Time Chamber (3.5e Environment)

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Time Chamber[edit]

The Time Chamber, also known as the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, is a unique and isolated dimension where the flow of time is drastically different from the real world. One day in the real world equals one year inside the Time Chamber, making it an ideal place for intense training and rapid growth.

Plane Traits[edit]

Physical Traits[edit]

  • Gravity: The gravity within the Time Chamber is significantly higher than that of the material plane, increasing the difficulty of movement and exertion. Characters must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw each day or suffer one level of exhaustion.
  • Time: Time flows at a rate of 1 day in the real world to 1 year in the Time Chamber. This grants a significant advantage in terms of training and experience gain. Characters gain 10x the experience points they would normally earn for activities performed within the Time Chamber.
  • Size: The Time Chamber is functionally infinite, with a seemingly endless white void surrounding a central platform and living quarters.
  • Morphic: The environment is static and unchanging, with the ability to remain stable and unaffected by outside influences.
  • Time Limit: The Time Chamber Can Only Be Used 2 Hours A Day If This Rule Is Broken The Entity in said Time Chamber will get forcefully teleported out

Magic, Alignment, and Energy/Elemental Traits[edit]

  • Elemental Dominance: None.
  • Energy Dominance: None.
  • Alignment Trait: None.
  • Magic Trait: Magic functions normally within the Time Chamber, though any effects that measure duration by real-world time (e.g., 24 hours) are adjusted accordingly to the chamber's time flow.

Plane Links[edit]

The Time Chamber can only be accessed through a special portal or gateway, often found in a highly secure or sacred location. The gateway is typically a small, nondescript door that leads directly into the chamber.

Plane Inhabitants[edit]

The Time Chamber is generally uninhabited except for those who enter it for training purposes. Occasionally, the dimension may host spiritual or astral entities that are drawn to the intense training energies.

Movement and Combat[edit]

Movement within the Time Chamber is more strenuous due to the increased gravity. Combat is possible and follows normal rules, but all actions may require additional effort, reflected in increased difficulty checks for physical actions.

Features of the Plane[edit]

The Time Chamber includes: - A central platform with basic living quarters, including beds, food supplies, and training equipment. - An infinite white void that stretches in all directions, providing an uninterrupted space for training and combat exercises. - A climate that remains consistently temperate, preventing environmental distractions.

Plane Encounters[edit]

While typically devoid of encounters, the intense focus of training may occasionally attract astral entities or spirits. Encounters in the Time Chamber are rare and often linked to the intense energies released by the training occupants.

Alternate Variances[edit]

There may be other variations of time chambers in different parts of the multiverse, each with unique traits or challenges. Some may have different gravity levels, environmental hazards, or magical properties that further enhance or complicate training efforts.



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