Tome of Flaws: Descriptions of Addictions, Flaws and Phobias H (3.5e Sourcebook)
Haemophilia (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Must have a Constitution score
Description: Your blood does not form clots normally.
Effect: When you are dying, you only have a 1% change of becoming stable. In addition, you cannot restore Constitution damage naturally.
Haemophobia (Phobia)
Trigger: Blood.
Effect: You may assume that critical hits on warm-bloodied creatures draw blood.
When a character is interacting with their Phobia effects they must roll a Will Saved with a DC of 10+their level.
Each round the character is in the presence of Phobia (animals, spells, natural effects and the like) they must make a Will Save and it is increased by one each round.
If they fail their save, they suffer from the following effects:
The first time they fail their check they become Shaken.
The second time they fail their check, they become Frightened.
The third time they fail their check, they become Panicked.
A character that is no longer in the presence of their Phobia can make a DC check based off their last failed roll to remove the effects of the Phobia. They can only make this roll once every ten minutes.
Hagiophobia (Phobia)
Trigger: Holy symbols.
Effect: When encountering a holy symbol, the character must make a Will Save equal to 10+ the level of the holy symbols maker or suffer the following effects.
Each round the character is in the presence of a holy symbol they must make a Will Save and it is increased by one each round.
If they fail their save, they suffer from the following effects:
The first time they fail their check they become Shaken.
The second time they fail their check, they become Frightened.
The third time they fail their check, they become Panicked.
A character that is no longer in the presence of a holy symbol can make a DC check based off their last failed roll to remove the effects of the Phobia. They can only make this roll once every ten minutes.
Hakka (Substance Addiction)
Description: This derived from a cactus located in most deserts. The flowers are ground to a paste and dried. The drug is usually smoked with a pipe. It causes the character to feel relaxed and reduces their ability to concentrate. The effects of the drug lasts 1d4 hours per dose.
Initial Effect: Relaxes the character and causes paranoid feelings.
Secondary Effect: Reduces their perception and intelligence based rols by -2.
Side Effects: When the effect ends, the character has a craving to eat.
Overdose: Reduces their perception and intelligence based rolls by -2 per dose taken within a 24-hour period.
Delivery: Smoked.
Addiction Rating: Low.
Price: 1 Copper per dose.
Resistance DC: 10
Alchemy DC: 5
Half-Blood Outcast (flaw)
Prerequisite: Any race that mixed blood with a human. Half-elf, halforc etc.
Description: You despise your nonhuman side.
Effect: -2 on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks when within line of sight with a full blooded creature of your nonhuman side.
Halfling Herb (Substance Addiction)
Description: This herbs grown on the base of small hills is extremely common. Once lit, it must be smoked for at least one round, and will take two rounds to activate.
Initial Effect: The character is buzzed and feels relaxed. This effect lasts for one hour.
Secondary Effect: The character under the effects of Halfling Herb has a -2 to all Skill Checks and Intelligence Checks.
Side Effects: Character is thirsty and desires to drink.
Overdose: None.
Delivery: Smoked.
Addiction Rating: Low
Price: 1 Copper per dose.
Resistance DC: 10
Alchemy DC: 5
Hampered Decision Maker (Flaw)
Description: You trust your gut over any puny logic or reasonable choices; your instinct rules you, and that's what makes you terrible.
Effect: You make terrible decisions, all the time, whether in combat or out. Whenever you fail a skill check, you produce the opposite of the desired outcome, such as diplomacy making a creature more unfriendly or a knowledge check producing false, harmful information. This outcome can never be positive; it is always to your detriment. In combat, your terrible decision-making skill often results in poor tactical decisions; you roll miss chances due to concealment twice, taking the worse result.
Special: You may only select a [fighter] bonus feat when taking this flaw, because that's a terrible choice.
Haphephobia (Phobia)
Trigger: Touched harmlessly with a natural appendage, such as a hand or tentacle. You are also Shaken if you touch another creature.
Effect: You fear being touched by natural appendages that are not humanoid. You also fear touching non humanoid creatures.
Each round the character is in the being touched by an appendage that is not human, they must make a Will Save and it is increased by one each round.
If they fail their save, they suffer from the following effects:
The first time they fail their check they become Shaken.
The second time they fail their check, they become Frightened.
The third time they fail their check, they become Panicked.
A character that is no longer in the being touched by an appendage that is not human can make a DC check based off their last failed roll to remove the effects of the Phobia. They can only make this roll once every ten minutes.
Haunted (Flaw)
Description: Boo!
Effect: You are constantly followed by an incorporeal spirit that cannot be exorcised, turned or otherwise attacked. It always hovers within 10' of you, moving through solid objects and teleporting if required.
• It glows in the dark whenever you want to hide. It emits a dim light to a 5 foot radius and you take a -2 penalty to Hide checks.
• It moans whenever you want to be quiet. You take a -2 penalty to Move Silently checks.
• It corrupts your food when you try to eat. You become sickened for 1 hour after every meal.
• It disturbs your dreams. You are fatigued for 1 hour after you wake from sleep.
• It scares animals. You take a -2 penalty to Handle Animal and Ride checks.
Haunted! (Flaw)
Description: You're haunted by a spooky force, and it keeps messing with your gear.
Effect: Objects seem to shuffle around in the corner of your eye, and you keep hearing voices and seeing things. You're haunted! Items take one action longer to draw (Free to Swift, Swift to Move, Move to Standard, Standard to Full Round, Full Round to 1 Round, and so forth). You can't draw a weapon as part of a move action if you have BAB +1, it has to be its own move action.
The distracting voices and images also provoke a -2 penalty on Spot and Listen checks.
Haunting Flashbacks (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Intelligence 3+
Description: You're occasionally met with flashbacks that hinder your ability to function normally.
Effect: "She stood, wavering and muttering about a field of sunflowers she once visited in her childhood as the arrows rained down upon us."
A character with haunting flashbacks, from time to time, encounters something that perplexes their senses as if overwhelmed by memories or a sensation of déja vu. At the start of every encounter (right after rolling for Initiative), there is a 25% chance that they notice something that triggers a recollection to a vague, hazy, lost or stolen memory. If this happens, they takes a –2 morale penalty on ability DCs, attacks, saves, skill checks and ability checks for 1 round and thereafter takes a –1 morale penalty until they snap out of it by concentrating as a full-round action.
Headache Prone (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Must not be immune to pain.
Description: You tend to have those really annoying headaches.
Effect: You have a constant headache, it can be suppressed as normal but come back within 1d4 minutes. Whenever you would get an headache you get a migraine instead.
Hemeralopia (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Must not be a race that already has light sensitivity, and must not have the daylight adaptation feat.
Description: You cannot see in bright light. Effect: You are dazzled in areas of bright light, such as within bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Herpetophobia (Phobia)
Trigger: Reptilian animals such as lizards and snakes.
Effect: When encountering reptile or reptile like creatures, the character must make a Will Save equal to 10+ the reptiles combined HD or suffer the following effects.
Each round the character is in the presence of reptile or reptile like creature they must make a Will Save and it is increased by one each round.
If they fail their save, they suffer from the following effects:
The first time they fail their check they become Shaken.
The second time they fail their check, they become Frightened.
The third time they fail their check, they become Panicked.
A character that is no longer in the presence of a reptile or reptile like creature can make a DC check based off their last failed roll to remove the effects of the Phobia. They can only make this roll once every ten minutes.
High Metabolism (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Must be a race that requires eating regularly.
Description: You burn calories at a greater rate than average, though you gain no additional weight from such consumption.
Effect: You require twice the amount of daily food for a creature of your size (2 pounds for a Medium creature) and begin to feel the effects of starvation in half the time a normal creature would (1.5 days).
High Pressure Blood (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Must have blood.
Description: Every time you take damage from piercing or slashing weapons, you gain 1 point of bleed out. Effect: Every time you take damage from piercing or slashing weapons, you gain 1 point of bleed out. This stacks with any bleed out being done by the attack itself.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (Phobia)
Trigger: You suffer from a fear of big/long words
Effect: When faced with speaking a long word (six or more letters), you must make a Will Save. The longer the word, the more difficult it is say and not suffer the effects. For every letter add +1 to the DC check. If the character fails the check, they are unable to speak for a minute for each letter in the word. When they attempt to speak, they stutter and stammer and are incomprehensible.
Honest (Flaw)
Description: You cannot lie, and are disturbed when others do so.
Effect: You cannot make Bluff checks. Furthermore, any ally within sight of you takes a -5 penalty to Bluff checks.
Honorable Fighter (Flaw)
Description: You fight honorably, to the excess.
Effect: You only fight honorably; you cannot disarm a creature in combat, nor can you attack a prone, unarmed creature (unless you know it can defend itself while unarmed) or a creature who is under a status effect which make it unable to defend itself unless you inflicted that condition upon it yourself in combat. Finally you cannot Coup de Grace a helpless creature that you did not previously defeated in combat.
If breach your code of honor you take a -1 penalty to attack and damage roll for 24 hour, multiple breaches of honor are cumulative to a maximum penalty of -5.
Hopeless Flirt (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Be attracted to a gender.
Description: You just can't fight the fairer sex.
Effect: Choose a gender. When fighting a creature of that gender, you take penalties as if you had 2 negative levels (including attack rolls, saves, caster level, and so forth, but not hp or spell slot loss and you can't die from these pseudo-negative levels).
Special: Maybe you have a personal rule about not hitting girls. Maybe you can't help but flirt with everything and everyone. Yes, even that Ogre Princess... what, she was curvy!
Hot-Blooded (Flaw)
Description: You were raised in the desert and cannot tolerate cold.
Effect: You automatically fail all Fortitude Saves to overcome the effects of low temperatures. Cold-based effects deal an additional 1 point of cold damage to you, per die of damage, if applicable.
Hungry (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Must eat or drink.
Description: Your metabolism is too high, and you get hungry and thirsty all the time.
Effect: You take the following penalties:
• You get hungry and thirsty easier. You begin to dehydrate after a number of hours equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). You begin to starve after 1 day. See Starvation and Thirst for details.
• Food is very distracting. Whenever food is within 60 ft. you are dazzled and must make a Will Save DC 15 + your 1/2 HD, or seek to acquire the food. If you are starving or dehydrated, you may seek to acquire the food by any means required. A successful save makes you immune to the compulsion for 1 hour. You take a -4 penalty on other effects which would compel you to eat or drink, such as suggestion.
• Your fast metabolism renders you easily fatigued. You take a -4 penalty on saves against fatigue and exhaustion.
Hunted (Flaw)
Description: You have enemies who will stop at nothing to find you, enemies to whom you are vulnerable.
Effect: When you select this flaw, your DM chooses one race or group common to your campaign. Members of this group have a +2 competence bonus to Gather Information, Spot, Listen and Sense Motive checks made to locate or identify you; and to attack rolls made against you.
Hypochondria (Flaw)
Description: You believe, rightly or wrongly (mostly wrongly), that your body is playing host to hordes of diabolical diseases.
Effect: At the beginning of each day, roll d100. You take ability damage according to the disease the die indicates (and any other relevant effects) as if you had failed the initial save allowed against the disease. This ability damage does not progress (there is no need to make further saves), and it cannot be healed by effects which normally restore ability score damage.
D100 | Disease |
1-8: | Blinding Sickness |
9-16: | Cackle Fever |
17-25: | Cascade Flu |
26-34: | Cerebral Parasites |
35-42: | Demon Fever |
43-51: | Devil Chills |
52-59: | Filth Fever |
60-68: | Mindfire |
69-76: | Mummy Rot |
77-84: | Red Ache |
85-92: | Shakes |
93-100: | Slimy Doom |
Whenever your character has to make a Fortitude Save, regardless of the success of failure of the save, roll d100. This new result displaces the old one, removing the effects of whatever disease the character believed they were carrying and replacing it with new damage, unless the same disease comes up, in which case the character takes damage as if the disease had progressed. Similarly, at the beginning of each day the d100 roll can either signal the presence of a new disease or the 'progression' of a pre-existing one.
A character's ability scores may not be reduced to zero as a result of this flaw. The character also gains a +2 insight bonus on Heal checks.
Hypochondriasis (Phobia)
Trigger: You are constantly worried of becoming sick and every bodily function is heavily scrutinized.
Effect: At the beginning of each day, roll d100. You take ability damage according to the disease the die indicates (and any other relevant effects) as if you had failed the initial save allowed against the disease. This ability damage does not progress (there is no need to make further saves), and it cannot be healed by effects which normally restore ability score damage.
D100: | Disease |
1-8: | Blinding Sickness |
9-16: | Cackle Fever |
17-25: | Cascade Flu |
26-34: | Cerebral Parasites |
35-42: | Demon Fever |
43-51: | Devil Chills |
52-59: | Filth Fever |
60-68: | Mindfire |
69-76: | Mummy Rot |
77-84: | Red Ache |
85-92: | Shakes |
93-100: | Slimy Doom |
Whenever your character has to make a Fortitude Save, regardless of the success of failure of the save, roll d100. This new result displaces the old one, removing the effects of whatever disease the character believed they were carrying and replacing it with new damage, unless the same disease comes up, in which case the character takes damage as if the disease had progressed. Similarly, at the beginning of each day the d100 roll can either signal the presence of a new disease or the 'progression' of a pre-existing one.
A character's ability scores may not be reduced to zero as a result of this flaw.
The character also gains a +2 insight bonus on Heal checks.
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