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About me[edit]

I'm British, in my mid 30s, and live in the South-East of England.

I started playing D&D in 1984, when my older brother and his girlfriend introduced me to the game. My ranger survived giant frogs and a hydra, but got killed at the end of the session when he picked the Death card from the Deck of Many Things. Since that time, I have preferred being the DM.

I haven't played RPGs regularly since 1991, but recently, because of the internet, I've fallen in love again with old-school D&D.


The Alexandrian - a blog about D&D and stuff.

Dragonsfoot - old-school D&D forum and pdfs.

Jeff's Gameblog - another blog about D&D and stuff.

Original D&D Discussion

Vaults of Pandius - the official Mystara homepage.