Twitch Cantrip (3.5e Spell)

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Twitch Cantrip
Evocation [Causes a target to have a muscle contraction]
Level: Bard 0 Cleric 0 Druid 0 Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V S
Casting time: 1 Swift Action
Range: 25 Feet
Target: 1 Living Being
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Yes
Spell Resistance: Yes

By means of this cantrip, the caster causes a muscle contraction in some portion of the subject creature's appendages—head, neck, hand, arm, foot, leg, and so on. The twitch is noticeable, but won't cause great discomfort or loss of control or concentration. The cantrip is negated by a successful Fortitude Save.

The verbal component is the name of the area to be affected while the caster gazes at the area and makes a twitching motion with the hand.