Tome of Flaws: Descriptions of Addictions, Flaws and Phobias W (3.5e Sourcebook)

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Weak Point (Flaw)

Prerequisite: Must not be immune to non-lethal damage.

Description: Ow!!! That was my favorite eye!

Effect: Whenever you are dealt precision damage, you take an extra 50% of that precision damage in non-lethal damage. If you are subject to a confirmed critical hit you become Staggered for 1 round.

Weak Stomach (Flaw)

Description: You simply cannot hold food and drink down, resulting in a frail, often malnourished character.

Effect: Any time you eat or drink anything, including potions, you must succeed Fortitude Save (DC 15) or be forced to vomit, losing all beneficial effects of the consumed item; you become nauseated for 1d4 rounds, even if the save is successful. Furthermore, you have a −2 penalty to all Fortitude Saves, as a result of your troubles.

Weak Will (Flaw)

Description: You are highly suggestible and easily duped.

Effect: You take a –3 penalty on Will Saves.

Weakened Power (Flaw)

Description: Your lifeblood is greatly weakened.

Effect: You take a -2 penalty on fortitude, reflex and Will Saves.

Weathered Wound (Flaw)

Description: The worse the weather gets, the more you hurt.

Effect: In addition to the environmental effects, skill check penalties, and ranged attack penalties of different forms of weather, you suffer special penalties to Armour Class and your Attack Bonuses. During Abnormal weather, you suffer a -1 penalty to AC and ATK. During Inclement weather, you suffer a -2 penalty to AC and a -1 penalty to ATK. During Stormy weather, you suffer a -3 penalty to AC, and a -2 penalty to ATK. During Powerful Storms, you suffer a -5 penalty to AC, and a -3 penalty to ATK.

These effects take place even when you are sheltered from the elements inside of a standing structure, or underground.

What'd You Say? (Flaw)

Description: You are prone to mishearing things.

Effect: Whenever you are told something, there is a 50% chance you will not understand what was said. If you roll 20% or lower, not only do you misunderstand what was said, but you actually interpret it as its opposite (if possible).

Wild Magic (Flaw)

Prerequisite: Must possess the ability to cast spells, spell-like abilities or supernatural ability.

Description: Your magic is wild and unpredictable, it hard to control and tend to fail miserably.

Effect: You have 10% arcane spell failure, affecting spells, spell-like ability and even supernatural ability this arcane spell failure chance stack with other source of arcane spell failure but cannot be negated by effect that lower arcane spell failure. Whenever you fail to cast a spell, spell-like ability or supernatural ability because of arcane spell failure your magic has strange and untended results, roll on the Wild Magic Effect Table below.

Special: You can cast a spell ignoring the effect of this flaw by lengthening the casting as a greater channeling.

Roll: Effect

1: You become Dazed for 1 round.

2: You fall under the effect of curse of qwop for 5 rounds (no save).

3: You fall under the effect of possessed hand for 5 rounds (no save)

4: An obedient light follow you around for 10 minute, constantly lobs insult at you.

5: You immediately catch on fire (no save).

6: You lose a spell slot as if you took a negative level.

7: You fall prone.

8: Fall under the effect of naked invisibility for 5 rounds.

9: You accidentally cast scramble time.

10: You get hit by a bolt of lightning, dealing 1d10 electricity damage.

11: You accidentally cast daze monster on nearest foe with no HD limit.

12: Fall under the effect of invert motion for 5 rounds (no save).

13: Fall under the effect of paranoia haunt for 5 rounds (no save).

14: You become the center of a daylight effect for 5 rounds.

15: The weapon you wield gain the flaming enhancement for 5 round.

16: Fall under the effect of big head mode for 5 rounds (no save).

17: You fall under the effect of fly for 5 rounds.

18: You fall under the effect of Nealen's unbuckling (no save).

19: You accidentally cast time stop, last 1 round.

20: You gain the lightning powered template for 5 rounds.

Wizard's Ware (Substance Addiction)

Description: This green plant is dried and sold in pouches, similar to tobacco. As with tobacco, it is smoked, but unlike tobacco it tends to emit tiny sparks when lit and the exhaled smoke is a pale shade of green. Once lit, it must be smoked for at least one round, and will take two rounds to take effect.

Initial Effect: The character gains 1d4 in Intelligence for two hours.

Secondary Effect: The character loses 1D4 in Dexterity for the two hours.

Side Effects: After the drug wears off, the character has a 1% chance to lose one Dexterity permanently.

Overdose: If the drug is taken more than once in a 24-hour period, they fall into a coma for 1d10 hours.

Delivery: Smoked.

Addiction Rating: Medium.

Price: 10 Gold per dose.

Resistance DC: 10

Alchemy DC: 30

Worst Luck (Flaw)

Description: You have the worst luck of all time, it like you kissed a broken mirror under a ladder with a black cat on top of it.

Effect: You have a Negative Miss Chance of 10%, to say that any effects that miss you has a 10% chance of hitting you anyway. This effect also reduces any miss chance you otherwise get by 10%. The targets of any attacks you make also have any miss chance they have increase by 10% (to a minimum of 10%).

Additionally whenever you fail a skill check it produce the opposite of the desired result, which may not be detrimental to other creatures but always is for you.

Special: If you have this flaw you cannot take any Feat that is based around Luck.

Wounded (Flaw)

Prerequisite: Can be wounded.

Description: You have a permanent wound that cannot heal.

Effect: You suffered a magical wound that does not heal. Roll to determine the number of hit points that the wound takes from you (cannot lower you below one) and were the wound is:

Hit Points Lost

D10: Result

1: 1

2-3: 2

4-5: 3

6-7: 4

8-9: 5

10: 6

Body Part Chart

D10: Body Part

1-2: Head

3: Neck

4: Right Arm

5: Left Arm

6: Waist

7: Left Leg

8: Right Leg

9-10 Chest

Special: If you attempt to heal the wound magically, the wound increases in size and you have to reroll on the Hit Points Lost chart. This affect does not occur during normal healing or magical healing. This only occurs when you are specifically targeting the wound.

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