Triple Critfish-Smiter (5e Optimized Character Build)
Updated build for Smite a lot!
Custom Lineage: If your DM allows you to pick Custom Lineage and call yourself an elf or half-elf, thus qualifing you to get Elven Accuracy, go for it, and you get a free feat at level 1! Well, if he doesn't, just go:
Hal-Elf (Drow Variant): Access to Elven Accuracy and some cool spells.
Paladin 1-2 : Divine Smite: check
Hexblade Bladelock 3-7: Attack with Charisma, Hexblade curse for attack with 19-20 crit range, Devils Sight/Darkness combo, extra attack from invocation and Eldritch Smite: check
College of Whispers 8-14: Psychic Blades (Bard Smite) and Greater Invisibilty: check
Champion Fighter 15-17 (Optional): If you want that crit range aways up and Action Surge
College of Whishpers 14?17 - X: More smite chances
Polearm Master: Attack as a bonus action!
Elven Accuracy: +1 CHA and with 19-20 crit range and advantage up, you will be critting 27.1% of the time, doubling all your smite dice!
Great Weapon Master: So much damage!
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