Troll Battle Tarrasque (5e Optimized Character Build)

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Not exactly an optimized character, this build is an attempt to make an ultimate deadly 'army' from the Monster Manual RAW. The troll battle tarrasque devours cities.

Trolls and Tarrasque
The troll battle tarrasque is a tarrasque run by an army of 90 trolls which travel within its belly. Trolls move in 5 units of 18 trolls with the intention of completely surrounding an opponent and all attacking at the same time, 6 directly with a claw claw bite multi-attack, and 12 with reach using bone pikes.
Mimics and Mimic Armor
Each troll is encased in a mimic which is immune to the acid of the tarrasque stomach. The mimics all have maximum hit points because they feed off of the trolls continually, as the trolls regenerate continually. The mimics also provide AC 12 armor for the trolls. The mimics carry stone shields to bump their AC to 14. The mimics do minimum damage to the trolls each round (4 points) which the trolls regenerate continually. The mimics dodge continually (by changing their shapes to catch weapons). So all attacks on the trolls are at disadvantage, and do damage to the mimics if they hit (a DM might rule that piercing damage damages the trolls rather than the mimics). Since the trolls have an AC of 15, a roll of two 14s only hits the mimic. The mimics retreat upon taking 3/4 of their hit points in damage.
There are also 10 slaads, two of each type also covered with mimic armor, and they also have the same regeneration feeding interaction with their mimics.
  • The mimics provide air tubes to the outside so that the trolls and slaads can continue to breathe.
  • The slaads occasionally shape change to visit a city that the troll battle tarrasque is going to devour to do reconnaissance, and convey intelligence in real time back to the battle tarrasque using the flumphs and nothics.
On the legs of the tarrasque are riding 12 nothics, 2 on each of the front legs, and 4 on each of the back legs. They manage battlefield awareness by controlling the flumphs and keeping allthe other creatures informed of what is going on within one mile.
On the upper perimiter and underside of the tarrasque are 25 ropers.
Rust Monsters
The tarrasque is infested with 50 rust monsters sort of like flees.
On the upper side of the tarrasque are 8 salamanders living one on each of the horns of the tarrasque. The tarrasque is immune to fire. The salamanders also light the way for the troll battle tarrasque at night.
Liche Castle
There is a small stone castle built on the tarrasque's back in which lives a liche with 4 to 6 yuan-ti minions. There is one lich ruling the castle. The lich is not actually in charge of the battle tarrasque, just there to give some added firepower. Sometimes the lich has its phylactery inside the tarrasque's stomach.
Battlefield awareness and survey within one mile is carried out using 300 flumphs. The flumphs also provide the ability to send and receive thoughts throughout the members of the troll battle tarrasque forces.
Tarrasque is wearing the most protective model of Heavy Armor available at the market. By default, it's Plate Armor. It also has Shields attached, 1 to each limb. Tarrasque has various weaponry attached to it's claws, horns, tail, and jaws - essentially, it "wields" one-handed simple (martial needs training) weapons upscaled to Gargantuan size (Handaxes, Spears, Maces) - those weapons deal 8 times more dice of damage than Medium sized weapons of that type (e.g. Handaxes, Spears, Maces - 8d6 base damage). For example, 1 Spear-like weapon at each horn, 1 Handaxe/Mace like weapon at each claw and at tail, 1 Handaxe-equivalent jaw blades (5 weapons total). For extra power, equipment can be magically enchanted.

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