Unstable Devourer (3.5e Class)

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The Unstable Devourer[edit]

People that have always been left behind because of their (a bit more of) "moody temperament". They use their insanity to fight like beasts and they can be good friends, even if they are stupid.

Making an Unstable Devourer[edit]

They are strong as hell when fighting in close range with only enemies but, at the same time, they are not good group fighters until level 12 because of their Unstable Insanity. Moreover they are kindly stupid and they have few skill points. Healers are useless with them because of their inability to heal by magic means and close range fighters might be a problem when using Unstable Insanity but they are very good fighters when teamed up with many long range fighters.

Abilities: High strength = high damage, high dexterity and constitution = more survivability. You can't increase mental stats.

Races: Any race that boosts strength, dexterity and/or constitution.

Alignment: Any but they are more likely to be chaotic. Unlike what you may think they often don't like to hurt others and don't enjoy doing it so evil can be a choice but don't think you are forced to be evil.

Starting Gold: 2d4×10 gp.

Starting Age: Any, they are more likely to be young.

Table: The Unstable Devourer

Hit Die: d12

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +2 +2 +2 +0 Way of Tranquility, Unstable Insanity, Empowered Bite +1, Thick Skin +1
2nd +3 +3 +3 +0 Blood Flow, Feast, Acrobating Fighter +1
3rd +4 +3 +3 +1 Aim for the Neck
4th +5 +4 +4 +1 Adrenaline, Empowered Bite +2, Thick Skin +2
5th +6/+1 +4 +4 +1 Tiny Blind Perception, Sleepy Life Style
6th +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 Weak Spot, Greater Unstable Insanity, Acrobatic Fighter +2
7th +8/+3 +5 +5 +2 Insanity Claws, Blood Overflow, Empowered Bite +3, Thick Skin +3
8th +9/+4 +6 +6 +2 Taste of Blood, Small Blind Perception
9th +10/+5 +6 +6 +3 Blood Self-Defense
10th +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +3 Better Senses, Empowered Bite +4, Thick Skin +4, Acrobatic Fighter +3
11th +12/+7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Demonic Charge, Medium Blind Perception
12th +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +4 Quasi Self Control, Blood Undertow
13th +14/+9/+4 +8 +8 +4 Sharper Insanity Claws, Demonic Unstable Insanity, Empowered Bite +5, Thick Skin +5
14th +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +4 Large Blind Perception, Acrobatic Fighter +4
15th +16/+11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5 Insanity Oldness, Blood Tank, Swift Movement
16th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Master of all Tricks, Empowered Bite +6, Thick Skin +6
17th +18/+13/+8/+3 +10 +10 +5 Huge Blind Perception, Ripping Soul Claws
18th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Acrobatic Fighter +5
19th +20/+15/+10/+5 +11 +11 +6 Atomic Blind Perception, Empowered Bite +7, Thick Skin +7
20th +21/+16/+11/+6/+1 +12 +12 +6 Free Movement, Demonic Presence

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
The Unstable Devourer class skills are (almost) all physical skills and they are: Balance (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You are not proficient with any weapon. You are not proficient with any armor and shield.

Way of Tranquility: To safeguard those around you you have decided to limit your vision and your senses, because of this you have to always wear a blindfold of any kind tight as much as needed to completely block your vision or you will risk to start an Unstable Insanity. To prevent that when you don't have a blindfold you have to throw a Will save DC 10 + 1/2 LvL (1 at LvL 1) + 1 for every Will save you made because of this (starting by 0); every 30 seconds (or 2 rounds if you are in a fight) without your blindfold you have to throw the Will save. Because of your blindfold you can't see and you can't do any spot check, unless you take off the blindfold or the thing you should spot is within your blind perception range, however you can listen as a free action as if you had ultrasound (like bats) to detect folk around you, this ultrasounds are not perceptible to anyone but you, you have a +8 on listen check and you detect automatically every folk that makes noise regardless of the distance from you (like talking at high/normal voice, fighting, moving heavy things, running/walking normally,...), while you are sleeping you gain another +2 bonus to listen checks. With a listen check you can detect as written below:

Listen Check
Completely silent folk Normal folk not doing anything too noisy
DC 15: folk within 30 ft DC 15: folk within 50 ft
DC 20: folk within 40 ft DC 20: folk within 70 ft
DC 25: folk within 50 ft DC 25: folk within 90 ft
DC 30: folk within 60 ft DC 30: folk within 110 ft
DC 35: folk within 70 ft DC 35: folk within 130 ft
DC 40+: folk within 90 ft DC 40+: folk within 190 ft

For every +5 you do to the check you add 10 ft for a completely silent folk and 20 ft for a normal folk. However you don't understand precisely where the sound is and what produced it, you only understand the shape of what emitted the sound and roughly where it was, with an error of 10 ft. Folk that are hiding don't add difficulty to the check if they are moving normally, folk that are moving silently are treated like normal folk if your listening check exceeds their move silently check. You have not only loosened your vision but even your senses and your intuition, because of this your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores are set to 7 and you can't gain rank in any knowledge. If your base scores are higher; however for every 2 statistic points you lose this way you will choose to gain 1 point in one of Strength, Dexterity or Constitution, if the points you lose are odd you will gain an extra statistic point at lvl 4. Every level you can't gain less than 4 skill points even if your Int modifier is lower than 0 (so at LvL 1 you will gain the normal 16 skill points). When experiencing strong emotions you must do a Will save just like the Will saves you should make when not wearing a blindfold or you risk to run into an Unstable Insanity, after 3 times you fail the save you run into an Unstable Insanity. After 30 seconds that you don't attempt to resist an Unstable Insanity everything resets.

Unstable Insanity: You are emotionally unstable and because of that you can enter in an insanity frenzy state, in this state you gain 20 ft bonus movement speed, a +2 on Strength and Dexterity and a 1+1 AC every 4 LvLs (at 4th level you have +2 AC, at 8th +3, at 12th +4 and so on). Moreover while in this state your bite attack does a bonus 1d4 + another d4 of damage every 5 LvLs after the 5th (so they are 2d4 at 10, 3d4 at 15 and so on), and you gain a bonus free attack, after your first one, at your max BAB. On the other side while you are in an Unstable Insanity you can't decide who you will attack so you will run forward the closest folk and attack him, you don't recognise your allies so if the closest folk is an ally you will still attack him; if you want to change target you have to throw a Will save DC 15 + 2 for every 5 ft of distance between the closest folk and the targeted one (if the folk are in adjacent squares the DC is 15). If you want to fight defensively you must throw a Will save DC 15, increased to 20 if you can smell blood of a living creature in the air. The Unstable Insanity lasts for 2d4 + Con modifier and you can enter in this state times equal to your class level/3 (1 at level 1 and 2) +1, if you want to end an Unstable Insanity before the actual amount of rounds it lasts you have to throw a Will save DC 10 + alive folk you can sense ×1.5 + 1 for every missing round until the end of the Unstable Insanity. For example if you want to end the Unstable Insanity while you are aware of the presence of 10 folk around you (your allies are considered in the amount of folk) and you are missing 4 rounds until the end of the Unstable Insanoty you will have to do at least a 29 DC Will save. If you have other Unstable Insanity uses and you get hit you will enter in this state, however you can resist doing a Will save DC 5 + damage taken/3.

Empowered Bite: Your teeth grow stronger and sharper like those of a beast. Your bite attack is your main attack and it does 1d6 + Str mod, it has a standard critical range (20) and it does ×2 damage when doing a critical strike. The types of damage the bite does are piercing, slashing and bludgeoning. The size of the creature changes the damage by 1 step and increases or decreases the threatened area (see table below). The damage of the bite increases every 3 LvLs.

Bite damage
Fine/Diminutive Tiny/Small Medium Large/Huge Gargantuan/Colossal
1d2 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10
1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6
1d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8
1d8 1d10 2d6 2d8 3d6
1d10 2d6 2d8 3d6 2d10
2d6 2d8 3d6 2d10 2d12
2d8 3d6 2d10 2d12 5d6
Bite range
Fine Diminutive/Tiny Small/Medium/Large Huge/Gargantuan Colossal
1 foot 2.5 feet 5 feet 10 feet 15 feet

If you have racial or any kind of bonus to the bite attack, add all of the bonuses to the bite damage of this class. When you reach level 10 you may consider your bite damage as magic damage for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction.

Thick Skin: Because of all the fat you swallow your skin becomes thicker. Every 3 LvLs you gain +1 AC that counts even for touch attacks and when you are flat footed. Every even level of this feature you gain +3 damage reduction to every type of damage except magic and adamantine damage, every odd level of this feature you gain a +2 spell resistance and +2 damage reduction to magic damage. When you reach level 16 they become +4 to every type except magic and +3 to magic damage (it is retroactive). When you gain this feature you even get 15 resistances to all the elemental damages (fire, cold,...), when you reach level 10 those resistances increase to 30. Moreover you gain 1 hit point per level.

Blood Flow: You become conscious of your blood circulation, the speed, the amount of blood moving inside and outside your body, the density of the blood in your body and even the amount of blood your body creates. Every 5 LvLs (2nd, 7th, 12th LvL) you gain some basic hit points regeneration. However when you gain Blood Flow you can't be healed magically (even with potions). When you gain Blood Flow your regeneration is a +3 hit points per round; when you gain "Blood Overflow" it's a +5 hit points regeneration per round; when you gain "Blood Undertow" it's a +7 hit points regeneration per round. When you gain this feature you are able to smell the blood in the people in the air and everywhere else within an 80 ft radius and you can understand whom blood it is as long as you know the owner of the blood, even if it is in a very small quantity, however you don't understand where that person is, moreover the smell of the blood you smell is an hint to the person alignment, in fact an evil person blood will have a bad smell, the blood of a good person will have a good smell and the blood of a neutral person doesn't have a particular smell. When you gain Blood Overflow you are able to track the smell of blood, you don't need to throw anything to do so, the tracks of blood whether they are in the air or they are left behind by a bleeding creature mustn't be older than 36 hours or you won't be able to sense their smell anymore, moreover when you gain Blood Overflow you are immune to bleeding effects of all kind and drains like the bite of a vampire. When you gain Blood Undertow you'll regenerate lost limbs within 1d6 + 1 days. If you need a passive regeneration feature for a feat or anything else Blood Flow is considered to be that feature even if it's weaker so you can take that feat.

Feast: You can Feast with the corpse of the dead folk around you. You can Feast using a swift action, healing 1d4 + another d4 hit points for every 3 class levels; you can Feast using a standard action, healing 1d6 + 1 + another d6 + 1 hit points for every 3 class levels; you can Feast using a full round action, healing 1d8 + 2 + another d8 + 2 hit points for every 3 class levels. If you are Feasting with a corpse of an undead or a construct, or any non living creature, you can only Feast as a standard action and heal 1d4 + another d4 hit points for every 3 class levels, if you are Feasting with an animal, or another type of corpse that's not human neither non living creature, you heal the half of normal hit points. While eating you can't be poisoned and you can't contract diseases even if the meat you are eating would normally poison or even if the meat you are eating wouldn't be normally eatable, moreover Feasting is considered eating and even drinking from all the points of view so if you Feast enough you won't have to eat or drink anything else for the day. You can Feast 4 times as a swift action, 3 time as a standard action or 2 times as a full round action before you have eaten up everything eatable from a corpse, if you Feast with a larger creature than you increase the times you can Feast by 2 swift action, 1 standard action and 1 full round action by every size the creature is larger than you (so you can Feast with a creature 2 size larger than you 8 times as a swift action, 5 times as a standard action or 4 times as a full round action) do the same thing for creature smaller than you but diminish the times you can Feast by 2,1,1 for every size the creature is smaller than you, if you can Feast 0 times or negative times in a method it means you can't Feast with that type of action, if you can't Feast with any action because every action is 0 or negative you can only Feast once as a swift action. If you want to Feast while in an Unstable Insanity you must succeed a Will save DC 20 to Feast with non living creatures, 15 to Feast with living creatures that are not humans or 10 to Feast with humans, all the DC are decrease by 5 if you have less than half or you are in danger of your life (you know that an enemy could kill you with 1 hit with the hit points you currently have).

Acrobatic Fighter: Your fighting style is similar to that of an animal. Every 4 LvLs you gain +10 ft of basic movement speed, on odd levels of the feature, or +15 ft of basic movement speed, on even levels of the feature. Moreover every odd level of the feature you gain a bonus 5 ft step (to a maximum of 4 at level 18th), however if you are not in light load you lose all the bonus 5 ft steps. You can use bonus 5 ft steps equal to your Dexterity mod every day, afterwards you lose the bonus 5 ft steps. Every even level of this feature you gain a +2 on Reflex saves. At level 10 you gain Evasion and Uncanny Dodge, if you already have those abilities you gain Improved Evasion, if you already have Evasion, and Improved Uncanny Dodge, if you already have Uncanny Dodge.

Aim for the Neck: Your understanding of the weak spots of the creature is amplified. Your bite attack gains a +1 critical range.

Adrenaline: The adrenaline in your body starts flowing really fast when you are in emotional situations. When running you can run ×3 your movement speed with a standard action and ×4 your movement speed with a full round action. You gain 20 ft bonus movement speed. Moreover you gain a +2 to hit rolls. All these bonuses are gained when you fall behind 1/2 hit points.

Blind Perception: You are used to your blindfold and you no longer need to listen to detect the folk within range, you start seeing the shapes in black and white of everything within range, even hidden things or, at your will, things behind/in other things (like something inside a box or behind a tree). Every 3 LvLs you gain Blind Perception abilities that increase the range of the perception. The radius is 15 ft for the Tiny, 30 ft for the Small, 50 ft for the medium, 80 ft for the large, 120 ft for the huge and 240 ft for the atomic. The Blind Perception feature lets you detect hidden or invisible folk without doing a listen or spot check, this means that enemies don't have the concealement/invisibility miss chance agaisn't you, however you must do a spot or listen check to see small objects that are normally hard to see (it's still easier than normal because you can see throught things). Moreover when you gain Medium Blind Perception you gain the feature to detect all kinds of folk, even the ones that you wouldn't be able to detect normally. You can even read with your blindfold on now!

Sleepy Life Style: You can induce yourself in a sleepy state, while in this state you won't risk to run into an Unstable Insanity but you lose half your movement speed, you gain a -4 penalty on Reflex saves, to your AC gained by your Dexterity and you can't do full round actions during the turn, you give up to all the bonus attacks you may use after the first and you can only do a move action or a standard action during the round. Moreover if you stay in this state for at least 5 minutes you will heal all the fatigue effects (or effects similar to the fatigue), instead if you stay for at least 15 minutes in this state you will heal all the exhaustion effects or effects linked to the absence of sleep you may have (this doesn't mean that you can avoid sleeping, if you keep avoid sleep you will get the effects again). If you want to exit from this state you must wait 1d2 minutes or 1d2 round while in combat.

Weak Spot: You have killed so many creatures that it becomes natural to you to aim at the weak spots. Your claw attacks gain a +1 critical range and your bite attacks gain a ×1 to critical damage.

Greater Unstable Insanity: You Unstable Insanity becomes even more destructive than before. Your bite attack while in Unstable Insanity gain +1d4 damage, you gain a +6 strength and a +4 dexterity instead of a +2, moreover while in an Unstable Insanity you gain 10 temporary hit points for every 6 LvL (+10 6th, +20 12th, +30 18th LvL) that refills every 5 rounds +1 at LvL 12 and +2 at LvL 18. When the Unstable Insanity ends you lose all the temporary hit points within 1d2 + 1 rounds.

Insanity Claws: Your hands and feet nails grow longer and stronger, those are now deadly claws. When attacking using a full round action you may do a bonus attack with your claws every 2 times you attempt to hit someone with your bite, every claw attack does 1d4 damage that increases to 2d4 at level 10 and 3d4 at level 12. To attack with the claws you must do a separate attack roll with a -4 penalty. If you have racial bonuses or bonuses of any kind to claws or claw-like attacks you retain half of those bonuses with the claw bonus attacks of this class. For every size larger than medium you gain a bonus 1d2 damages and for every 2 sizes smaller you lose a 1d2 (doing 1 damage if you are fine), if you are tiny or smaller at level 10 and 12 you'll add 1d2 each to damage, if you are gargantuan or colossal you'll gain a bonus d2 at level 10.

Taste of Blood: You may now drink the blood that the folk you bite lose. You may drink some blood from a folk, you deal 1d10 + 2 damage to them healing the whole amount of damage you do, if you do less than 4 damages you must drink another time blood from him, doing 2d8 damage this time. This damage can't be reduced in any way. You may try to drink blood from an ally instead, in this case if you do less than 6 damage you might throw a Will save DC 5 + missing health/4 or drink the second amount. You can't kill with this attack and you may use it once every 2 rounds.

Blood Self-Defense: Your blood will automatically defend from all sorts of diseases or poisons making you immune to every one of them, even the magical or supernatural ones.

Better Senses: Your senses become finer. You gain a +2 on Listen, Spot and Search checks. Moreover you can smell blood within 160 ft radius instead of 80 and you can smell 60 hours old blood tracks instead of 36 hours old.

Demonic Charge: You can charge at double your movement speed as a full round action, when you want to charge you design a folk and you can charge at him. The charge is an instantaneous attack that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, the charge does your claw damage (you must throw it) + your strength mod ×4. To hit the charge you must do a melee hit roll with a +4. After you have attacked the folk he must do a Fortitude save DC 5 + 1/3 the damages dealt or he will fall prone on the ground. If there is any folk between you and the designed folk he must do a Reflex save DC 20 or he will take half the damages too (he won't fall prone). You may use this charge only once per encounter and you can't charge if there aren't at least 30 ft between you and the folk you design. The charge damages are bludgeoning, piercing and slashing but it can be considered magic in order to overcome damage reduction, when you gain the ripping soul claws you overcome half of the damage reduction without any penalty to the damages.

Quasi Self Control: You are starting to control yourself while in an Unstable Insanity. All the Will saves made to avoid attacking your allies have half the DC. This means that if you can only sense allies around the DC to end the Unstable Insanity is halved. You may now fight defensively without a Will save and you may try to do a total defense with a Will save DC 20 that becomes 25 if you can smell living creature blood.

Sharper Insanity Claws: Your nails become sharper than daggers. You overcome 5 enemy damage reduction, if the enemy doesn't have any damage reduction instead do +2 damages to him.

Demonic Unstable Insanity: Your Unstable Insanity becomes even stronger making you a real threat to everyone around you. While in this Unstable Insanity you can change your appearance to make it more similar to a demon and you can have any body change that you'd wish (like changing eye color, length of the hairs, sizes of the body, devil horns,...), the limits are that while in this state you should look more adult and you still have to have a look that's relatable to your basic look (you must be recognizable even in this form and you can't grow other limbs or things like that). Moreover you become a size larger than normal, this will decrease your AC but will increase your bite and claw damage. In this state you gain +8 strength, +4 dexterity and +2 constitution instead of the normal +4 to strength and dexterity; moreover you add half your constitution modifier to your deflex AC. Your bonus damage to the bite attack becomes d6 instead of d4 and you gain 1d4 bonus damage to claw attacks. In this state your regeneration feature heals ×1.5 its normal amount. Moreover while in this state everyone (allies too) who looks into your eyes must throw a Will save DC half your hit dices + half your intimidate skill or becomes shaken for 1d3 rounds, if the folk fails by 10 or more it becomes frightened and shaken and if it fails by 15 or more it becomes panicked and shaken, those 2 effects lasts for 1d2 rounds but a folk who becomes frightened or panicked loses half his movement speed and can't run using actions. Allies have to succeed only half the DC and enemies with immunity to fear have the DC halved too instead of being immune, moreover for folks immune to fear a natural 1 is not considered a critical failure. While in this state you are immune to sight attacks and any fear effect. While in this state the Demonic Charge does ×1.5 damages and you'll heal 1/4 of the damages done.

Insanity Oldness: You become more demonic even while you are not in an Unstable Insanity. Since you gain this feature you won't become any older even if centuries pass. Moreover you are so used to be in the Unstable Insanity state that you are no longer uncontrollable, in fact you now don't have to succeed any Will save that before was required before or even in the middle of an Unstable Insanity, however you can still decide to run in this state when you get hit and in any state that would make you run in an Unstable Insanity before you gained this feature.

Blood Tank: Your body starts sparing the exceeding blood you generate. If you would heal, by any means, more than your maximum number of hit points you will fill a Blood Tank inside your body, this tank can be filled with a maximum of 10 hit points + 5 for every other 2 levels after you gain this feature, you will consume the hit points in the tank when you take damages, even if those damages would leave you with -10 or less hit points.

Swift Movement: You become peerless when it comes to speed. You can move, once per round every 1d3 round, using a swift action instead of a movement action, yet if you move you can't use 5 ft steps. However you can move using both a swift action and a move action or you can move using a swift action and do 2 standard actions, you can't move this way and use a full round action and if you use both the standard action to attack the attacks made with the second standard action does half the damages (the damage get halved after you rolled all the damages, not on every roll).

Master of all Tricks: You have learned a lot of tricks in your long life and you are able to replicate them. Climb, Hide, Move Silently, Ride, Search, Spot and Survival become class skills and you gain +1 bonus on every class skill.

Ripping Soul Claws: You can perceive and touch others' souls. Now your claws are touch attacks and can hit every sort of enemy, even spirits and incorporeal ones, moreover they are considered magic attacks and they overcome every damage reduction, however if they overcome a damage reduction that's major then 5 you do -2 damage with them.

Free Movement: You are so fast that normal people can't even keep your pace with the eyes. This is like the Swift Movement feature but now you expend a free action to move and it has a cooldown of 1d6 rounds, this feature replaces the Swift Movement feature. Moreover when you use this feature you won't provoke an attack of opportunity. You now can use a full round action when moving using this feature.

Demonic Presence: Your presence provokes a strong fear on anyone within your perception range, everyone who is threatened by you within your sight has a -1 to all will saves. Moreover your intimidate is not charisma based anymore but it's strength based, however you'll only add half of your strength.

Epic Unstable Devourer[edit]

Table: The Immortal Unstable Devourer

Hit Die: d12

Level Special
21st Adamantine Teeth
22nd Adrenaline Recharge
23rd Triple Weight Skin
24th Perfect Senses
25th Blood Sucking Word
26th Infinite Regeneration Skill
27th Blood Shield
28th Extraplanar Touch
29th Acrobation Master
30th Stronger Body

6 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Adamantine Teeth: Your teeth are similar to an adamantine weapon, they are considered adamantine and magic to overcome damage reduction and they do more damages (3d6/2d10/2d12/5d6/4d8).

Adrenaline Recharge: At your will your adrenaline starts racing even if you are in quiet situations. After you bite at least 20 times in a fight you may activate the Adrenaline bonuses even if you are not under 1/2 hit points, however if you stop attacking or moving for a whole round you lose the bonuses.

Triple Weight Skin: Your skin becomes so thick that it is hard to really damage you. Your carriable weight becomes 1.5 times higher and you gain a +4 AC to natural armor, moreover all your DRs are increased by 2, you gain a 2 DR against every sort of damage. The last thing you gain is a +1 to Constitution score. The last thing you gain is that you become immune to cup da graces or any one shot feature/attack/spell.

Perfect Senses: Your senses are so fine they become perfect. You gain a +6 to Listen, Spot and Search checks and moreover you can smell 96 hours old blood tracks within 240 ft from you. This feature overwrites the Better Senses feature.

Blood Sucking Word: Your voice is able to control the blood in everyone. You don't have a pre-established word, you can choose it every time you use this feature. You can say something using a standard action, this word sucks from all the folk, even your allies, within 60 ft from you 1d10 hit points or from just one folk within 90 ft doing 2d12 damages and healing you of the same amount. The damages of the Blood Sucking Word can't be decreased and the folks you suck blood from will bleed out taking 1d6 damages for 2 rounds. You can use this feature once every 1d4 + 2 rounds. The folk that are within range may throw a Fortitude save DC 30 to half the damages (cannot be canceled with any means). If you can't speak at all you can't use this feature however if you can grumble you can use it.

Infinite Regeneration Skill: You can regenerate so fast that even missing limbs are nothing to you. Your regeneration feature now heals 10 hit points per round, if you throw a Fortitude save DC 35 you heal 15 hit points. Moreover if you lose a limb you will normally recover it in a day.

Blood Shield: You are so skilled in blood control that you are able to densify it around you. You may create a shield of blood instead of filling your Blood Tanks when you heal more than your maximum amount of hit points. This shield has no limit of temporary hit points it may add but if you don't add any hit point to it in a round you lose it all. After you fill all your Blood Tanks you automatically start creating the shield.

Extraplanar Touch: You detach your body from the material plane, now you are able to feel and touch everything around you even if normally it's not touchable. Your blind perception range increases to 400 ft radius.

Acrobation Master: You are able to move freely in very small places and in a very fast way. You gain a +1 to Dexterity score +20 ft basic movement speed and you won't lose your Dexterity bonus to AC in any situation, moreover your 5 ft steps may become, at your will, 10 ft steps and when someone tries to shoot an arrow, a bolt, or any other type of projectile at you you may roll a Reflex save and add to your dodge AC 1/6, rounded down, of the Reflex save (if it is a natural 1 you only gain 1 AC).

Stronger Body: Your body becomes stronger and tougher, you gain a +1 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution.

Unstable Devourer Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (local) can research Unstable Devourers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (local)
DC Result
10 They are something more than normal insane people.
15 They usually bite everything they want to kill.
20 Some Unstable Devourer are not that insane but still they are very scary.
30 Some Unstable Devourers become like demons while fighting.

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