Troubled Artist (5e Background)

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Troubled Artist[edit]

You are mute or deaf, and you cannot speak, how will you compensate for that? Have you been bullied for it? How did this malady descend upon you, or were you cursed from birth?

Skill Proficiency: Insight and any one of your choice

Tool Proficiency: Your choice of artisan tools

Languages: Sylvan and two other languages.

Equipment: Your choice of artisan tools, a book on sign language lessons and two other random books, a set of fine clothes, and a pouch of 15 gp

Feature: Compensated Communication[edit]

For those who can understand sign language you can communicate openly with the use of your hands. Or you can also use gestures to communicate silently with others. Those who do not know sign language, they roll incite with advantage to determine if they understand the message.

Alternate Feature: Artisan's Eye[edit]

Years of skilled work experience has given you an appreciation for the subtle complexities of everyday life. You are a good judge of quality and value when it comes to crafted objects and structures, and are quick to notice the use of specific materials, building styles and techniques. You have innate sense of size and scale, and are able to accurately estimate measurements with just a glance.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Since you are muted or deaf, you have to express your personality in other ways. Or would you perhaps like to keep to yourself?

d8 Personality Trait
1 You often communicate dark and depressing themes.
2 You pretend to speak normally and people lip reading you can understand, however no voice is heard.
3 You over exaggerate your emotions through your face, often making ridiculous faces in the process.
4 You break the fourth wall, looking at the view point or knowing beings controlling your actions.
5 You gesture to people your feelings
6 You are often sarcastic in your true feelings.
7 You avoid getting into social situations and are socially awkward.
8 You often communicate bright and encouraging themes.
d6 Ideal
1 Justice. You will not stand for people mistreating you or people like you. (Lawful)
2 Weirdo. You're just in it for the lols (Chaotic)
3 Angry. You have been through so much, so everyone else can either feel sorry for you or go through the same pain as you. (Evil)
4 Helpful. You want to help as much as you can without talking. (Good)
5 Strong. You've been through so much, but you'll be damned if you let that stop you. (Neutral)
6 Empathetic. You don't want anyone else to go through the pain you did. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 You have heard rumors about a special potion that could give a mute person a voice, and have gone out in search for it.
2 You want to hear all sorts of different voices, accents, languages, etc.
3 You've gone out in search for your place in the world
4 You are trying to find a voice for the silent, for people like you.
5 You feel a deep connection with the people who take the time out of their day to "listen" to you
6 You wish to make your family happy in other ways that don't require talking
d6 Flaw
1 You get all huffy if people don't act as though they are paying attention to what you are trying to say.
2 If you get scared, you can't sign or write properly, thus cutting off your communication to the rest of your team.
3 You are envious of those who have a voice
4 You are scared when you meet a new person, fearing that they will hate you for being mute.
5 If you meet someone who understands sign language, you could lose hours because you are so wrapped up in conversing with them
6 Hearing another persons voice makes you feel as though someone is dragging a knife down your back
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