Tome of Flaws: Descriptions of Addictions, Flaws and Phobias I (3.5e Sourcebook)

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Iatrophobia (Phobia)

Trigger: Clerics, Healers and other heal based characters.

Effect: When encountering beings who have a knack for healing, the character must make a Will Save equal to 10+ their level.

Each round the character is in the presence of their Phobia they must make a Will Save and it is increased by one each round.

If they fail their save, they suffer from the following effects:

The first time they fail their check they become Shaken.

The second time they fail their check, they become Frightened.

The third time they fail their check, they become Panicked.

A character that is no longer in the presence of their Phobia can make a DC check based off their last failed roll to remove the effects of the Phobia. They can only make this roll once every ten minutes.

Ichthyophobia (Phobia)

Trigger: Aquatic creatures.

Effect: When encountering aquatic or aquatic like creatures, the character must make a Will Save equal to 10+ the aquatic creatures combined HD or suffer their Phobia.

Each round the character is in the presence of aquatic or aquatic like creatures they must make a Will Save and it is increased by one each round.

If they fail their save, they suffer from the following effects:

The first time they fail their check they become Shaken.

The second time they fail their check, they become Frightened.

The third time they fail their check, they become Panicked.

A character that is no longer in the presence of aquatic or aquatic like creature can make a DC check based off their last failed roll to remove the effects of the Phobia. They can only make this roll once every ten minutes.

Illumiphobia (Phobia)

Trigger: Light from a magical source.

Effect: When encountering a magical light source, the character must make a Will Save equal to 10+ the casters level in HD or suffer the following effects.

Each round the character is in the presence of their Phobia they must make a Will Save and it is increased by one each round.

If they fail their save, they suffer from the following effects:

The first time they fail their check they become Shaken.

The second time they fail their check, they become Frightened.

The third time they fail their check, they become Panicked.

A character that is no longer in the presence of magical light can make a DC check based off their last failed roll to remove the effects of the Phobia. They can only make this roll once every ten minutes.

Impatient (Flaw)

Description: You find it simply unbearable to wait any longer than necessary.

Effect: You take a -4 penalty to all craft, move silently and hide checks and cannot delay actions. Furthermore, any spells with a casting time greater than instantaneous are cast with a -1 penalty to caster level.

Imperial Marksmanship

Description: Hey, those ARE the rebels you're looking for! Too bad you can't seem to hit them...

Effect: You received your training from an institution that cared more about putting warm bodies in uniforms than on individual competence. Maybe they thought there'd be enough of you all firing that eventually you'd hit something. Or maybe you just decided that "spray and pray" was the ranged philosophy for you.

You incur a 50% miss chance on all ranged attacks. Other effects that create a miss chance stack with the penalty from this flaw, up to a maximum of 90%. This penalty applies even if you possess abilities that would normally let you ignore miss chances, though such abilities may still be applied towards other forms of miss chance – in other words, your miss chance can never drop below 50% regardless of your abilities.

If you possess the ability to re-roll miss chance, you make the second roll at an additional -10% penalty.

Inattentive (Flaw)

Description: You are particularly unaware of your surroundings.

Effect: You take a –4 penalty on Listen checks and Spot checks.

Incompetent (Flaw)

Description: This person can't be trusted to do anything, save sabotaging the enemy. This character can never get it right. If they ordered soup, he gives them salad.

Effect: You cannot provide a flanking bonus for friendly creatures or take an aid another action. You never gain bonuses to skill checks from skill synergies.

Incomprehensible Foe (Flaw)

Description: You just can't see that duck.

Effect: Roll a common creature type from the Common Creature Chart. These creatures are naturally invisible to sight and sound to you. If you somehow obtain the ability to see or hear invisible, you still can't quite comprehend its form allowing you to see its location with a 50% miss chance.

Incomprehensible Foe Chart
Roll Animal
01-02: Alligator/Crocodile
03-04: Ape
05-06: Baboon
07-08: Badger
09-10: Bat
11-12: Bear
13-14: Bird
15-16: Bison
17-18: Boar
19-20: Camel
21-22: Cat
23-24: Cheetah
25-26: Cow
27-28: Coyote
29-30: Deer
31-32: Dog
33-34: Donkey
35-36: Eagle
37-38: Elephant
39-40: Fish
41-42: Fox
43-44: Hawk
45-46: Horse
47-48: Hyena
49-50: Leopard
51-52: Lion
53-54: Lizard
55-56: Mandrill
57-58: Mongoose
59-60: Monkey
61-62: Mouse/Rat
63-64: Mule/Pony
65-66: Opossum
67-68: Owl
69-70: Porpoise
71-72: Rabbit
73-74: Raven
75-76: Rhinoceros
77-78: Shark
79-80: Sheep
81-82: Snail
83-84: Snake
85-86: Squirrel
87-88: Tiger
89-90: Toad
91-92: Turtle
93-94: Warthog
95-96: Weasel
97-98: Wolf
99-100: Wolverine

Informal Training (Flaw)

Description: Though you learned the basics of fighting, you lack the skill and flexibility to apply your techniques properly in battle. When faced with a situation you didn't train for, you don't know what to do.

Effect: Whenever you are subject to an attack with a weapon you are not proficient in (including natural weapons), you are considered flat-footed and therefore lose any and all dodge bonuses to AC against the attack, including those provided by fighting defensively or total defense.

Special: This flaw overrides uncanny dodge.

Insane (Flaw)

Prerequisite: Int of 10+.

Description: You’re insane.

Effect: You easily become irrational. When you enter into stressful situations, roll a Will Save with a DC of 10+your current level. If you fail the Will Save, determine what you do on the table below:

01-10: Attack the nearest person with your fists for the next two rounds. If you have a melee weapon equipped, you attack them with theat. You are unable to use Feats or Skills for the next two rounds.

11-20: Act normally.

21-50: Do nothing but babble incoherently for the next round.

51-70: Run in random directions, screaming like a madman.

71-100: Attack nearest creature (for this purpose a familiar counts as part of the subject’s self).

Special: Being insane has its perks too; you are immune to mind reading spells and effects.

In addition, you gain +1 to your Intimidate and similar skills.

Insomnia (Flaw)

Prerequisite: Must need to sleep.

Description: You can't sleep, and it is not pleasant.

Effect: Whenever you attempt to rest, there is a 50% chance that your insomnia will Fatigue you (Even if you're immune to fatigue or exhaustion) and prevent you from sleeping for the next 24 hours. Sleep spells affect you as normal, but you do not gain any of the benefits of rest while in magically induced sleep.

Note: Insomnia can also be induced by a Bestow Curse spell; characters that gain Insomnia this way do not gain a bonus feat.

Into the Darkness (Flaw)

Description: You have an ancient curse which will cause your inevitable doom when not standing in the light, all source of magical light seem to shun you and reality itself is hostile to you in the dark.

Effect: You lose 1 hit point per character level each hour you stand in shadowy illumination, this increase to once each minute in total darkness. You cannot be healed, either mundane or magical unless standing in bright illumination. In total darkness everything become very unreal for you, all terrain become difficult terrain and all creatures you attack have unreality against your attacks and abilities. If you die in darkness your body vanish, leaving only you equipment in it wake.

Special: All shadowy illumination count as 3rd level magical darkness for the purpose of dispelling any magical light centered on you or any item you carry, in total darkness this increase to 9th. This does not affect mundane source of light.

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