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About Me[edit]

Hello! I'm new here and relatively inexperienced with D&D (About 1 year, pretty infrequently too). However, I wish to learn more and have a fairly good grasp of the system already. During my free time, I tend to read manga, and I am a huge math nerd. I also tend to create characters in my spare time (usually ones that will never be used). Because most of my characters often go lying around unused, feel free to request one if you want me to make you one (although creating them is fun, so I don't know why you would do that). Also, feel free to make coments about any of my ideas or creations (once I make them).

Favorite Homebrews[edit]

Homebrewing Stuff[edit]

  • Need to revise a bioagument/prosthetics class me and one of my friends made and post it (Biosmith).
  • Need to write up prototype for a new spellcaster idea (Transmutative Magus)
    • Doesn't use spellslots, instead consuming special lead weights of certain values and weights. Rather than spell slots, a small amount of holsters to hold weights limit spells. Weights not properly attached to holsters over short rest are not usable until attached. Spellcasting ability is Dexterity, but most class abilities will use Intelligence.
    • Ability to transmute basic resources into others of similar category, including into previously mentioned weights. The products would have a total worth less than the materials, and the process would become more efficient at higher levels.
    • Use of exhaustion and encumberance to limit characters' power instead of recharging usages (Either immediate exhaustion if ability used within x time of last use, or set chance on any usage).
    • Weights correspond to certain spell slot level, and weigh and cost exponentially more for higher level.
    • Max weight level half of player level, rounded down. At level 20, you are able to use calamity class (pretty much 10th level) spells, which the weights for it are so heavy they have to be carried by cart (9th level planned to be around backpack sized). These spells will be overly expensive and clunky to use, but are catastrophic. Use should be limited, as they will likely destroy loot and more.
    • Summoning/Chimera subclass, using slots to summon proportionately creatures (chimeras as in hybrids, not exact monster).
    • Terrain Modification subclass, modifying ground, plants, ice, and more to create obstacles for enemies and cover for allies.
    • Elemantalist subclass, using elemental attack spells to deal high damage
    • Buff Subclass, using energy from destroyed weights to empower and support allies.