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A recently re-activated DDO fan. I love 3.5 but am a strong 4.0 hater. I'm fine with 2.0 Although my favorite classes are paladin, ranger and monk, I recently am interested in creating a 'necromancer' class. Unfortunately, there was already a pre-existing class made on this site for it, and it was corrupted with cheapness. I'm modeling the basis for the idea of a necromancer around and evil cleric and the pale master prestige class taken from DDO.


Dungeons and Dragons Online: A free online game (but preferably you should go 1-month of membership to obtain VIP status, which after it ends you become a premium player which is slightly better than being 'free'). This is a real time game which incorporates freedom of choice rather than being turn based (think NeverWinter Nights) except better

It is modeled after DnD 3.5 where you can create your adventurer and explore a vast world full of quests, loot and monsters.

This game, in my opinion, is far the best MMORPG that's free to play. If you still think its cool to mess around on Runescape or fiddle with World of Warcraft, you obviously have never heard of DDO.

You create your adventurer based on a list of 10 classes (unfortunately, the druid has not been made yet) and select a race (they are missing gnome). But to go along with it, DDO has invented an elaborate system.

The game includes a new class entitled the "Favored Soul" which would be the equivalent to a Cleric-Sorcerer. There is also the race option to be a Warforged (a type of humanoid construct) and the Drow race along with the powerful races of the Half-Orc (Horc) & Half-Elf (Helf). I don't really care for these nicknames, but its what the DDO community calls them.

Likes most online games, this one is hit with inflation. Therefore, to reach lvl 2, you need to acquire 1000xp 5 times for a total of 5000xp. Along with this 5 times as much xp needed comes ranks. every time you reach the end of what should have been a level, you gain a rank gaining you also an "action point". These action points allow you to gain more powerful abilities in your class, such as bonuses to attack, special skills or augmented magic damage. Prestige options are usually available to classes at levels 6/12/18 with a capstone ability at lvl 20. Some examples of prestiges are "thief acrobat/assassin/mechanic" for rouge, "kensei/defender" for fighter, "ninja spy/shianto monk" for monk, "pale master/archmage" for wizard, ... and other things. You may only control one prestige from each class at a time, however, you can multiclass and thus obtain as much as a total of 4 different prestiges. since elfs gain a racial prestige of Arcane Archer, you could take 6 fighter, 6 rouge, and 8 wizard for "kensei" "thief acrobat" "Pale master" and "Arcane Archer", but this would make your character extremely gimped.

When your character completes quests, you gain favor. when you gain enough favor, you gain DDO store points, allowing you to buy special account options off of the online DDO store. Things like this include new adventure packs (which are extremely useful in helping you get to lvl 20), account options like using the 32 point build option, and other misc. stuff.

When you go VIP, you gain some free DDO store points and temporarily gain access to all adventure packs and character creation options such as all classes and all races.

When you obtain lvl 20, you have the option of running epic quests, allowing you to obtain powerful epic gear and collecting epic dungeon tokens. when you collect 20 of these epic dungeon tokens, you can reincarnate back to lvl 1 as a more powerful character, retaining all of your past equipment and money and even a "pastlife" ability based on the class you came from.

The whole point of the game is to get 1 character and reincarnate it into every class to gain this feat called "Completionist". This feat such gives you +2 to basically everything. Although I've never attained this myself, I've only heard of a few people of doing it.

This is a basic overview of DDO, and I invite you to become a player and join the fun and excitement that is "Dungeons & Dragons ... Online".