Tome of Flaws: Descriptions of Addictions, Flaws and Phobias F (3.5e Sourcebook)

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Fajah (Substance Addiction)

Description: Powdered boned of a mummy is normally sprinkled onto a bleeding, self- inflicted wound. Then the wound is sealed either with magical healing or tightly wound bandages.

Initial Effect: 1 point of ability score damage to all ability scores.

Secondary Effect: The character gains a +2 alchemical bonus to all ability scores for 1d2 hours.

Side Effects: For the first minute of application, the user feels intense pain. During the time that the secondary effect is in effect, the user is immune to pain (including the effects of spells such as symbol of pain). The character takes damage as normal, but may not react normally to that damage.

Overdose: Those who take this drug more than once in 24 hours must make a separate save (Fort DC 25 negates) or over the next 1d4 hours they lose 1/2 their levels (rounded down). The character is in terrible pain during the overdose.

Delivery: Through a wound.

Addiction Rating: Extreme.

Price: 5 Silver per dose.

Resistance DC: 20

Alchemy DC: 25

Family Curse (Flaw)

Description: Someone in your family did something to earn the vengeful curse that has been placed on you all.

Effect: The character suffers -2 penalty on all skill checks.

Special: This curse is not applied specifically to a single character or an item on the character's person, and therefore cannot be removed by remove curse.

Far-Sighted (Flaw)

Prerequisite: Must be able to see.

Description: You have poor vision 10 feet and closer.

Effect: Your Spot checks, melee attacks and other close visual checks are at a -1 per three levels of your character 10 feet closer.

In addition, your ability to read is hampered and takes you twice as long to read any item. If you do not make a Will Save with a DC of 10 +1 per level, you read the material wrong.

Fearless (Flaw)

Description: Your courage and overconfidence are extreme to the point of foolhardiness.

Effect: You cannot use the fighting defensively, withdraw, casting defensively or total defense actions.

Feeble (Flaw)

Description: You are unathletic and uncoordinated.

Effect: You take a –2 penalty on Strength-, Dexterity-, and Constitution-based ability checks and skill checks.

Flammable (Flaw)

Description: Stay away from flames.

Effect: You are very flammable. You always catch fire when exposed to 1 or more points of fire damage. The flames burn particularly bright with you as fuel, and fire damage from being caught on fire ignores fire resistance. You also have damage susceptibility (fire) equal to your HD.

Special: If you ever become permanently immune to fire, you lose the benefits of this feat.

Flat Feet (Flaw)

Description: You can be a little slow on the pickup, taking a moment longer than most people to find your feet.

Effect: You never act during a surprise round, and at the start of combat you remain flatfooted for one round longer than you normally would (minimum of one round), even if you would not normally be flatfooted.

Floor is Lava (Flaw)

Prerequisite: Must not have a hover or fly speed.

Description: The floor is lava, don't touch it!

Effect: The floor is lava (for you). This illusory lava does affect you. If you spend more than 3 rounds on non-elevated ground compared to ground level, at the beginning of the 3rd round you take 1d6 nonlethal damage a round. If you go unconscious, you begin to take lethal damage instead. Beds, chairs, and pogo sticks all count as elevation. Even the ground on higher floors in a building are lava, but as long as you are suspended above the ground at least 3 inches, you will be fine.

You can gain temporary hover and fly speeds, but cannot have a permanent fly speed that cannot be dispelled.

Somehow real lava isn't as bad for you. It only deals 1d6 damage on contact (10d6 submerged) and deals nonlethal before it deals any lethal damage.

Special: Perhaps it is a wizard's curse. Perhaps it is a childhood game that has gone on too long. But you simply must not be on the ground at any time.

Fool (flaw)

Prerequisite: Bardic Music

Description: Your excessively light-hearted nature grates on your companions. Effect: You lose inspire courage, inspire competence, inspire greatness and inspire heroics Bardic music abilities.

Frail (Flaw)

Prerequisite: You must have a Constitution of 4 or higher to take this flaw.

Description: You are thin and weak of frame. Effect: Effect: Subtract 1 from the number of hit points you gain at each level. This flaw can reduce the number of hit points you gain to 0 (but not below).

Fragile (Flaw)

Description: You are frail and susceptible to attacks.

Effect: You gain 1 less hit point per hit dice (to a minimum of 1). Additionally any attacks that dealt damage made against you deal 1 additional point of damage after immunities, reduction and resistance are calculated.

Fragile Feelings (Flaw)

Prerequisite: Must be able to suffer from Daunt

Description: Your feelings are so easily hurt, like extremely easily.

Effect: Whenever someone says something mean to you or about you, be it a comment, an insult, or a goad (no matter how minor or childish), you take a single daunt level. This Daunt level overlaps with itself and does not stack on multiple insults; additionally, it does not cause you to lose your will to fight. If the comment, insult, etc. is particularly offensive or effective against the character, you instead take two daunt levels with the same limitations as above.

Fragile Lifeforce (Flaw)

Prerequisite: Cannot be undead or a construct.

Description: Negative energy hurts you really, really badly.

Effect: Whenever you would be subjected to a negative energy effect, the effects are doubled. For instance, you take double damage from negative energy attacks, take twice as many negative levels from an energy drain attack, and suffer doubled penalties from a negative energy area (such as the area of a desecrate spell). In addition, you suffer the effects of anti-natural auras (such as a barrow-wight's nature rejection) as though you were a fey or animal. You suffer a −2 penalty to saves against negative energy effects; this penalty is increased to −4 if the effect can't be made any stronger than it already is, such as a [Death] effect.

If you find yourself on the Negative Energy Plane or another negative-energy-dominant area for any reason, you must immediately make a Fortitude Save, DC 30, or die; on a success, you take 10d6 damage and 2d6 Constitution damage (this damage is not doubled by this flaw, nor do you take a penalty to the save from this flaw). This save must be repeated once per hour. You must also make this save against instant death if you make contact with a creature whose body contains massive amounts of negative energy, such as a nightshade or Yveltal.

Special: If you are immune to negative energy, both that immunity and the usual effect of this flaw are negated (basically, the immunity and vulnerability cancel each other out).

Friendly Fire (Flaw)

Description: When an ally is in range of your attacks, be careful or you're apt to hit them by accident.

Effect: When an ally is in range of your attack, you must take a -4 penalty to attack rolls or otherwise face a 50% chance of hitting your ally instead of your intended target. Precise Shot does not apply to this, as it is a separate penalty.

Spells and effects which are area effect or targeted, you have a 50% chance of targeting allies instead of enemies in the area (or vice versa) when applicable unless you take a -4 penalty on caster level.

Special: You probably limit yourself to melee to keep your allies out of range of your attacks. Familiars and animal companions are considered to be part of you.

Frozen Reflexes (Flaw)

Description: Like a deer in the headlights, you fail to move out of the way of obvious danger.

Effect: Whenever you fail a Reflex Save for half damage, you take 50% more damage than usual. On a successful save, you take normal damage. This ability is a sort of anti-evasion; if you obtain evasion, you now take normal damage on a failed save and half damage on a successful save. If you gain improved evasion, you now take normal damage on a failed save and no damage on a successful save.

Fumble Master (Flaw)

Description: If Jerry Lewis was a D&D character you would put him to shame with your antics.

Effect: You have an increased chance to fumble. You add 1 to any chances for a fumble. If attacking with a weapon that can only fumble on a 1, you can now fumble when a one or two is rolled.

Additionally, when rolling for action based skills, you can fumble on a roll of 1.

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