Transmutation Subschools (Pathfinder Alternate Class Feature)
Animation Subschool[edit]
Class: Any class with the Transmutation arcane school.
Replaces: The following school powers replace the school powers of Physical Enhancement, Telekinetic Fist, and Change Shape.
'Enhance Construct (Su): You can imbue a +1 bonus to Strength and Dexterity to any one construct under your control as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This bonus increases by +1 for every five wizard levels you possess (Maximum of +5 at 20th level). This bonus can be revoked at any time as a free action.
'Superior Construction (Sp): You gain a construction pool with a number of construction points equal to your Intelligence modifier +3 per day. These may be used to enhance one or more animated objects you create as desired. These points may not be assigned to objects that were subject to additional construction points granted from magic items, feats, etc.
'Enlarge Construction (Sp): At 8th level you can increase the size of one or more constructs under your control for a total number of minutes per day equal to your caster level. It is a standard action to enlarge a single construct that must be within 10 feet of you and the time of the effect must be segmented by minutes with a minimum of one minute per construct. Initiating this ability does provoke attacks of opportunity. Constructs may only be increased to a Colossal size category.
Source Advancing with Class: Wizard from The Knotty-Works
Dragon Subschool[edit]
Class: Any class with the Transmutation arcane school.
Replaces: The following school powers replace the telekinetic fist and change shape powers of the transmutation school.
Frightening Ray (Su): As a standard action, you can make a ranged touch attack that causes a creature within 30 ft. to become shaken for 1 round plus 1 round every 5 wizard levels. If a creature is already shaken, it becomes frightened for 1 round if it has fewer Hit Dice than your wizard level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Draconic Enhancement (Su): At 8th level, you gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your natural armor and resist 5 against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity or fire). The energy type cannot be changed once selected. At 12th level, the enhancement bonus to natural armor becomes +2. At 16th level, the enhancement bonus to natural armor becomes +4 and the energy resistance becomes 10.
Dragon Spells
- Cantrips—kobold’s fury, puff of smoke
- 1st—aspect of the four winds, kobold’s fury, deceitful presence, natural horror, protection from lesser dragons, veil companion, wingspan
- 2nd—converse with drake, fortified hoard, intoxicating scent, lizardbane, tame drake, greater veil companion, vicious spikes
- 3rd—blinding scales, fire claws, heavy chains, phantom dragon, sea of fire, thunderbolt
- 4th—burrowing boost, coin swarm, drake form I, earth shield, elemental boost, elemental line attunement, elemental vengeance, fiery blood, find treasure, gecko’s grip, mighty gale, sacrificial waves, treasure disk
- 5th—claws of the earth dragon, dragonskin, drake form II, elemental conversion, geyser of the dragon turtle, liquefaction, shed the elements, steal breath weapon, summon venomous swarm, terrifying gaze
- 6th—drake form III, fiery sandstorm, jeweled bolt
- 7th—drake form IV, greater to lesser, red dragonfly swarm, riding the thunder
- 8th— reverse scry, wyvern’s sting
- 9th—breath of Veles, ocean’s army, wyrmfold
Source Deep Magic from Kobold Press
Greed Subschool[edit]
Some wizards study the school of transmutation less because of an interest in transformative magic, and more because of the school’s metaphysical connection with the sin of greed.
Class: Any class with the Transmutation arcane school.
Replaces: The following school powers replace all of the normal powers of the transmutation school.
'Lead into Gold (Su): As a standard action, you can touch an object made of lead, and transmute it into gold. Treat this as an instantaneous transmutation effect with a caster level equal to your wizard level. You can use this ability at will, but can create only so much wealth each day. The total difference in market value between the lead objects you transmute and the gold objects they become on any given day cannot exceed 10 gp per class level. If transmuting an entire touched object would exceed this limit, only part of the object is transformed, but further progress can be made on subsequent days. At 20th level, the limit on how much wealth you can create increases to 500 gp per wizard level.
'Telekinetic Theft (Su): As a standard action, you can attempt to use telekinesis to perform a disarm or steal combat maneuver against a single creature within 30 feet. For this combat maneuver, use your Intelligence in place of your Strength score. On a success, the item is whisked telekinetically into your hand (or lands at your feet, if you do not have a free hand). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
'Enhance Item (Su): At 8th level, once per day, by performing a one-minute ritual, you can imbue a single mundane item with temporary magical abilities. This ability can grant enhancement bonuses to weapons, armor, and shields, and can replicate the effects of wondrous items. The item to be affected must be of a form appropriate for the magical effect. The GM is the final arbiter of what items can receive what effects, but generally speaking, the effects of magic items that occupy a particular magic item slot should be limited to being placed on objects that will also occupy that slot, and the effect should make sense with the item. Only magic item effects that are continuous or can be used at will can be applied in this way: those with limitations on how often they can be used, which have limited charges, or which are consumed after one use, cannot be applied. Further, the market price of the magical effect or magic item to be replicated must be no greater than 1,000 gp per wizard level. Once the ritual is complete, the effect lasts for 1 minute per wizard level. If the market price was less than half the maximum amount, the effect lasts for 10 minutes per wizard level, instead.
Source Weekly Wonders: Archetypes of Sin III (Greed) from Necromancers of the Northwest
Ooze Subschool[edit]
Class: Any class with the Transmutation arcane school.
Replaces: The following powers replace the physical enhancement, telekinetic fist, and change shape abilities of the transmutation school.
'Ooze Mind (Su): You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against mind- affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). This bonus increases by +1 for every five wizard levels you possess to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. This bonus stacks with other such bonuses.
'Ooze Touch (Sp): Your arm transforms into a slimy pseudopod (as a swift action), allowing you an immediate melee touch attack on any target within your standard reach +5ft. The attack does 1d4 hp acid damage +1 for every two wizard levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier.
'Ooze Form (Sp): At 8th level, you can change your shape for a number of rounds equal to your wizard level. These rounds need not be consecutive. This ability otherwise functions like ooze shape I. You can also move through and among all creatures with the ooze subtype without suffering any harm. At 12th level, ooze form functions like ooze shape II.
Source Deep Magic from Kobold Press
Ossiver Subschool[edit]
This school focuses on transforming your visage into that of a bone devil.
Class: Any class with the Transmutation arcane school.
Replaces: These powers replace the telekinetic fist and change shape powers of the transmutation school.
'Poison Touch (Su) You may afflict a target with a dose of bone devil poison with a melee touch attack (or any natural attack you possess).
- Bone devil poison (Ex) touch—contact or injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Constitution modifier; frequency 1/ round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Str damage; cure 1 save.
At 5th level, the poison damage increases to 1d2 Str. At 7th level, your poison requires 2 successful saves to cure. At 11th level, your poison damage increases to 1d4 Str. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
'Bone Growths (Ex) At 8th level, you can grow bone-like protrusions and sprout bone wings from your back. You gain a +3 natural armor bonus for every 3 class levels and a fly speed of 60 ft. (good). At 12th level, you gain a sting primary natural attack with a 10-foot reach that deals 2d4 points of damage. Activating this ability is a standard action. You gain these benefits for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard level. These rounds need not be consecutive.
Source Wayfinder 11
Telekinesis Subschool[edit]
Class: Any class with the Transmutation arcane school.
Replaces: The following school power replaces the physical enhancement and change shape powers of the transmutation school.
'Telekinetic Locomotion (Sp): As a swift action, you telekinetically propel yourself forward, improving your ability to run and jump. You gain a bonus to your base movement speed equal to 5 feet per point of Intelligence bonus you possess. Additionally, you gain a bonus to all Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, and Swim checks equal to 1/2 your wizard level. These bonuses last for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
'Animate Object (Sp): At 8th level, you can instill motion in an object with a touch, animating it and allowing it to perform simple instructions you mentally provide to it. As a standard action, you can animate a Medium object, and for every two levels beyond 8th, the maximum size category of objects you can animate increases by one.
'Additionally, you can instill the object with up to 2 constructions points worth of abilities. This number increases at the rate of one per 2 wizard levels you possess. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard level. You can animate multiple objects at a time, but doing so costs 1 round per object animated (so four objects would use of 4 rounds worth of animation each round.).
Source Advanced Arcana I from Necromancers of the Northwest
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