User:Daniel Draco/ideas
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- temporal manipulator
- reroll dice
- haste
- slow
- temporal stasis
- time stop
- foresight
- alignment devotee
- +X diplomacy against like alignment
- +X to hit and damage against opposite alignment
- mind over matter (non-magical, non-psionic)
- +con
- endure elements-like effect
- chance to negate:
- exhausted
- fatigued
- nauseated
- sickened
- chirurgeon remake
- diagnose poison/disease (acts as appropriate detect spell, but only works on infected creature within reach, full-round, heal check to identify)
- bonus to heal checks
- may treat more than six patients long-term, based on level
- upon first additional long-term patient, can also treat self
- move action for first aid, treating a caltrop wound, or treating poison
- 5 minutes for treating a spike growth or spike stones wound
- triple/quadruple heal speed for long-term care
- make stable character conscious and disabled as standard action
- DC 10 + spell level heal check to use non-minor cure spell as ex ability, if check fails by 5 or more acts as inflict spell one step lower. All cast at class level. Only against willing or helpless targets. Gain access to stronger healing at higher levels.
- cure must be non-mass
- healing only works on naturally healing targets
- uses d4s instead of d6s
- a healed target loses next move action
- Heal check to make a strike at vital organs. Heal DC depends on creature type, unusual types starting at higher levels.
- vital strike adds BA penalty based on dice added
- ranged vital aim works at certain distance
- multiclass (epic?) prestige classes
- barbarian-rogue
- Good BA, fort, and ref. Poor will.
- extra sneak attack damage in rage
- bard-rogue
- bard-ranger
- monk-rogue
- monk-ranger
- monk-paladin
- paladin-rogue
- paladin-ranger
- mundane craftsman
- fast creation
- week -> day
- day -> hour
- better masterwork
- weapon
- +1 to hit
- OR
- +1 to damage
- OR
- +2 hardness and +10 hp
- armor/shield
- +1 to AC
- OR
- -1 to armor check
- OR
- +2 hardness and +10 hp
- one quality for every ten by which the masterwork DC is surpassed, to max of 1/2 class level
- Shæné paragon
- 1st level
- simple weapons, no armor or shield
- Sonic mage remake
- new name
- ???
- sonic blast by expending spell
- 1d8 per spell level, +1 per class level
- half-breed descendants (like aasimars, changelings, etc.)
- nymph -- Aesthe (Ess-thee)
- dex +2, int +2, wis +2, cha +4
- 1/2 cha mod to saves and deflection AC
- wild empathy w/o racial bonus
- 1/day standard action dazzle nonblind humanoids with line of sight within 30 ft. for 1d4 rounds
- low-light vision
- primitive magic
magic items[edit]
- magical compass, isn't affected by magnets (know direction)
- poison detector glows depending on distance and strength; flickering dim bright brilliant blinding (detect poison)
- quintessence elemental
- elemental binding
- bind elemental to creature
- bind two elementals together
- channel elemental as celestial
- weakly bind elemental to item, creates intelligent item
scrapped ideas[edit]
- magical artist
- draw item, becomes real
- draw creature, becomes real
- mundane mechanisms
- retractable fins: retractable hard rubber sheets on gloves add bonus to swim checks
- corporeality leech
- swap appearance with other
Campaign setting[edit]
Negative (DnD Creature Subtype)