User:Daniel Draco/K'zekti

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CR —

male azurin warblade 2/totemist 3/sublime incarnate 1
NG medium humanoid (human, incarnum)
Init/Senses +1/Listen -1, Spot -1
Languages common
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 18; uncanny dodge
(+6 exalted, +1 dexterity, +1 deflection)
hp 80 (6 HD)
Resist cold resistance 5, fire resistance 5
Fort/Ref/Will +12/+4/+0; battle clarity (int bonus to reflex when not flat-footed, max = warblade level), totem's protection (+4 on saves against magical beast Su abilities), nymph's kiss (+1 on saves against spells and spell-likes)
Weakness shaky flaw (-2 on ranged attacks)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longspear +10 (1d8+7, 20/×3)
Base Atk/Grp +5/+9
Atk Options power attack
Special Actions spirit strike (invest essentia into melee attack or strike, +e to attack, +2e to damage)
Warblade Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 4th, adaptive style):
Stances—hunter's sense (scent)
Strikes—charging minotaur† (AoO-less charging bull rush, success deals [2d6 + str mod] bludgeoning damage, extra push needs no follow), steel wind (attack two opponents, standard action)
Boosts—sudden leap (swift jump)
Counters—moment of perfect mind† (concentration instead of will), action before thought† (concentration instead of reflex)
Disciplines: Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Stone Dragon, Tiger Claw
† Readied maneuver
Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8
SQ totemist meldshaping (MSL 3rd, 5 essentia, 3 melds, 1 bind, essentia capacity 2, totem bind [+1 capacity]), wild empathy (totemist level, +4 against totem beast), exalted strike (+1 to all attack and damage, bypass DR as magic), sustenance (no need to eat or drink)
Feats sacred vow (+2 perfection on diplomacy), vow of poverty (various benefits, listed separately), nymph's kiss (fey regard K'zekti as fey, +2 circumstance on cha-based checks, +1 on saves against spells and spell-likes, 1 extra skill point each level), power attack, touch of golden ice (hands and natural weapons bestow golden ice; fort DC 14, initial [1d6 + enemy cha] dex, secondary [2d6 + enemy cha] dex, elemental/undead +1 damage, outsider/cleric +2 damage), adaptive style, initiate of humility (endure elements), endurance (+4 on checks: swim against nonlethal, con to keep running, con against forced march nonlethal, con to hold breath, con against starvation/thirst nonlethal, fort against hot/cold environment nonlethal, fort against suffocation; sleep in nonheavy armor w/o fatigue), bonus essentia, acolyte of humility (no need to sleep, cold/fire resist 5)
Skills bluff 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 circumstance = 1, concentration 9 ranks + 4 ability = 13, diplomacy 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 circumstance + 2 perfection = 3, disguise 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 circumstance = 1, gather information 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 circumstance = 1, handle animal 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 circumstance = 1, intimidate 4 ranks - 1 ability + 2 circumstance = 5, jump 6 ranks + 4 ability = 10, martial lore 8 ranks + 0 ability = 8, perform (any) 0 ranks - 1 ability + 2 circumstance = 1, spellcraft 8 ranks + 0 ability = 8, survival 4 ranks - 1 ability = 3, tumble 1 rank + 1 ability = 2
Possessions longspear
Usual Soulmelds
Chakra Soulmeld Effect Essentia
Arms (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Brow (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Crown (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Feet (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Hands Rageclaws Diehard Die at HP equal to -10 - 3e
Heart Totem Avatar Bonus HP equal to MSL +e enhancement to natural armor
Shoulders (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Soul Threefold Mask of the Chimera Cannot be flanked +e competence bonus to spot and search
Totem: Primary bite 1d8, primary bite 1d6, and primary gore 1d6.
Bite +10 (1d8+5, 20/×2), bite +10 (1d6+5, 20/×2), and gore +10 (1d6+5, 20/×2)
Throat (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)
Waist (unoccupied) (unoccupied) (unoccupied)