Tome of Flaws: Descriptions of Addictions, Flaws and Phobias D (3.5e Sourcebook)
Daccan (Substance Addiction)
Description: This pasty substance is dried and kept as a powder or sometimes left as a paste. The ingredients are numerous and difficult to obtain.
Initial Effect: 1d4 points of Strength damage.
Secondary Effect: 1d4+1 enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 1d10-15 minutes.
Side Effects: Those under the effect of Daccan take a -4 circumstance penalty on saving throws involving Strength Checks for 2d4 hours after using this mild hallucinogen.
Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 24-hour period, the user immediately takes 2d6 points of damage and the side effect is doubled.
Delivery: Snorted (powder) or Eaten (paste).
Addiction Rating: High
Price: 1 Gold per dose.
Resistance DC: 18
Alchemy DC: 22
Damage Magnet (Flaw)
Description: You attract damage.
Effect: You have an empathic connection to the world, to your bane. Any damage done within your reach deals half the damage to you. The damage is untyped. This does mean that melee combat is a dangerous thing for you, as you would take half the damage you are dealing.
Special: You gain a +2 bonus to Handle Animal, Sense Motive, and Wild Empathy checks because of your empathy in addition to a bonus feat.
Damned (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Must have a soul, spirit, etc.
Description: A being from the lower planes owns your Soul/Spirit when you die.
Effect: When your character dies, they cannot be resurrected or reincarnated. Your indebted to a being from the lower planes from a foolish bargain your took as a child.
Dangerous Allergy (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Must have a Con score.
Description: You are dangerously allergic to a common substance.
Effect: Roll a common substance on the Allergy Chart. If you come in contact with said substance it acts like a deadly poison, DC 15 + HD, 1d6 Con/1d6 Con. It bypasses immunity to poison and immunity to ability damage. Even coming into secondary contact, such as only a light dusting of pollen or food which has nut residue, has a dangerous effect. For ingested items, unless food or drink is specifically prepared as such there is usually a 15% chance that any ingested item invokes secondary contact. The DC for these diluted allergens is 10 + HD, and 1d3 Con/1d3 Con.
d8: | Allergy |
1: | Milk |
2: | Eggs |
3: | Peanuts |
4: | Tree nuts, like walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, brazil nuts, and pecans |
5: | Soy |
6: | Wheat and other grains with gluten, including barley, rye, and oats |
7: | Fish |
8: | Shellfish |
Dastardly Nature (Flaw)
Description: You're the Starscream of the group.
Effect: Whenever an ally of yours is in trouble and needs your help, you must make a Will Save (DC 15 + 1/2 HD) or refuse to help, often gloating on how you will take over the ally's position. Your untrustworthy nature gives you a −2 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information. Plus, your allies don't trust you, so there's that. Why do they keep you around?
Deaf (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Your race must have functional ears or equivalent organs.
Description: You cannot hear.
Effect: You are considered to be permanently deafened.
Special: You cannot cure your deafness, through any mundane or magical means except by casting a limited wish, miracle or wish spell, which thereafter removes this flaw.
Deep Scar (Flaw)
Description: You have suffered a deep wound somewhere on your body that prohibits you from partaking in greatly strenuous activities.
Effect: Whenever the character fails a strength check by 4 or more, they aggravate the old wound and is Shaken for 1d4 rounds. Furthermore, they take a -2 penalty to all fortitude and Reflex Saves.
Demanding Circadian Clock (Flaw)
Prerequisite: Must require sleep.
Description: Its night, time to sleep. No matter what.
Effect: There are two versions of this flaw: time based, and light based. Roll a D6 to determine which Flaw the character suffers from:
1-3: Lighting Based: Whenever you are rendered blinded, you start becoming sleepy. Once per round you must make Fortitude Save, DC 15 + 1/2 HD, or become fatigued until you are no longer blind. If you fail a second save while fatigued from this flaw, you are rendered exhausted. If you are exhausted, you are rendered semiconscious. If you are semiconscious, you then fall asleep unconscious and helpless. When you are no longer blind, each round you revert to the previous status by one step (unconscious to semiconscious to exhausted to fatigued to normal).
4-6: Time Based: Whenever if becomes night time, you start becoming sleepy. Once per hour you must make a Fortitude Save, DC 15 + 1/2 HD, or become fatigued until it is no longer night time. If you fail a second save while fatigued from this flaw, you are rendered exhausted. If you are exhausted, you are rendered semiconscious. If you are semiconscious, you then fall asleep unconscious and helpless. When it is no longer night time, each round you revert to the previous status by one step (unconscious to semiconscious to exhausted to fatigued to normal).
Demiphobia (Phobia)
Trigger: Demihumans
Effect: When encountering demi-humans, the character must make a Will Save equal to 10+ their level.
Each round the character is in the presence of their Phobia they must make a Will Save and it is increased by one each round.
If they fail their save, they suffer from the following effects:
The first time they fail their check they become Shaken.
The second time they fail their check, they become Frightened.
The third time they fail their check, they become Panicked.
A character that is no longer in the presence of their Phobia can make a DC check based off their last failed roll to remove the effects of the Phobia. They can only make this roll once every ten minutes.
Demophobia (Phobia)
Trigger: Twelve or more humanoids.
Effect: When encountering a large crowd the character must make a Will Save equal to 10+ the number of humanoids in the group.
If they do not leave the large crowd, every ten minutes they must make an additional roll with an increase at +1 per 10 minutes they are in the crowd.
If they fail their save, they suffer from the following effects:
The first time they fail their check they become Shaken.
The second time they fail their check, they become Frightened.
The third time they fail their check, they become Panicked.
A character that is no longer in a large can make a DC check based off their last failed roll to remove the effects of the Phobia. They can only make this roll once every ten minutes.
Desperation (Flaw)
Description: Your morale is easy to break, and in situations of struggles, you often find yourself in great desperation.
Effect: Whenever you are under half of your hit points, you fall under the effect of crushing despair. If you fall below one-third of your hit points, you also become staggered.
Special: The effects of this flaw bypass immunity to staggered and mind-affecting effects.
Ditzy (Flaw)
Description: You demonstrate a measure of airheadedness that can make even saints lose patience.
Effect: You take a -4 penalty to all Concentration, Disguise, Gather Information, Knowledge, Listen, Spot and Search checks.
Dyslexia (Flaw)
Prerequisite: You must be literate.
Description: Although you learned to read and write, reading can be difficult, and writing is commonly misspelled. This has affected you throughout your life.
Effect: You take a -4 penalty on all Decipher Script, Forgery, Knowledge, Spellcraft (Copying Spells) and Use Magic Device (Scrolls) checks. Classes that use a spellbook take twice as long to prepare spells. Learning a new language via the speak language skill requires double the amount of skill points invested.
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