Time Traveller, Variant (5e Background)

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Time travler[edit]

Art by : Trolldog

Time is a fickle thing... And you knew the risks didn't you? How did this happen, Some crazy scientist threw you back in time? You found or made a machine to alter time itself? You died but came back in a timeline you don't know? What purpose do you have in this timeline as well, Do you want to avenge somebody? Stop a tragedy? Did you have no choice? What about the future, What is it like in your original time? How did your society come about?

Whatever the answers are to all these questions, You know one thing now... Your not in your original time-line. So you better be careful.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Arcana

Tool Proficiencies: Land vehicles, Weaver’s tools and 1 more Artisan tool of your choice.

Languages: Common and 1 Exotic language to represent the future.

Equipment: A trinket that only comes from the future, A bell, Inquisitive's Goggles and a pouch containing 5 GP.


The purpose that brought you here... Why did you come back in time?

d6 Reason
1 My future will be ruined if I don't stop something in the past.
2 I didn't have a choice, I was sent here by force.
3 The future isn't bright, The past has better living conditions.
4 I was wronged by somebody in the future, So I am seeking revenge by removing them in the time-line.
5 I am the last of my kind, I am here to keep my kind alive.
6 I am just exploring the past, Nothing too serious going on.

Feature: Butterfly effect[edit]

You gotta be careful with what you do here, The butterfly effect can cause something terrible to happen. You can temporally look back at the future to see what an action may do in the future

Alternate Feature: Skip button[edit]

People in the past talk too much for your liking, You can temporally skip forward in time just a little bit to skip what they are saying... careful though as you might miss out important information.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

d8 Personality Trait
1 The past is confusing to me, It may take me a minute or two to adjust correctly...
2 I feel as everything is taking too long, I don't have enough time!
3 I'm just as confused as the locals around here, I don't have a clue why I'm here.
4 I regret going here, the past is horrible... But I can't go back.
5 I have certain things that I do that is normal for my time but weird for the locals.
6 I feel like meeting past me, It'll be so cool to remember meeting myself!
7 This is amazing, I finally got time travel down! I feel so good for myself because of this.
8 The past is so much better then the future, I'm ready to make a name for myself here.
d6 Ideal
1 Home I gotta return back to my time-line soon. (Any)
2 Legacy The future will remember me one way or another (Chaotic)
3 Control I know what happens in the past, I can weave the thread of everyone (Evil)
4 Justice I must make right of something that has or might happen that is wrong (Neutral)
5 Heroism I must fix the people of my time-line by doing something here (Good)
6 Responsibility I know that I have to be careful, Entire time-lines are at stake because of me. (Lawful)
d6 Bond
1 My people I care for are safe, I know they are.
2 I exist in this time-line, I wonder what will happen if we meet.
3 The one that I look up for inspiration is alive in this time-line, I must meet them.
4 This trinket shall keep me going, Even in the darkest times.
5 My greatest enemy isn't even born yet.
6 I am completely on my own now, In this time-line.
d6 Flaw
1 I love tampering with random things, Just to see what will happen in the future.
2 I have no clue what time-line I'm in... I'm just as clueless as a newborn baby.
3 I do not look like I fit here at all, And I never will be able to fit in.
4 I have no clue what the past might throw at me.
5 I know everything about the future but nothing about the past.
6 Because I come from the future, I feel I have to be better then everyone else.
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