Triatia Ringbinder (Pathfinder Feat)

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Triatia Ringbinder [Academia]

You can have multiple arcane bonded rings.
Prerequisite: Craft (jewelry) 1 rank, must have a ring as an arcane bond, must be able to prepare 1st-level arcane spells.
Benefit: You were trained at the Triatia, an institute legendary for its prowess in creating rings of power. As one of the school’s ringbinders, you focus your personal magic through an array of magical rings.

You can have multiple rings as arcane bonds, to a maximum number equal to your Intelligence modifier. Each ring can be used once per day to cast a spell in your spellbook. Acquiring a ring arcane bond after the first requires a ring with which to bond and a special ritual that costs 200 gp per wizard level. Each time you gain a wizard level, you must pay an additional 200 gp for each bonded ring after the first to maintain it as an arcane bond.

As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, you can select two of your worn bonded rings to occupy your ring magic item slots.
Special: This feat can only be taken at 1st level.

Original Source Pathways 69: Schools and Academies

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