User:Doriansword//Sound Breathing (5e Class)
Sound Breathing[edit]
Sound Breathing is a breathing style that is meant to emulate the exciting sounds and sights of theatrics. But when it comes to demon-slaying a Sound Breathing user will be sure to remind you that it isn’t all about looks and showing off (just mostly) with its explosive power sound breathing is able to take down most things with not just flare but speed
Creating a Sound Breathing user.[edit]
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- Quick Build
You can make a Sound Breathing user quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Second, choose two one handed light weapons with which to duel wield .
- Attribute Bonuses
+1 Str, +1 cha.
Class Features
As a Sound Breathing user. you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d(8) per Sound Breathing user. level
Hit Points at 1st Level: (8) + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d(8) (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Sound Breathing user. level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light, Medium.
Weapons: Simple and Martial weapons.
Tools: Instrument of choice, Disguise kit
Saving Throws: Strength and Charisma.
Skills: Performance, Athletics
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) Two light Simple or Martial weapons of your choice or (b) Scale mail or Leather armor
- Whenever a saving throw is called for the dc will be equal to 8 + the sound breather’s proficiency modifier + the sound breather’s charisma modifier.
First Form: Blast of Bombastic Sound Bombs![edit]
(Standard Action) The user utilizes their sword(s) to create a small sound blast at the tip forcing any creature 5ft in the direction the sound breather swings to make a DEX save or take 1d6 thunder damage, additionally, if the DEX save is failed the victim is deafened. Using this form expends one breathing point.
- Blast of Bombastic Sound Bombs can be used with increased potency.
By expending an additional Breath point, the damage of this form goes up by 1d6.
Second Form: Shattering Roar![edit]
(Standard Action) The user lets out a thunderous roar and slams both of his blades onto the ground or attempts to slash both of them into a target (this is rolled as a normal weapon attack) causing an explosion originating from the point of impact. This explosion deals 1d10 thunder damage and half that on a failed DEX save (the victim takes weapon damage from both blades if they are the point of origin) if the ground is the place of origin for the explosion it instead deals 1d8 thunder damage to all creatures within 5ft. This form expends two breathing points.
- Shattering Roar can be used with increased potency.
By expending an additional Breath point, the user can add an additional 1d10 thunder damage (1d8 if the ground is the point of origin) to the explosion component of the attack.
Dual Wield Prowess[edit]
When dual wielding two swords or otherwise a sound breather can roll their second attack without any restrictions or drawbacks however it still costs a bonus action as per normal.
Third Form: Booming Barrage![edit]
(Standard Action) The user lashes out with both of their blades, dealing 3d6 slashing damage to all enemies in 10ft in front of them on a failed DEX as the small explosions created with each swing blast any creature in the user's path, additionally these small explosions knock the victim back 5ft on a failed CON save. This form expends two breathing points.
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Forth Form: Resonating Reflection![edit]
(Bonus Action) The user creates an immense amount of sound spheres around them with these spheres acting as a barrier to deter attackers granting the user 1d8+charisma mod temporary hit points, additionally, if the user is struck half the damage of the attack is dealt back to the attacker and they are deafened for a single round. This form expends three breathing points.
Flashy Entrance![edit]
The most important impression to make is the first one. And as a performer, you are determined to make a striking first impression! Your first attack during any given combat has advantage, additionally, during the first round of combat you can make an attack as a part of a dash action if you are able to succeed in a DC14 performance check beforehand.
The thrill of the theatrics of battle are beginning to set in! You are now able to push yourself further, gaining an extra attack with your main action!
Performance Arts Perfected![edit]
You've become a true force to be reckoned with on set, granting you expertise in the performance skill.
Flowing Melody of Bombastic Blades![edit]
(Bonus Action) The sound breather takes in a deep breath preparing for the performance to come, they then enter a trance and are able to see their dreams to become reality, the battleground becomes their stage and they are the lead actor, this trance lasts for 1d3 rounds and after those the sound breather must continue to make performance checks with an increasingly high dc (14,15,16,17,18 in that order), while in this trance you gain 10ft of movement and the ability to attack another creature for free after dropping a creature to 0hp in the same turn this extra attack allows you to move up to 10ft before making it and both blades are used in this attack if you are dual wielding. This feature expends three breathing points.
- Flowing Melody of Bombastic Blades can be used with increased potency.
By expending an additional Breath point, the user's attacks while entranced deal an additional 1d4 thunder damage per point added.
Fifth Form: String Performance![edit]
(Standard Action + Full Movement) The user holds their weapons by the chains that connect them and rotates each blade at high speeds while dashing 60ft forward, during this dash they can pass by any medium or smaller creature with ease, as they leave behind multiple small sound bombs, dealing 5d6 explosion damage to any creature the user passes by the end of the dash on a failed dexterity saving throw, and half that on a passed one. This form expends three breathing points.
The Show Must Go On![edit]
(Bonus Action) You and you alone must take action, steel yourself and continue your show! Once every long rest the sound breather gains the ability to become resistant to anything that seeks to disable them (stunning effects, slowing effects, paralysis, any form of disable) this ability lasts for 1 round, and after that, you must make performance checks to keep it going these checks have an increasingly harder dc for every round this ability is active (14,16,18.,20 in that order).
Sixth Form: Thunderous Execution![edit]
(Standard Action) The user breathes deeply and begins to create a whistling noise emanating from his blades the user makes a dash of up to 30ft (consumes as much movement equal to the distance traveled) and comes at an enemy slashing at their neck with both blades in an attempt to slice off their head if this attack lands both blades let off an explosion alongside their regular damage-dealing 10d8 thunder damage and sending the user backward 10ft+remaining movement, and stunning the enemy hit for 1 round on a failed CON save. This form expends four breathing points.
- Thunderous Execution can be used with increased potency.
By expending an additional Breath point, the explosion part of the form will deal an additional 1d8 thunder damage for each additional point used.
Curtain Call![edit]
Your training has helped you better understand the pacing of theatrics and you have come to a conclusion... It's time to speed things up! You gain an additional extra attack when using the attack action!
Limit Breaking Sound of a Flamboyant Duo![edit]
The sound breather is a master of controlling the group's mood and refuses to allow any demon trying to stop their good time forcing them to improvise! When within 10ft of an ally the sound breather can use their bonus action and choose a compatriot to become their duo partner granting that ally the following benefits: +1 to attacks, +5ft of movement speed, and the ability to share initiative with the sound breather, these effects wear off when the duo partner puts themselves more than 10ft away from the sound breathing user who made them their duo.
- The sound breather can use their bonus action to swap their duo if their previous duo partner becomes incapacitated or exits the 10ft range.
Seventh Form: Audible Annihilation![edit]
(Standard Action) The user sends out a barrage of noise spheres toward a target within 30ft of them dealing 10d4+10 thunder damage, deafening the victim for 1d6 rounds, and stunning them for 1 on a failed CON save. This form expends as five breathing points.
- Audible Annihilation can be used with increased potency.
By expending an additional Breath point, you can add an additional 1d4/noise sphere to the attack for each additional point used.
Eighth Form: Fates Score, Flashy Deflection![edit]
(Bonus Action) The user has studied both battle and theatrics long enough to understand and be able to visualize attacks much better than before seeing them as a musical score instead of a barrage of attacks allowing them to deflect and press onward through anything that may get in their way flamboyantly! when you use this feature your enemies will have to roll against a performance check instead of your ac in order to hit you, this ability also allows you to substitute dexterity and strength saves with performance checks. This form expends one breathing point her turn used.
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Unwavering Heart of a True Performer![edit]
You are prepared to do what must be done despite any losses. This determination to give the audience a good finale leads you to be able to stand tall even in the face of otherwise unbearable sensations!, even the loudest of explosions have no effect on the likes of you! You are unable to be deafened by any source of loud noise.
Ninth Form: Finale![edit]
(Reaction) As a reaction to dealing more than 30 damage to a single target in one turn, the user dashes past their victim spreading small bombs across their body on a failed DEX save, these bombs deal 4d20 fire damage upon exploding, blowing chunks if not limbs off of the victim as they are lit ablaze! This form expends eight breathing points.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th level, you gain the ability to breathe deeply and meditate for a short period of time (1 action) regaining 1 breath point for each level of mantra you have unlocked (see class features table).
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