User:ArcaediusX/Divine Smite Variant

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Divine Smite[edit]

This feature is intended to replace the Divine Smite class ability given to Paladins at 2nd-level, with the intention of restructuring their combat play away from conserving their spell slots for burning on critical hits and allowing for more free use of their divine spells. To maintain the class fantasy of a 'divine smiting' warrior, this feature provides new interactions with the preexisting family of 'Smite' spells.

Beginning at 2nd-level, you have learned how to call forth judgment upon your enemies and channel the force of your convictions into powerful, enhanced strikes. You are granted a number of spells, according to the table below, as you gain levels in this class. These spells are considered to be always prepared and do not count against your maximum number of prepared spells each day. In addition, you may cast each of the spells listed below without expending a spell slot to do so. If you cast a spell this way, the spell is cast at its lowest possible level.

You may cast these spells in such a way, a combined number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 time) and recover expended uses upon finishing a long rest.

Divine Smite Spells
Paladin Level Spells
2nd Searing Smite, Thunderous Smite, Wrathful Smite
5th Branding Smite
9th Blinding Smite
13th Staggering Smite
17th Banishing Smite

In addition, the strength of your convictions continually empower you during combat. Whenever you deal weapon damage to a target, you may deal an additional 1d4 radiant damage as part of that action. At 5th-level, this extra damage increases to 1d6. When you gain your Improved Divine Smite feature at 11th-level, this additional damage is replaced with its effect.

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