy”) to the folk hero of a meadow village or a great philosopher. This focus on historical influences means these names are heavily stepped in Old Kooptic traditions: the hard K’s, heavy use of O’s as the vowel of choice, and the “-pa/pea” (“One”/”The One”) and “On/Von” (Feminine and Masculine for Mistress/Master) suffix Male: Hookbill, Lempeal, Tootonkopa, Plonk Female: Kylipea, Koolypso, Shelley, Koopopetra
Koopa Traits[edit]
Marioverse: A race of sociable, bipedal turtle-folk
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Strength increases by 1. Koopas, in addition to the fortification provided by their shells, possess a dense reptilian musculature and low nerve sensitivity that allow them to handle more pain and hardship than similar mammalian creatures
Age. Koopa reach maturity only slightly slower than Fung Guys, being considered adults at roughly 35 years of age. Once they reach that point, however, their aging process slows to a crawl with senior status not being reached until their forth century and enjoying up to another 100 years of retirement
Alignment. Koopa don’t have a strong innate tendency towards any alignment, forming societies that range from highly stratified military orders strictly dedicated to Lawful Evil causes to laid back, almost hippie like communities that practice Chaotic Good mutual support. Due to their strong tendency towards emulating and honoring the prestigious and powerful around them, though, members of a community are likely to drift towards the alignment of their leadership over time.
Size. Koopas stand between 4 ½ and 5 feet, putting them on the upper end of the Marioverse’s Medium sized creatures
Speed. Koopas have a walking speed of 30 feet.
Koopa Shell. Your shell gives you a base AC is 12 + your Constitution modifier in addition to any miscellaneous modifiers, though you can not wear armor, robes, or any other item that normally occupies your body/torso unless that item specifically says it is a shell augmentation. Instead, your shell can be enchanted with any effect that would apply to a suit of armor, though you must be physically present for the entire enchanting process.
Cold-blooded. You are acclimated to desert environments and have advantage on saving throws to resist damage from heat and fire effect. As a consequence, you have disadvantage on save throws against low temperatures and cold damage
Shell Toss. You can use a version of the blade ward spell as an extraordinary ability that does not require verbal components. As part of this action, you can chose to withdraw into your shell and enter a Shell Toss, which you can sustain for up to 1 minute . While under the effects of Shell Toss you lose any shield bonus to AC and can not use held weapons, but your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity and gain a natural weapon which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your Constitution modifier+ any enchantment bonus to your shell, which increases to 2d8 at lv. 5, 3d8 at lv. 11, 4d8 at lv. 17. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you take a short rest
A Real Troopa. You are always treated as having one fewer levels of exhaustion.
Languages. You speak and a literate in Kingdom Common as well as New Kooptic: a language of roars and snaps used by most mainland Reptilian races.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 0'' | +2d6 | 100 lb. | × (x2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3′ 8'' | +2d6-2 | 90 lb. | × (x2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
“ | " Though one must confess their effectiveness, I cannot bring myself to admire the works of these rustic ‘inventers’. As long as it gets results, they hardly seem to care if the underlying cause is the result of their own knowledge, or just the magic of an answered Wish! '' | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
The tinted spectacles which are emblematic of Monty fashion are actually utilitarian protection from the harmful glare of the sun. Whenever possible, the prefer to go bare faced among their own kinds
It’s not an accident that the Kingdom Common term “Mine” is derived from their word for “Hometown”: wherever one finds a mountain range, there is bound to be at least a handful of Monty colonies built into their natural cave networks or dug out of the softer foothills. While outsiders might think these settlements small and tumbledown for their large and industrious population; usually consisting of fewer than a dozen single-stored, peaked timber structures with dirt floors for between one and two hundred occupants, this is due to their personal housing almost universally being underground in order to avoid unneeded exposure to the disorienting light of the sun. Instead of the cobblestone paths used by other races, the locals use a network of tunnels six feet or so down to move between their family “burrows” moving between these and the surface buildings through a series of covered hatches. Workspaces and those of public importance will be built into the hill or mountain; repurposing and widening natural caverns or tapped-out areas of mining operations whenever possible, creating a “town center” where anything or anybody an individual might need during the workday is within a short walk. Exterior businesses include those that need open air venting for practical reasons, such as smithies or the town bakery, but primarily consist of anything that would have to deal with surface-dwellers: a practice the weary Montys find somewhat unsavory and want to make sure there’s a clear line between “us” and “them”. While not strongly territorial and more than willing to accept outsiders into their lands (especially since, more often than not, these outsiders run the broader territory outside their towns), there are only rarely attempts to adjust their dark, dirty caverns, or abrasive behavior and standards to accommodate other race’s outside of specifically designated areas. Even in the not uncommon cases where the settlement isn’t an independent colony at all; a camp established to house a clan of diggers brought in to work outside mining project for example, the residents will tend to form a close-knit enclave that tries to limit the inclusion of the host culture as much as possible. When they do decide to break off from where they were raised, individuals and small groups have demonstrated surprising aptitude at “going native” into the popular culture instead, easily dazzled by unique traditions and innovations and giving them a unique personal spin. Virtually every successful Monty is part of these expats; having a particularly strong presence in professions such as engineering and business middle-management given their natural drive to streamline processes
To see this respect for efficiency and conviction in intuitive social ethics, one need looks no further than the remarkably dynamic and egalitarian nature of their local governments. While a mayor holds formal authority: personally leading any negotiations or merchant dealings on behalf of all businesses in the community, this is considered a public service rather than a privileged position. Authority over all matters within the community lies in the hands of council assembled from the heads of each household. The mayor is elected by popular vote from among their numbers every two years, with preference for this responsibility going to shrewd businessmen, and active participation in the weekly meetings is the expectation of all adult men. While the attendees do often spend more time socializing or bickering over matters of form rather than the substance of actual laws, such assemblies fulfill many of the vital roles of a religious ritual: insuring regular emotional interactions between the whole of society as equals in order to build on their already solid social fabric. This is the only event formally closed to those not born in the community; taking place in a secure underground chamber accessible only by burrowing, limiting the ability of outsiders to interfere in purely Monty disputes. This freedom is made possible by the light rule of the King Monty, who’s deep trust in his subjects to uphold their moral customs and decide on practices best suited for their unique situation than any lack of concern for his subjects. In his youth, his court deep beneath the earth was one of the most lively in the land; sharing the fruits of his alchemical pursuits in the form of pyrotechnics, drinks and treats with amusing and magical effects on the imbiber, and all sorts of fantastic diversions to bring color to the otherwise grey lives. Having never given my significance the Stars he only rarely saw, instead placing faith in the people to make their own wishes come true through hard work and science, for over two centuries he’s spoken of the Cult as foolish children who can’t grow up. As age and the dimming of his mind slowly descends on him, the monarch’s creativity has begun to warp into madness and an ever more urgent sense to leave a definitive mark on the world or circumvent the inevitable. Having proof of his competence as a wish granter and utterly convinced every problem has a rational solution, the King has withdrawn from public life into his extensive laboratories, still communicating via a computerized messaging system and delivering a steady stream of helpful schematics to his servants while requesting obscure items or information and pledging he will return once he’s discover the trick to infinite lives.
Monty Names[edit]
Motherhood is considered one of the highest callings in Monty communities, with how much thought the parents put into how they plan to raise the child the first sign of how seriously they take this responsibility. Namings are thus a very public affair, with the child being put through a ceremony that shows the significance of the choice and a prayer by the parents to the Stars for a single related thing they hope the newborn: the reading of a legend or piece of literature in which a character has the same name, the gift of a trinket that symbolizes a certain virtue, or some other simple but heartfelt method of expression. Individuals are expected to treat their names with deep respect, as they encompass the unconditional love of parent for child: to take on a pet or nickname is considered the ultimate rebuke of one’s family, barring the simple contractions which are used as terms of endearment Male Monty Names: Malichi, Vigilance, Augustine, Brigamole
Female Monty Names: Lapis, Prudence, Dyanannabel, Terresa
Monty Traits[edit]
Marioverse: Clever Moles with a penchant for machines
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Strength increases by 1.
Age. A long history of hard work in the dirt has selected for robustness in the Monty population, making them incredibly long-lived for normal sized mammals. While reaching maturity at the average age of about 16, they can keep working hard for nearly a century and a half before slipping into a rapid, rather dramatic senility they call the “coot” period and being allowed to fade away
Alignment. Simple, wholesome virtues such as loyalty to family, a solid work ethic, and stoicism are the bedrock of Monty moral codes; suffering seen as something that only happens to lazy or wicked people. While this callousness comes across as evil to many, most adventuring individuals are those who don’t mesh with the conservativism of their hometowns: though most still find the idea of people “getting whats coming to them” hard to shake
Size. The average Monty stands just over 4 feet, though its considered highly immodest to expose more than one’s upper half when aboveground unless absolutely nessacery. This makes them comfortably Medium sized creatures.
Speed. Montys have a walking speed of 30 feet, and burrow speed of 15 feet.
Montey Ingenuity. You have proficiency with (tinker’s tools) and one of your choice from the following: alchemist's supplies, land vechiles, or smith's tools. As part of a short rest, you can produce mundane, non-consumable adventuring equipment or ammunition of a value no greater than 2 gp from miscellaneous materials if you have access to tinker’s tools. These items are obviously makeshift with no financial value and will break down after 24 hours.
Hale n’ Hearty. You have advantage on saving throws against poisoned and disease
Tunnel Vision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. However, you also have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
Burrower. You have a burrow speed of 15 feet
Cogcunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (Investigation) check to determine the cause of a malfunction or a weak point in a mechanical device, you are considered proficient in the Investigation skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. If you successfully make this diagnostic, you may add double your proficiency bonus to any checks made to repair or disable that devise
Rocky Shotput. You can use a version of the eldrich bolt cantrip as an extraordinary ability that doesn’t require verbal components and uses sling bullets or crossbow bolts as a material component. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this attack.
Languages. You speak and are literate in Kingdom Common and are literate in Shrombols: a pictographic version of Spore-Speak ability.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3′ 5'' | +2d10 | 100 lb. | × (x2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3′ 0'' | +2d10-1 | 90 lb. | × (x2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
“ | " Questions on the motivations behind the creation of Star Kids are matters for theology, not science. From a technical standpoint though, it’s fascinating to think a living creature being shaped from the desires of mortals. " | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
As the bridge through which the near-immortal Stars can interact with and understand their worshipers, Hotheads have an almost irrepressible hunger for gossip and company.
Illustration Credit to Louivi at Deviantart |
Nimbus Names[edit]
Skyskrit is a vowel-heavy language and full of short smooth pronunciations: words that can easily be carried on the wind and stand out among the crackling static around Sparkys, and names derived from it are no exception to these general trends. Double letters: particularly Fs, Ts, and Rs are particularly common and when used carry the emphasis, to insure these breezy tone can be heard over any background noise. Other than this, references to natural phenomena are a common custom, with the belief the named will take on a similar temperament Male: Skyler, Frost, Jefferson, Godfrrye Female: Mistt, Sunny, Terri, Florence
Nimbus Traits[edit]
Marioverse: Self-sustaining stormsclouds, who live in harmony with the weather
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2. Nimbi possess both a strong sense of inner calm and exterior changes; qualities well-suited to the volatile upper atmosphere where they evolved
Age. Nimbi are born as ghostly whisps; somewhat resembling tadpoles or insect larva. The gather bulk and gradually form into their mature shape over a period of 13-15 years, a considered culturally adults when they finally shed their vestigial cloudy tails. Sparkys generally have a lifespan of only around 60 years, as the forces that hold their bodies together constantly decaying under the pressure of their own radiation and growing increasingly volatile as they age, but Puffs can live up to five times as long.
Alignment. Unlike Boos, a Hothead forms out of a general selection of desires rather than strong conviction, which leads them to adopt more balanced alignments with a slight preference for selfishness: most unanswered wishes are after all for oneself.
Size. Nimbi measure between 1 ½ and 2 ft. in height, fluctuating slightly in size depending on the humidity and pressure of the air around them. Like Boo’s, this is a mostly weightless but still mass-possessing psudeo-matter, but they are distinctly Small creatures
Speed. All Nimbi have a “Walking” Speed of 25 feet.
Lighter than Air. So long as the terrain you occupy is solid you float a foot above the ground, treating your walking speed as a hovering speed. Difficult terrain based on low-lying features (such as undergrowth) does not limit you movement, nor do you take damage from ground-based hazards such as caltrops and are immune to falling damage if you’d land on solid terrain. You still produce pressure on the ground which can trigger weight-based traps and produce trackable trails, and must swim through liquid normally
Cloudkin. You have resistance to lightening and thunder damage.
Insulated. You are acclimated to high altitude environments and have advantage on saving throws to resist damage from low temperatures and cold damage. As a consequence, you have disadvantage on save throws against high temperatures and fire damage
Languages. You speak Kingdom Common and Skyskrit: a whistling language spoken by those civilizations that dwell above the clouds
Subrace. Pick one of the subraces below: the lightening-hearted Sparky or thunder-hearted Puff. Gain all traits associated with that race.
Populating the lower, more mobile territories of the Skylands, the heavy presence of terrestrial gases during formation makes the Sparky body far more reactive than their Puff counterpart. The constant discharges from this instability are what produce their trademark glow, which is partially light and partially electric in nature.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Illuminate. You shed bright light in a 20 ft radius around you, and dim light for an additional 20 feet, as an extraordinary ability. This is treated as natural sunlight. As an action, you can cause a halo of light to form around every object and creature within the range of your bright light, granting advantage on all attack rolls against them and preventing hiding or benefiting from invisibility for 1 minute. Once you use this second ability, you can not do so again until you take a long rest.
Electrodash. You can use a version of the shocking grasp cantrip as an extraordinary ability that does not use material or verbal components and with a casting time of Reaction (allowing it to be used for opportunity attacks). Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this effect.
Native to the sedentary and generally upper layer Skylands, Puff flesh is thicker and resembles conventional cloudstuff both in appearance and texture. Without the constant leakage of the Sparky, they excess energy acclimates in their bodies and can be released in controlled, low-frequency bursts to manipulate the air around them
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1
Camo-Fog. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by rain, falling snow, mist, the overcast of stormy clouds, or other weather phenomena
Pressurdigitation. You can use a version of the thunderclap cantrip as an extraordinary ability that does not use material components, and version of fog cloud that does not require concentration. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these effects. Once you use the fog cloud, you can not use it again until you take a long rest
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
1′ 4'' | +2d4 | 5 lb. | × (2d6-4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
“ | " To experience a history of constant outside domination and still emerge with such a hospitable culture is proof of a truly noble spirit. That, or a fully developed case of mass Stockholm syndrome: I’ll have to the psychology department do a study on that. " | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
Piantas, while capable of impressive feats of strength, generally act slowly and with great focus so to avoid the natural clumsiness of their bottom heavy bodies and blocky limbs getting in their way
Illustration Credit to ChetRippo at Deviantart |
Pianta Names[edit]
Pianta naming conventions derive from a mixture of vulgar Tiki and Old Cooptic influences; their native islands having been the frontier of the ancient reptilian and planetoid cultures. The I’s (Y’s on Kingdom Common) and O’s end the majority of their masculine words, while feminine terms end in A’s, and contain a wide variety of “rounded” sounds in the middle with hard sounds restricted to the first part of the word. This gives their language a very relaxed but “punchy” feel that can sound either tough or informal based on cadence
Male: Cabboly, Giovinny, Volentonio, Leono Female: Ippozia, Pocka, Tolopea, Kettona
Pianta Traits[edit]
Marioverse: Rotund Tree-giants native to the Isles Delfinio
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1. The sheer mass and rigidity of the Pianta frame make them a true force of nature, while the universal pheromones produced by their unique symbiote grant them a unique edge in working with the emotions and perceptions of others
Age. Pianta are species that believe firmly in taking their time to perfect their work, and that extends to the raising of their children. 30 years are the absolute minimum they are allowed to experience childhood and decide on their path in life despite being mature by 20, and only start dropping off from natural causes once they get past 200
Alignment. Pianta tilt strongly towards a Neutral Good alignment, being as warm and welcoming as their tropical homeland. Those in leadership positions are far more likely to be lawful due to the responsibility they feel towards their underlings.
Size. A Pianta will easily top 6’, with 7’ hardly being a rarity and with a girth to match. For most purposes, they function as Large creatures
Speed. Piantas have a land speed of 30
Gentle Giant. You count as a Large creature for all purposes other than reach and the number of spaces you occupy. This includes the amount of food and water you require, carrying capacity, equipment sizes/costs, and the amount of weight your can push, drag, and lift. You have disadvantage on all saving throws against area of effect attacks.
Chuckster. Increase may treat all weapons in which you have proficiency as having the Thrown quality and may add your proficiency bonus to even improvised weapons as long as they are thrown. For weapons in which you are already proficient and have the Thrown quality, you increase the range increment by 50% and have advantage on attack rolls within the first range increment
Warm Welcome. You can use a version of the friends cantrip as an extraordinary ability at-will that does not require concentration or material components. You can not target any creature with this ability more than once per week, but the creature realizes that you used the ability to influence its mood once the effect ends and its attitude towards you does not change.
Languages. You speak Kingdom Common and Tropi-cant: the modern derivative of the Tiki-Talk of the Tiki Tribe spoken throughout the islands of their old Empire
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
6′ 6'' | +2d12+4 | 250 lb. | × (x2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
6′ 2'' | +2d12 | 225 lb. | × (x2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Shy Guys[edit]
“ | " So many of the practices of the Shy Tribes seems to suggest a knowledge far beyond the primitive trappings they’re cloaked in. I wonder if they’re trying to hide something from us, or if those secrets have been lost even to them. " | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
Shys are often found in those places at the misty edges of dimensions and order, with the color of their garbs signifying what role they play within the surreal societies there. Only Black has a universal meaning: Ender of All Games
Illustration Credit to Louivi at Deviantart |
Shy Guy Names[edit]
Shy mythology place a great deal of power in birth names, seeing them as so entwined with the soul that knowledge of it is the only way to fully understand and thus either truly love or compel the owner. Thus, it is costumery for a Shy when they first leave the protective folds of their tribe to adopt a “mask name” to use as an alias with outsiders. This is usually some object or action they use often, reflecting on how deeply they associate a sense of self with one’s role in society.
Male: Sly, Ratchet, Lance, Dash Female: Ribbon, Wand, Hula, Shiv
Shy Guy Traits[edit]
Marioverse: A race of mysterious squat humanoids, hidden behind mask faces
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1. Shys are a curious and inventive group who’s ability to absorb and recall information is second to none, while their uniquely compact physiology reduces the fragility of their internal systems.
Age. While few Shys live to their maximum ages in the barren and uncivilized environments that their tribes tend to form in, observations of exiles and urban communities have shown individuals live for between 80 and 100 years, with 16 being the age of maturity.
Alignment. Shys are savagely protective towards their tribal units, but are largely morally passive towards the world at large. While not actively cruel or freedom-loving, they tend to be dismissive towards the interests and values of those outside their immediate group and show no qualms about benefitting at the expense of outsiders
Size. A Shy’s barrel-torso makes up virtually their entire height, and can range between 3 ½ and 4 ½ feet with little in the way of gender differences. By Marioverse standards, they are Medium sized creatures
Speed. Shys have a land speed of 30 feet
Shy-lock. You have proficiency with the Deception skill and disguise kit
Ambush Instinct. You have advantage on Initiative rolls, and any rolls against creatures who haven’t acted in combat.
Professional Mask-ary. Select one Skill you your list of class skills and one tools in which you have proficiency. You have Expertise with these, and may add double your proficiency bonus to checks involving their use.
Armaments of the Ancestors. You can use a version of the shillelagh spell as an extraordinary ability at-will that uses any simple melee weapon as its material component. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this effect.
Languages. You speak and a literate in Kingdom Common as well as Shy Guy; a high-pitched language that uses a Semaphore-like system for writing and silent signaling.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 6'' | +3d6+1 | 35 lb. | × (x2d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 0'' | +3d6 | 25 lb. | × (x2d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
“ | " Questions on the motivations behind the creation of Star Kids are matters for theology, not science. From a technical standpoint though, it’s fascinating to think a living creature being shaped from the desires of mortals. " | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
As the bridge through which the near-immortal Stars can interact with and understand their worshipers, Starlings have an almost irrepressible hunger for gossip and company.
Illustration Credit to Louivi at Deviantart |
Starling Names[edit]
Starlings have a preference for simple, two syllable names, assigned to them by their Ninja caregivers from a reading of the position of the heavenly bodies at the time of their decent and consulting secret charts handed down to them by the Church. This limited list means the names, while beautiful, are often repeated and referential to the legends of the Stars Male: Twink, Polaris, Skolar, Justice Female: Aurora, Mamar, Glistar, Charity
Starling Traits[edit]
Marioverse: Celestial energy, given form by moral wishes
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1 . Starlings are literally little balls of sunshine, specifically designed by the Star Spirits to make others comfortable in their presence, and all receive rigorous academic training to understand their role in the mortal world.
Age. By the time a Starling accumulates enough wishes to fall to the surface, they’ll have already been maturing in their juvenile Luma state for about twenty years. Once they’ve achieved this state, they gradually radiate their emotional essence into the surrounding world and take on a more mundane nature until they decay into a mentally inert, if physical potent, Power Star, Shine Sprite, or Power Moon. This process takes 4 centuries, with each marking a milestone in their maturing.
Alignment. A Starling forms out of a general selection of desires rather than strong conviction, which leads them to adopt more balanced alignments with a slight preference for selfishness: most unanswered wishes are after all for oneself. While is may seem strange that angelic agents aren’t inherently good, the Star Spirits respect the importance of free will too much to impose morality even on their servants
Size. Speed. Starlings have a “Walking” Speed of 25 feet.
Haven-Sent. You have proficiency with the Religion skill. You can use this skill instead of Arcana for the purpose of identifying spells and magic items
Steller Origin. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, resistance to radiant damage, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Lucky Star. At the end of a long rest, roll a number of d20's equal to your proficiency modifier and record the result. When you or an alley within 30 feet of you rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can chose to resolve the action as though they'd rolled one of these results instead. You can not use the same roll more than once for this ability
Living Light. You are immune to diseases. You do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal. You can use a version of the word of radiance (See XGTE) cantrip as an extraordinary ability that does not use material or verbal components. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this effect'
Languages. You speak Kingdom Common and Skyskrit: a whistling language spoken by those civilizations that dwell above the clouds
“ | " Such a strange thing, the honor of a Squeek. They speak so pridefully of how little effort it took to get something, even if it’s the pettiest bauble… how their ancestors would be shamed " | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
Traditional Squeek clothing is designed with as many light, concealing layers as possible, as a way to keep cool in the desert sun while still protecting against the billowing winds and sands.
Illustration Credit to Louivi at Deviantart |
Squeek Names[edit]
Common Squeek parents give their broods of children short, simple names which rarely exceed a single syllable. Given the high youth fatality rate, there’s considered little point in putting more thought than necessary to any particular offspring that early: it might produce attachment. To have a more complex or name is a signal that one’s family has good enough breeding to be reasonably sure they wouldn’t die from infant illness, which leads to these being derived from the flowing names of the ancient desert empire from which those bloodlines descend. Male: Ali, Din, Sef, Mousfasa Female: Kat, Nina, Rata, Rodquyya
Squeek Traits[edit]
Marioverse: Round rodents with a literal nose for trouble
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Being twitchy and on guard seems perfectly naturally to these beings, as being aware of danger before it catches them and being quick to dodge out of the way has long been their main method of surviving in a dangerous world.
Age. “Live Fast, Die Young” is considered the unofficial slogan among Squeek gangsters for more reasons than simply their prevalence in the bottoms ranks of the criminal community. Squeeks breed and mature quickly, those that survive that long entering their professional lives at ages as young as 8 and often dyeing not long after that. Only the most crafty, well connected, or isolated members will last long enough to be considered “Old” and even these will be brought down by the brought down by the ultimate treachery of mortality before 70.
Alignment. Squeeks are a social species only in the loosest of terms, a problem inherited from the weakness of their ancestrally weak family bonds as a result of stiff competition between siblings and a high infant mortality rate that prevented the formation of empathy towards individual offspring. This makes them almost universally chaotic, though they can develop surprising loyalty towards principals and companions so long as they are the ones deciding on the association.
Size. At heights that barely hit 2’ in most instances, the Squeek are definitively a Small race
Speed. Squeeks have a land speed of 25 feet
Dramatic Escape. You can use disengage action as a bonus action
Scurry. You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. You may use this skill instead of Athletics when climbing surfaces
Nose for Trouble. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. So long as you aren't taking any actions that require Concentration, you you can sense the presence and location of poisons, poisonous creatures, and diseases within 10 feet of you. By making a (Perception) check equal to the Save DC as a standard action, you can identify the the kind of poison or disease.
Cold Feet. You can use a version of the ray of frost spell as an extraordinary ability which does not require verbal components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.
Languages. You speak and a literate in Kingdom Common as well as Karad’ary; the mother tongue of most residents of the great desert regions of the land
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 0'' | +2d4 | 30 lb. | × (x2d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
“ | " Underestimate Yoshis at your own peril. Though they seem like pushovers on the surface, deep down beats the noble heart of a Dinosaur just waiting to come out'' | ” |
—Field Notes: Professor Ezookial Gadd |
Physical Description[edit] |
Yoshi scales are always bold in shade, gaining their color from the pigments in the food they eat. Individuals will usually end up the same color as their favorite meals as a result. |
Yoshi Names[edit]
Since the Yoshi language has no written form and utilizes tones barely pronounceable by other races, their traditional names are next to impossible to describe in text or use in everyday conversation. They prefer a common name given to them by a trusted companion over picking one themselves, something which often results in a name from their culture.
Yoshi Traits[edit]
Marioverse: Brightly colored raptors with a ravenous appetite
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1. Despite their playful personalities, Yoshi are still dinosaurs and thus some of the finest physical specimens among the intelligent races: able to run and jump often dizzying distance and even carry others on their backs
Age. There is little distinction between children and adult in Yoshi society: they emerge from the egg fully functional and remain just as cheery and carefree throughout their lives unless weighed down by overexposure to cruelty. Sadly, these bright lives are also brief: rare indeed is the Yoshi who lives past 35.
Alignment. More than any other race the Yoshi have a near-uniformity of their morals in their dedication to being Good-natured, with a slight preference for freedom over order. Evil Yoshis, while rare as hen’s teeth, could never be properly described as unheard-of: those all-devouring savages leaving a blood trail across the horror stories of every culture.
Size. Yoshi are the tallest of the civilized races; between 7 and 9 feet even when hunched over in their most natural stance. This easily makes them Large creatures.
Speed. Yoshi have a land speed of 35 feet.
Sensative. You have disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened, charmed, stunned, and poisoned,
Gentle Giant. You count as a Large, Quadruped creature for all purposes other than reach and the number of spaces you occupy. This includes the amount of food and water you require, carrying capacity, equipment sizes/costs, and the amount of weight your can push, drag, and lift. You have disadvantage on all saving throws against area of effect attacks. In addition, your speed isn’t reduced by your load
Tounge Lash. You can use a version of the thorn whip cantrip as an extraordinary ability that doesn’t require material components and deals bludgeoning damage. Strength is your spellcasting ability for this effect.
Cold Blooded. You are acclimated to desert environments and have advantage on saving throws to resist damage from heat and fire effect. As a consequence, you have disadvantage on saving throws against low temperatures and cold damage
Safari Scavenger. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check to locate a source of food, you are considered proficient in the Survival skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks which you take in a tropical environment
Languages. You speak and a literate in Kingdom Common as well as Yoshi; a language which resembles babytalk in Kingdom Common and is rarely used outside the Yoshi themselves.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
7′ 0'' | +2d12 | 200 lb. | × (x2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
6′ 10'' | +2d12 | 190 lb. | × (x2d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Worldbuilding Random Notes
Politics Kings/Queens: Drawn from the Kooptic and Karad’ary language and customs of their conflicting arid homes, the title has become a neigh-universal label of the concept it embodies: “Command”. This authority is defined by being over peoples, not place, and is nearly always complimented with the name of the group they dominate. A hypothetical King Kong for example would have power over all other Kongs even if he wasen’t the supreme governor of a Kong-majority area. This is one of the few titles that exisit across cultural lines (Being granted and promoted by the Stars) and has a defined set of privileges backed by their magic: 1. A King (if actually possessing the title, not just faking it) is legally and physically sacrosanct to all but agents of the Stars and the most powerful of cosmic beings and can’t have their games ended before their natural end outside VERY unusual circumstance. 2. They have the right to make judgements and issue punishments in any case where one of their subjects is the aggrieved party, unless the defendant is a member of the Church or other sovereign (A fact that has lead to great pains by law codes to define things as Crimes Against the Crown in sensitive areas) 3. To collect payment and services from their subjects. 4. To see up facilities in any area with a substantial population of their subjects in order to defend and provide them with services. 5. The wielding of collective magical power. 6. Must authorize any member of their species who claims territorial authority. Kingdom: Meaning “Area of Command”, a Kingdom is a geographic region over which a particular legal code holds sway in those areas not superseded by the privileges of the Kings. There may be multiple Kings operating in a particular Kingdom, but they are strictly speaking governed by a Prince or Princess (First Citizien) to distinguish their inferior position to the Racial Monarchs in terms of supremacy of their legal codes. Princely jurisdiction covers the more superfluous and mundane aspects of governance as opposed to the weighty matters left to actual sovereigns: acting as combination ambassadors, mediators, and civil servants for and between the Kings to allow multi-racial areas to function day to day without everything getting tied up in conflicting law codes and politicking: a position of great influence but, as they lack the raise revenues of their own accord, dependent on the Monarchs to function and always at the center of scheming. They also lack innate Star Protections, and so have to get the willing co-operation of the Church or allies among the Monarchs or risk getting crushed in their machinations. Because of this, a King or Queen of supreme power in an area will try to get this title assigned to their heir if possible: to give them training, consolidate as much authority in their dynasty as possible, and insure they are protected. Bowser: “Father of Fealty” in Old Cooptic, Bowser is loosely used to refer to a “King of Kings”; a racial monarch who has through some means earned the services of one of his counterparts, giving him and expanded (albet indirect and mediated) pool of subjects to call upon. It is not an offical ranking, per say, but its use carries a great deal of weight and signals one should not trifle with them. Don: Derived from Tiki for “Big Man”, Don is used through many of the tropical regions to refer to the most influential of a group even if they don’t have the authority of a King: of particular value because that influence does not require meeting the authorized standards laid down by the Stars to be transferred. It is most often used by Pianta, who have no tradition of an independent monarchy and thus developed a strong tradition of self-governance by local strongmen and oligarchs appointed by their absentee rulers. Their power is entirely based on loyalty of their followers and personal ability to enforce their will… a factor that lead to the Kongs adopting a similar title “Donkey”; Don of the Keys, to designate the powerful of their kind who acts as a representative of their race for those interactions with the outside world that require it. Chancellor: A Skarskrit derived term meaning “Appointed by Fate”, a Chancellor is a kind of substitute King who manages the duties of a racial Monarch when they are indisposed and their heir not available for one reason or another, acting as an advisor in most circumstances. Chancellor Toadsworth is an example, but a very unusual one as no Chancellor before him has had to carry the full duties of substitute for as long as he has before, given Princess Toadstool/Peach’s unwillingness to accept coronation to the duties as Queen and abandon her position as Princess… forcing him into the maddening position of both trying to protect her as the Toad heir or at least get her to produce a child who can do it in her stead while juggling the duties of managing the Toads… resulting in him doing neither job well.