Urbs Noctis (Dominaria Supplement)

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Arcadian, Cabalite
The Damned Consul
Vampire, Undead




The city is ruled by the "Damned Consul", a Vampire Lord who was once the Consul of Outer Saernika. When he was bitten and turned on an expedition to fight the then-Autarch of Arak'Tinierie, his son made the mistake of bringing the Consul back inside the city. Though un-remembered now, the years that followed saw the slow disintegration of Arcadian rule in southern Saernika and the decline of the city. Eventually, news stopped reaching Messana and Cyraena, but it took a year before the Arcadian throne was able to react.

When that reaction prompted a third revolt in Inner Saernica, the Vampire Coven in [the city] was given the time they needed to consolidate power and lay siege to Cyraena. Arcadian Mages would eventually roll back the Dark Magics that had blotted out the sun, and Arcadian Armies would defeat the Undead in a merciless back-and-forth up the Costa Tranquilitas (now Costa Solare) and across the Sarnian Plains. Food then, became the issue in the siege. The darkness had brought famine to the south, and another revolt tore the peace in Saernika apart.

The Arcadian General, once friend to [name], in command of the Army would withdraw and leave simple terms outside the city. His would be the last war in Inner Saernika in some time, and he would found the modern city of Saernica after his victory. The two provinces were unified, the Dwarves of Mons Duraman granted status as a Freehold, and many legionaries were settled across the reformed Proconsulate. In this peace, the [old city] sat silent. Urbs Noctis they named it, and none but fools would approach it again for more than a century...


Government & Judicial: The city is essentially a Kingdom unto itself, but functions as a Necromantic Dictatorship.

Given the nature of Vampiric control and the ties that bind undead to their creators, law and order is strange in a city of the Dead. It's not that there is no law, or no need for law, it's that nearly all law flows in a linear line, from the top. Most, but not all, lines of power flow to the "Council", an inner ring of Vampires and Arch Liches directly beholden to the Damned Consul. His power is direct over his spawns and his summons, and more power-based over the Liches and various imports.

"Independent" power loci are either imports, like those council members, or high risers from "broken" chains of influence. These chains tend to be policed fairly quickly and co-opted or destroyed once detected, but several have survived through sheer strength, usefulness, or as a useful foil for the Consul to play. None of this is to say that conflict is impossible. Conflict may well crop up, if it doesn't violate an established command, and those ASDF



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