Typhon Level 33 Solo Brute
Gargantuan Immortal humanoid XP 144,000
HP 1,420; Bloodied 710
Initiative +23
AC 43; Fortitude 49, Reflex 38, Will 32
Perception +19
Speed 8
Truesight, Darkvision
Immune charm, fear Resist 10 to all damage
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Shifting Form
When Typhon is first in the encounter, roll a 1d20 to decide which form he currently resides in. Once Typhon is bloodied, roll again as he changes form. He can change form at-will as well, as a minor action, and he takes one of the 20 possible forms. When Typhion changes forms, all other effects from the forms are disbanded.
1: Brute form- Typhon marks all enemies that he hits (save ends).
2: Serpentine form- Typhon's attacks all do acid damage, as well as any other damage types
3: Hyperborean form- Typhon's attacks all do cold damage, and slows all enemies that he hits (save ends).
4: Dragon form- Typhon gains a fly speed of 5 (clumsy), and deals fire damage on all of his attacks, as well as any other damage types
5: Giant form- Typhon's reach increases to 5
6: True form- Typhon does 20 extra radiant damage on all succesful attacks, and his stormy aura does 20 damage instead of 10 damage.
7: Ghoul form- Typhon's attacks deal ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends)
8: Hypnos Form- On a critical hit, Typhon renders the target unconcious (save ends)
9: Magic Form- All of Typhon's attacks push the tagets 4 squares.
10: Gorgon Form- On a critical hit, the target is petrified (save ends)
11: Myrmenke Form- Typhon's reach decreases to 3, and he gets a climb speed of 6, and his base speed becomes 10
12: Cyclopes Form- Typhon's attacks immobilize the targets (save ends)
13: Daemon Form- Typhon's attacks ignore all resistances
14: Titan Form- Typhon gains Regeneration 10
15: Primordial Form- Typhon regains an action point for every critical hit
16: Spartoi Form- Typhon gains immunity to necrotic damage
17: Fiend Form- Typhon gains a teleport speed of 6
18: Telkhine Form- Typhon gains a swim speed of 10
19: Tranquil Form- Typhon's attacks do half damage, but he gains resist 25 to all attacks
20: Shrouded Form- Typhon's Stormy Aura grants concealment to creatures in it, including Typhon.
Stormy Aura ♦ Aura 20
All creatures that start their turn, or enter the aura take 10 lightning and thunder damage.
Giant Size ♦ =
Typhon ignores all difficult terrain and ignores concealment.
Shoulder Snakes ♦ Aura 1
All creatures that start their turn, or enter the aura take 10 fire and poison damage, as well as the damage from the Stormy Aura.
Threatening Reach
Typhon can make opportunity attacks against any enemy within it's reach (4 squares)
Elder of Annihilation
Typhon's attacks ignore the first 15 points of resistances
Standard Actions
Slam ♦ At-Will
Attack: +34 vs. AC
Hit: Melee 4; 1d12 + 16 damage, and ongoing 15 damage (save ends).
Rip Out The Tendons ♦ Recharge
Attack: Melee 4; +32 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d12 damage, and the target is helpless, weakened, and stunned (save ends each), and is knocked prone.
Effect: Aftereffect: The target is dazed (save ends)
Poison Spit (Poison)♦ At-Will
Attack: Close Blast 5 (All creatures in blast); +32 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 16 poison damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 poison damage
Miss: Half damage, no ongoing damage.
Furious Stomp (Force)♦ Recharge  
Attack: Close burst 10 (All creatures in burst); +32 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d6 + 16 force damage and the target is dazed (save ends) and is knocked prone.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of Typhon's next turn, and is knocked prone.
Boulder Throw (Zone)♦ At-Will
Attack: Area Burst 2 within 20 (all creatures in burst); +32 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + 16 damage, and the target is restrained (save ends)
Miss: Half damage, and the target is not restrained
Effect: The area creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. This zone is difficult terrain.
Mountain Toss (Zone)♦ Recharge
Attack: Area Burst 5 within 20 (all creatures in burst); +32 vs. Reflex
Hit: 6d6 + 16 damage, and the target is restrained and takes ongoing 15 damage (save ends)
Miss: Half damage and the target doesn't take the ongoing damage, and is restrained until the end of Typhon's next turn
Effect: The area creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. This zone is difficult terrain.
Move Actions
Serpent Stride ♦ Recharge  
Effect: Typhon shifts 10 squares, and moves through enemy squares in this shift. He makes a slam attack against each enemy's square that he enters.
Minor Actions
Screech (Thunder)♦ At-Will
Attack: Close Burst 10 (All creatures in burst); +32 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + 16 thunder damage and the target is pushed 2 squares.
Miss: Half damage and the target isn't pushed.
Fury ♦ Encounter
Effect: Typhon regains an action point
Triggered Actions
Str 42 (+31)
Dex 26 (+23)
Wis 18 (+19)
Con 36 (+28)
Int 3 (+11)
Cha 7 (+13)
Languages Primordial, Abyssal, Supernal, Deep Speech
Equipment —