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"Hatlings are sentient hats formed from cherished items, imbued with the emotions and memories of their original wearers. These magical beings seek to fulfil the sentiments that brought them to life, using their host bodies to explore the world, create new connections, and honour their past. Whether playful companions or cunning manipulators, Hatlings navigate existence with an insatiable curiosity and a deep desire for connection."

Physical Description[edit]

Hatlings, as sentient hats, come in various forms, each reflecting their unique personalities. Some may appear as tall, conical wizard hats adorned with mystical symbols and glowing runes, while others take the form of elegant top hats with polished surfaces and luxurious ribbons. Mischievous Hatlings might resemble brightly coloured jester caps with jingling bells, while more humble or rustic ones could take on the appearance of worn, frayed straw hats. Their materials can range from cloth, leather, or felt to more exotic enchanted fabrics, often subtly shifting or shimmering to hint at their magical nature. Each Hatling's appearance is designed not just for aesthetics but also to complement the type of host they prefer to control, whether a mystical puppet, a reanimated corpse, or a living being.


The history of the Hatlings is a blend of magic, mystery, and sentiment. While some are said to have originated from powerful enchanters seeking immortality, many believe that Hatlings can also be born from beloved or cherished items, particularly hats worn by individuals with strong emotional ties. Over time, these items, steeped in affection, nostalgia, or intense memories, become vessels for a magical spark of sentience. Whether from the love of a favourite performer's cap, a knight's helmet worn through countless battles, or a wizard's hat passed down generations, these items absorb the essence of their wearers. Eventually, with enough emotional or magical influence, they awaken as sentient beings. Unlike other enchanted objects, Hatlings develop distinct personalities, often shaped by the memories and experiences tied to their creation. Some are driven to protect and continue their original wearer's legacy, while others become wanderers, seeking new hosts and adventures to fill their newfound consciousness. This possibility of being born from cherished items makes Hatlings as diverse and unpredictable as the lives they once adorned.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

Hatlings are deeply connected to the emotions or memories tied to their creation, often driven by a desire to fulfil their original wearer's purpose or sentiment. Whether it's protecting a legacy, seeking adventure, or reliving cherished moments, Hatlings view their hosts as extensions of this mission. They value the bond they share with their hosts, seeing their control not just as manipulation but as a way to honour the love, pride, or duty that brought them to life. This connection makes them loyal yet persistent, striving to fulfil the emotional intent from which they were born.

Hatling Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Increase one ability score by 2, and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different scores by 1."-->
Age. due to their nature as sentient objects hatlings have no real age of maturation or death as of knowledge no hatling has died of old age
Alignment. Hatlings tend to take on personality traits of their history a fighter from a helmet passed down between worriors and an inquisitive wizard from a hat passed along ages
Size. Your size is Tiny.
Speed. Your speed is determined by your by if you have a medium body or Subrace base body speed is 30ft.
Darkvision. Hatlings can see dim light as bright light out to a range of 60 feet, as well as darkness as dim light.
Blindsight. Due to Hatlings not having eyes hatlings vision is based of magical blindsight of 60 feet
Born of hat and magic. You're creature type is construct. In addition you do not require sleep, food, or to breathe, and are not affected by aging or disease. aswell as being resistance to poisons. Healing spells function as they should, and the mending cantrip will heal 1d8+the casters spellcasting modifier hit points if used on you, and will render you stable if you are at 0 hit points.
Possesion. Due to their nature of being only a hat, hatlings seek out bodies as a mediums to make an impact on the world. These bodies can vary from bodies of magical creation puppets to a reanimated corpse, or an ally.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Body rules[edit]

Controlling a Puppet Body

Puppet Control: The Hatling can animate a puppet body by establishing a bond that takes 24 hours. During this time, the Hatling imbues the puppet with its essence. Once the bond is formed, the Hatling uses its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma instead of the puppet's stats to control its actions.

Quick Return: If the Hatling is knocked off or loses control of the puppet, it can regain control within 5 minutes without re-establishing the 24-hour bond.

Strength and Dexterity Penalties: The Hatling suffers penalties based on the type of puppet used:

  • Simple Puppets (e.g., marionettes): -2 to Strength and Dexterity.
  • Medium Puppets (e.g., humanoid forms): -1 to Strength and Dexterity.
  • Complex Puppets (e.g., artisan work): No penalties.

Damage and Destruction: If the puppet takes damage equal to half its hit points, it suffers a -2 penalty to movement and both Strength and Dexterity until repaired or healed. The Hatling only loses control of the puppet when it is destroyed. If destroyed, the Hatling remains unharmed but must find a new puppet.

Maintaining Control of a Dead Body

Reanimating the Dead: After a 24-hour bonding period, the Hatling can control a corpse (not already animated). During this time, the Hatling channels its magic into the body, magically preserving it and allowing it to act as if alive. The Hatling uses its own ability scores for actions, though at the DM's discretion, the body can take damage from overexertion if it was not meant for the task. Healing works as normal.

Quick Return: If the Hatling is knocked off or loses control of the dead body, it can regain control within 5 minutes without needing to re-establish the 24-hour bond.

Permanent Control: Once the bond is established, the Hatling can indefinitely maintain control of the dead body until it chooses to release control or is incapacitated.

Creating a Solid Magic Body

Magic Body Creation: The Hatling can create a solid magic body after a 24-hour bonding period. This body is formed from magical energy and has hit points equal to half the Hatling's hit points.

Abilities and Limitations: In this form, the Hatling can use its abilities to perform actions. The solid magic body cannot pass through objects and is susceptible to physical attacks.

Duration and Dissipation: The Hatling can maintain its solid magic body indefinitely until it is destroyed. If the Hatling is knocked off, the magic body dissipates. If the body is reduced to 0 hit points, the Hatling must create a new magic body.

Possessing a Living Body

Willing Possession: The Hatling can possess a willing host, establishing a telepathic connection and influencing their actions. The host retains control but may choose to follow the Hatling's suggestions.

Unwilling Possession: If the target is unwilling, the Hatling can attempt to possess them by making a contested roll. The Hatling rolls a d20 and adds its Charisma modifier while the target makes a Wisdom saving throw. If the Hatling's result exceeds the target's saving throw, it gains control of the body until the end of its next turn.

Control Mechanics: While possessing a living body, the Hatling can attempt to take over the host's actions once per turn. The host can make a Wisdom saving throw against the Hatling's spell save DC. If they fail, the Hatling gains control until the end of its next turn.

Breaking the Bond: The bond ends voluntarily or if the Hatling is incapacitated or if the host drops to 0 hit points.


Heavy Hatlings

Heavy Hatlings are typically formed from sturdy hats, such as helmets, armoured headgear, or large, bulky hats. These Hatlings are characterized by their weight and the solid materials from which they are made, granting them unique abilities and challenges.


Movement Speed: Heavy Hatlings have a movement speed of 20 feet when not using a body, as their weight can make them cumbersome.

Cumbersome Roll: Heavy Hatlings can use their action to roll forward in a straight line up to 10 feet. During this roll, they can pass through the space of Medium or smaller creatures, who must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 10 + the Heavy Hatling's Strength modifier) or be knocked prone. After rolling, the Heavy Hatling can only move further at the end of its next turn.

Armour of Weight: Heavy Hatlings gain a +2 bonus to AC when not using a body due to their durability. This bonus applies only when they are not controlling a puppet, dead body, or magic body.

Light Hatlings

Light Hatlings are formed from airy, flexible materials like witches' or soft fabric hats. These Hatlings tend to magically float and glide, allowing them to easily navigate their environment.


Movement Speed: Light Hatlings have a movement speed of 30 feet when not using a body, as they can easily manoeuvre in the air.

Ethereal Drift: Light Hatlings can float up to 10 feet off the ground as part of their movement, allowing them to ignore rugged terrain. They can also hover in place.

Graceful Maneuvering: Light Hatlings have an advantage on Acrobatics checks and can choose to roll 1d4 and add the result to any Dexterity saving throw when not using a body.

Puppet Materials[edit]


HP Adjustment: +5 HP for torso, +2 HP for legs and arms, +1 HP for the head.


  • +1 to Dexterity for wooden arms or legs.
  • Wooden legs grant a +5 feet increase in movement speed.


  • Vulnerable to fire and slashing damage.
  • Wooden torso has a -1 to AC.


HP Adjustment: +10 HP for torso, +4 HP for legs and arms, +2 HP for the head.


  • Stone legs grant advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone or pushed.
  • Stone torso resistant to slashing.


  • Stone arms and legs reduce movement speed per piece by 10 feet.
  • -1 to Dexterity for stone limbs.
  • Vulnerable to piercing and bludgeoning


HP Adjustment: +2 HP for torso, +1 HP for legs and arms, +1 HP for the head.


  • Light and Quick: Cloth legs and arms grant +2 to Dexterity and a +10-foot movement speed bonus.
  • Comforting Presence: Cloth heads give a +1 bonus to Charisma saving throws.


  • Cloth puppets have disadvantage on saving throws against fire and slashing damage.
  • Cloth torsos have a -2 to AC and arms suffer a -2 penalty to Strength-based attacks.


HP Adjustment: +15 HP for torso, +6 HP for legs and arms, +4 HP for the head.


  • Metal torsos provide +2 to AC.
  • Metal arms grant +2 to Strength and increase melee weapon damage by 1.
  • Metal legs reduce damage taken from falling by 10 feet.


  • Metal puppets reduce movement speed by 5 feet per piece.
  • Vulnerable to lightning damage.

Mythical Metals (e.g., Adamantine, Mithral, etc)

HP Adjustment: +20 HP for torso, +8 HP for legs and arms, +6 HP for the head. (DM's discretion for other rare metals)


  • Adamantine (Unbreakable): Immune to critical hits and +3 to AC for the torso and head.
  • Mithral (Light as Air): No movement penalties; Mithral legs provide +10 feet of movement, and Mithral arms grant advantage on Dexterity-based skill checks.
  • Superior Strength: Mythical metal arms add +3 to Strength-based attacks.
  • DM discretion


  • Rare and Expensive: Repairing a mythical metal puppet requires expensive materials.
  • Overload: Mythical metals are vulnerable to necrotic and radiant damage.
  • DM discretion

Enchanted Materials (e.g., magically reinforced wood, stone, or cloth)

HP Adjustment: Varies based on the material used and DM discretion.


  • Arcane Empowerment: +1 to spell attack rolls and saving throw DC for a puppet made of enchanted material.
  • Magic Resistance: Advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
  • Floating Limbs: Enchanted legs and arms grant the ability to hover 5 feet off the ground.
  • DM discretion


  • Unstable Magic: If the puppet takes more than half its total HP in damage, roll a d20. On a 1, the enchantment fails, and the puppet takes an additional 1d10 force damage.
  • Vulnerable to Dispel Magic: Any spell-like Dispel Magic has a chance of weakening the puppet, removing magical buffs temporarily.
  • DM discretion

Other (Organic or Uncommon Materials)

HP Adjustment: (varies based on specific material).


  • DM discretion


  • Dm discretion

Additional Notes for DM's on Puppet Limbs and Body Parts:

Torso Buffs/Debuffs: Affects overall HP and AC bonuses or penalties.

Leg Buffs/Debuffs: Determines movement speed, fall resistance, and mobility-based bonuses.

Arm Buffs/Debuffs: Affects attack rolls, Strength/Dexterity modifiers, and tool usage.

Head Buffs/Debuffs: Impact ability to see charisma and communication.

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