User:4shenfell/The Scale (Campaign setting for 3.5e)

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"In the center of a great cave is a great dragon. And on that dragon is the multiverse; every scale on this dragon is a world. Our world is one of these scales" - the first few lines of the Gara'ni holy book.

This page will act as the to-do list and general ethos page for the scale

The scale is a mid to high fantasy setting set on the precipice of an industrial revolution with a heavy environmentalist tone. I started making this setting to get away from what I see as some very annoying trappings within at least the forgotten realms. That being:

  • not questioning the 'normal' power structure of monarchy and the like
  • being too normal for what the level of dnd magic could really allow.
  • being weirdly human-centric
  • not really thought out / caring about religion
  • either very eurocentric or falls into orientalism
  • orcs are just arseholes

As such, I decided to make something that appealed to my tastes.

What is this setting all about
on the most basic level, The scale is an entire setting mainly somewhere on the lower torso of a giant dragon. Each scale of this colossal dragon is a plane of existence or planet in other cosmological terms.
For example, the celestial plane is to the south of the material plane & that is where the scale gets its daylight; the planes of elemental water and fire are to the east, and the boiling water from them two interacting give the material plain its rains, which are necessary considering the oceans are always draining to the west (it just falls off the edge). It was originally a very high magic setting, being dominated by aelves and other fantastical races before the event known as the coalescence brought humans and dwarves to the setting. But yh, something a bit more of a weird fantasy vibe than the forgotten realms or tokien. viola



  • - Gara'ni
  • - Endrath'ni
  • - Ramad'ni
  • - the Dastian Empire
  • - The Free Plains of Mjarlbuk
  • - Mikhrandir
  • - Narcaroth
  • - orcs of the wildlands
  • - native summermarble


  • - Khazukon
  • - pre coalescence humans & dwarves
  • - the old wildlands (Coluna'no)


  • - overview
  • - wildlands
  • - Dast
  • - gara
  • - Narcaroth
  • - Dunic hills
  • - fungal dales
  • - ashlands
  • - great plains
  • - summermarble
  • - the pirate isle (come up with better name)
  • - Khazukon
  • - forest of dreams
  • - mikhrandiri peaks


  • - aelves (all subraces)
  • - human
  • - dwarf (include crystal dwarf subrace)
  • - gnomes
  • - halflings
  • - goblins
  • - orcs
  • - fey'ri
  • - mutts
  • - cowfolk
  • - tieflings
  • - dragonborn
  • - fae & fae-touched

(account for all races in the PH and 'the races of faurun')


  • - light on the scale
  • - waterflow
  • - technology


  • - aelvish
  • - Orcish


  • - the cult of the great dragon (overview, Oamacas Vs Sugaor D'qiarcia, celestials and devils)
  • - Narcarothi neutralism
  • - summermarble native religion
  • - Mikhrandiri religion (the solitary mountain)
  • - Dastian atheism

Myth & history

  • - timeline
  • - calenders
  • - the coalescence
  • - pre coalescence human
  • - pre coalescence dwarf
  • - mainland & Gara
  • - summermarble