Unravel Cantrip (3.5e Spell)

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Unravel Cantrip
Evocation [Unravels stitching]
Level: Bard 0 Sor 0 Wiz 0 Clr 0 Dru 0
Components: V S
Casting time: 1 Swift Action
Range: 25 Feet
Area: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: Yes

This cantrip is the reverse of a stitch. It works only if there is a loose or broken thread in the seam or fabric to be affected, except for material magically stitched by the appropriate cantrip. When the latter sort of seam or material is involved, the ravel cantrip always works except when the object is otherwise magical: a bag of holding, a cloak of protection, boots of elvenkind, and so on.

If used on a living creature (such as their clothes or pouch) the target can negate the effect with a Reflex Save. If the target has magic resistance this can also negate the effect.

The name of the cantrip is verbalized while the fingers make a plucking motion.